Difference: InterOpMay2009ResReg (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122009-05-28 - ChristopheArviset

 Jumps: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: VOResource :: VODataService :: RegistryInterface :: RegistryInterface101RFC
Meetings: InterOpOct2008ResReg :: InterOpMay2008ResReg

Registry Sessions at the May 2009 Interoperability Meeting

Moderator: Ray Plante

Plenary 1 (Monday, 11am)

Topic Presenter Materials
Status & Goals Ray Plante PPT, PDF

Minutes provided by AurelienStebe (thanks!) with actions add by RayPlante


  • Document conventions and tips for searchable registries
    • no spaces around identifier element value
    • common advanced queries
  • issue update to ADQL XML schema to remove STC dependence
  • put into place search interface validater

Reg 1: Standards Status and Planning (Monday, 16.00)

Topic Presenter Materials
Status and Intro to Discussion RayPlante PPT, PDF

Reg 2: Extension Schemas: VODataService and VOStandard (Tuesday 14.00)

Topic Presenter Materials
VOStandard, VODataService RayPlante PPT, PDF

Reg 3: Curation Practices and Tools (Thursday, 11.00)

Topic Presenter Materials
Intro: Review of FM-19A (15m) C. Arviset  
Intro: Review of FM-19A (15m) C. Arviset PDF
SIA curation tools (15m) D. Schade PPT
ESAVO Curation tools (15m) A. Stebe  
NVO Registry Curation, Service validaters (10m) R. Plante PPT, PDF
NVO Service Monitoring (15m) T. McGlynn PDF
Discussion (20m)    


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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1243500677" name="InterOpMay08RWGSession3.ppt" path="InterOpMay08RWGSession3.ppt" size="138752" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1243503233" name="20090528-Arviset-RegistryCurationTools.pdf" path="20090528-Arviset-RegistryCurationTools.pdf" size="91121" user="ChristopheArviset" version="1.1"
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