Difference: InterOpMay2009VOTable (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112012-06-26 - root


VOTable Session

Thursday 28 May, 14:00-15:30 (amphitheatre)

Despite of the announcement that the Baltimore session in October 2008 would be the last one of the VOTable group, there are a few pending issues before the final REC of VOTable1.2 (draft)
Despite of the announcement that the Baltimore session in October 2008 would be the last one of the VOTable group, there are a few pending issues before the final REC of VOTable1.2 (draft)

Provisional Agenda

  • Short presentations (max. 10' each)
  • Last adjustments of VOTable1.2
    • new attribute for extended datatype
    • recommended mime type(s)
    • STC connection
    • Any other problem / question concerning VOTable1.2
  • The future of VOTable WG

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1243507598" name="VOTable-09May.pdf" path="VOTable-09May.pdf" size="243308" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1243513532" name="VOTable1.2InAladin.pdf" path="VOTable1.2InAladin.pdf" size="193147" user="PierreFernique" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1243582181" name="RWagner_VOTable_20090528.pdf" path="RWagner_VOTable_20090528.pdf" size="138160" user="RickWagner" version="1.1"
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