Difference: InterOpMay2010Applications (14 vs. 15)

Revision 152010-04-28 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the May 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpMay2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

<-- -->
Sorted ascending
Title Time Location
Applications 1: Web-based Applications Monday 16:00 Spirit
Roy Williams Astronomical Events with SkyAlert    
Ivan Zolotukhin Web-based SAMP aware catalog publication  
Brice Gassman, Sebastien Derriere, Thomas Boch CDS Annotations Service  
Carlos Rodrigo SVO developments with VOSA and Astroseismology    
Riccardo Smareglia & Omar Laurino VODKA - A Data Discovery Agent for the VO.
Dean Hinshaw Rendering VOTables using XSLT and JavaScript    
Andy Lawrence Ravioli : a web app for exploring the VO    
Applications 2: Local Applications Tuesday 11:00 Spirit
Mike Fitzpatrick VOTables and SAMP  
Thomas Boch SAMP4IDL    
Stephen Doe Sherpa: A General Modeling and Fitting Application    
Bruce Berriman A General Purpose Scaleable Periodogram Tool    
Chenzou Cui FITS Manager, a desktop manager for FITS files    
Mark Taylor SAMP and MTYPE updates and discussion    
Applications 3: Looking Outside the Astronomy Box Tuesday 16:00 Spirit
Matthew Graham Smart applications in Biology    
All Discussion    


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