Difference: InterOpMay2010DCP (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92012-06-26 - root

Agenda, Data Curation and Preservation Interest Group, joint session with Grid and Web Services Working Group

May 2010 Interop, Victoria

  • Supporting research results: creating, linking, preserving (Arnold Rots)
  • Approaches to efficient and cost-effective data management
    • Data compression (Rob Seaman)
    • Remote storage (Matthew Graham)
    • Associated protocols for discovery and access (Mike Fitzpatrick)
  • The role of VO projects in data preservation (discussion)

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274306934" name="DCP2010-05-19ahr.pdf" path="DCP2010-05-19ahr.pdf" size="178470" user="ArnoldRots" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation on data compression techniques" date="1274308492" name="DCP_fpack_100519.pptx" path="DCP_fpack_100519.pptx" size="3877784" user="RobSeaman" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274310318" name="DCP-fitz-Victoria.ppt" path="DCP-fitz-Victoria.ppt" size="403968" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274314986" name="Victoria-GWSRemoteStorage.pdf" path="Victoria-GWSRemoteStorage.pdf" size="1128443" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274383328" name="Victoria-May2010-Cloud-AS.pdf" path="Victoria-May2010-Cloud-AS.pdf" size="229115" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
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