Difference: InterOpMay2010Reg (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62010-05-17 - RayPlante

Jumps: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: VOResource :: VODataService :: RegistryInterface
Meetings: InterOpMay2010 :: InterOpNov2009Reg :: InterOpMay2009ResReg :: InterOpOct2008ResReg

Registry Sessions at the May 2010 Interoperability Meeting

Moderator: Ray Plante


Plenary 1 (Monday, 9:40am)


Plenary 1 (Monday, 2:00pm)


Topic Presenter Materials
Registry WG Status RayPlante  

Session 1: VOResource Extensions: VOStandard, RegSimpleDAL (Tuesday, 2pm)


Topic Presenter Duration Materials
Status on Current Efforts: VOStandard and RegSimpleDAL RayPlante    
Discussion: Future Standards Efforts      

Discussion Topic: Future Standards Efforts

With modest but persistent effort, we can easily complete the two pending standards in the next six months. Where should we go from here? Here are some thoughts from past IVOA discussions:

  • VOApplications, an extension for registering tools, applications and software libraries, has been on our roadmap; however, last fall we concluded that motivation for registering applications was not very strong. Thus, this standard has been tabled for now. Has our outlook changed since then?
  • The constraint-based search interface is less than desirable. Can we do something better?
  • Standard for search results in VOTable format
  • We would like to recognize and endorse Astronomical Visualization Metadata (AVM) as a standard.

We also have real need to put effort into operational kinds of activities (the theme for Thursday). Given limited person-power, how important are the potential new standards, compared to curation, validation of our current assets?


Session 2: Registry Curation and Usage (Thursday, 4pm)


Topic Presenter Duration Materials
Accessing the Registry From TOPCAT Mark Taylor 20 mins  


Plenary 2 (Friday, 9am)

Topic Presenter Materials
Registry WG Report RayPlante  

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