Difference: InterOpMay2010Val (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132012-06-26 - root

 Jumps: IvoaResReg :: RofR :: SIA Validater :: ConeSearch Validater
Meetings: InterOpMay2010 :: InterOpNov2009Reg :: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Special Sessions on Validation and Verification at the May 2010 Interoperability Meeting

Session 1: Operations and Applications (Tuesday, 9am)

Draft Agenda:

  • Review: (15 min)
    • Ray: I could review discussions from fall (10 min)
    • Discussion Question: (5 min)
      1. Are past recommenations still relevent?
  • Operational Health: (45 min)
    • Tom: Update on service monitoring. (10-15 min)
    • Discussion (20-30 min)
  • Application development: (30 min)
    • (Mark Taylor, ...)
    • Discussion Questions: (20 min)
      1. Which issues of reliability/compliance give the greatest challenge to developers
      2. How can we ease these challenges?

Topic Presenter Duration Materials
Review of Past Discussions RayPlante 10m PDF
VAO Monitoring: an update TomMcGlynn 15m  


Session 2: Curation and Compliance (Thursday, 2pm)

Draft Agenda:

  • Registry Curation (45 min)
    • Ray: short summary of some past practices and recommendations (5 min)
    • Discuss Questions:
      1. What practices should projects invest in?
      2. What coordination is necessary?

  • Standards Compliance (45 min)
    • one or more short presentations on these topics:
      • status of validators? There hasn't been a lot of activity since fall; is there much to say here? (Ray could review where things are.)
      • service toolkits: Michel, Tody, Dowler, Arviset
    • Discuss Questions:
      1. Should we strengthen the role of validation in the standard process? If so, how?
      2. Where should projects invest? Toolkits? Documentation?

Topic Presenter Duration Materials
Applications Perspective MarkTaylor 15m PDF
Registry Curation + Discussion RayPlante 30m PDF; see also RegistryGuide, ServiceValidation
Validaters: an Update RayPlante 5m  
Toolkits: DALToolkit ChristopheArviset 5m PDF
Toolkits: CADC Pat Dowler 5m (see also his DAL presentation)
Toolkits: Saada LaurentMichel 5m Saada.pdf
Toolkits: DALServer DougTody 5m DALServer Framework


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274197956" name="IVOAMay10VV1-Review.pdf" path="IVOAMay10VV1-Review.pdf" size="182907" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274206987" name="validationIssues.pdf" path="validationIssues.pdf" size="1015075" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="v+v from apps perspective" date="1274198838" name="vv.pdf" path="vv.pdf" size="336949" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Saada keynotes" date="1274375666" name="Saada.pdf" path="Saada.pdf" size="1916294" user="LaurentMichel" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274388757" name="IVOAMay10VV2-CurationVal.pdf" path="IVOAMay10VV2-CurationVal.pdf" size="148668" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274393345" name="20100520-DALToolkit_Osuna_VictoriaInterop.pdf" path="20100520-DALToolkit_Osuna_VictoriaInterop.pdf" size="334533" user="ChristopheArviset" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="DALServer Framework" date="1274421687" name="dalserver.pdf" path="dalserver.pdf" size="87655" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
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