Difference: InterOpMay2011Splinter (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82011-05-17 - AnaPalacios

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Splinter meetings and hack-a-thon

Sessions slots

  • Wednesday May 18 16:30-18:00 in various rooms in the conference centre
  • Thursday May 19 16:30-18:00 outside venues (e.g. cafés) as the conference centre will be closed

Ideas and requests listed here

  • STC-S Support
    • Goal: Develop a BNF (or equivalent) that can be used to develop software that can parse and write STC-S descriptions of regions
    • Comment: The STC Java library is on the schedule for Year 1 of the VAO at CfA. This will include STC-S parsing. Delivery date may be negotiable. I can show prototype GUI. -- ArnoldRots - 17 May 2011

  • Photometry data modeling: 16:30 Room ??
    • how can we identify the various use-cases covered by the different proposed DMs : PhotDM, SpectrumDM-v1.2, SED DM
    • how can we go from simple spectrum to avanced data product like uniform SED?( SED DM)
    • how can we identify the various types of serialisations these DM are producing
    • tools to consume these various types of products
Participants: D.Tody, M.Allen, J.Salgado, M.Louys, Jonathan via video conf facility ????, _Please add your name if you wish _
  • A usecase for (synthetic) stellar spectra within the VO
    • Goal: Derive a first estimate of the rotation velocity of a star

  • A usecase for (synthetic) stellar spectra within the VO (Wednesday afternoon, time and place TBD)
    • Goal: Fit an observed spectrum with a synthetic spectrum to extract information on rotation
Participants: A. Palacios, M. Sanguillon, P. Maeght, _Please add your name if you wish _
  • Full spectrum fitting UWS demo (Wednesday afternoon, time and place TBD)
    • Extended version of the demo from the DM3 session by IgorChilingarian and the follow-up discussion on the scientific usage of UWS (workflows, automatic interface generation from WADL etc.) Participants: I.Chilingarian, F.Bonnarel Please add your name if you wish to attend
    • Extended version of the demo from the DM3 session by IgorChilingarian and the follow-up discussion on the scientific usage of UWS (workflows, automatic interface generation from WADL etc.) Participants: I.Chilingarian, F.Bonnarel,A. Palacios ,M. Sanguillon, P. Maeght Please add your name if you wish to attend
  • New Accessdata modes and DataLinks within Aladin DAL interfaces (Thursday afternoon, time and place TBD) This demo is related to the DataLink presentation in DAL 3 session * Participants: F.Bonnarel Please add your name if you wish to attend

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