Difference: InterOpMay2011VOandEducation (1 vs. 15)

Revision 152012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school (pdf)
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids (pdf)
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens - ( pdf - video1 - video2 - video3 - video4 - video5 )

A small collection of notes/questions/issues related to this session:


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="EPO Activities from the China-VO" date="1305789043" name="epo_china-vo.pptx" path="epo_china-vo.pptx" size="10851424" user="ChenzhouCui" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 1" date="1305877465" name="IVOA-CDS-video1.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video1.m4v" size="7938703" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 2" date="1305877551" name="IVOA-CDS-video2.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video2.m4v" size="7833070" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 3" date="1305877701" name="IVOA-CDS-video3.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video3.m4v" size="8031390" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 4" date="1305877740" name="IVOA-CDS-video4.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video4.m4v" size="7866080" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Internet tablet example" date="1305877807" name="IVOA-CDS-video5.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video5.m4v" size="7718688" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation" date="1305878690" name="IVOA2011-Naples-CDS-AS.pdf" path="IVOA2011-Naples-CDS-AS.pdf" size="4232149" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Combining virtual and remote observing for kids" date="1305881481" name="iafrate.pdf" path="iafrate.pdf" size="2473871" user="MassimoRamella" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="presentation of MT Fulco and A Mercurio" date="1307375663" name="IVOAInterop2011_mercurio_fulco_talk.pdf" path="IVOAInterop2011_mercurio_fulco_talk.pdf" size="1536432" user="MassimoRamella" version="1.1"

Revision 142011-06-06 - MassimoRamella

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school (pdf)
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids (pdf)
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens - ( pdf - video1 - video2 - video3 - video4 - video5 )

A small collection of notes/questions/issues related to this session:



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="EPO Activities from the China-VO" date="1305789043" name="epo_china-vo.pptx" path="epo_china-vo.pptx" size="10851424" user="ChenzhouCui" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 1" date="1305877465" name="IVOA-CDS-video1.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video1.m4v" size="7938703" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 2" date="1305877551" name="IVOA-CDS-video2.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video2.m4v" size="7833070" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 3" date="1305877701" name="IVOA-CDS-video3.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video3.m4v" size="8031390" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 4" date="1305877740" name="IVOA-CDS-video4.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video4.m4v" size="7866080" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Internet tablet example" date="1305877807" name="IVOA-CDS-video5.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video5.m4v" size="7718688" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation" date="1305878690" name="IVOA2011-Naples-CDS-AS.pdf" path="IVOA2011-Naples-CDS-AS.pdf" size="4232149" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Combining virtual and remote observing for kids" date="1305881481" name="iafrate.pdf" path="iafrate.pdf" size="2473871" user="MassimoRamella" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="presentation of MT Fulco and A Mercurio" date="1307375663" name="IVOAInterop2011_mercurio_fulco_talk.pdf" path="IVOAInterop2011_mercurio_fulco_talk.pdf" size="1536432" user="MassimoRamella" version="1.1"

Revision 132011-05-22 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids (pdf)
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens - ( pdf - video1 - video2 - video3 - video4 - video5 )
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens - ( pdf - video1 - video2 - video3 - video4 - video5 )

A small collection of notes/questions/issues related to this session:



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="EPO Activities from the China-VO" date="1305789043" name="epo_china-vo.pptx" path="epo_china-vo.pptx" size="10851424" user="ChenzhouCui" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 1" date="1305877465" name="IVOA-CDS-video1.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video1.m4v" size="7938703" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 2" date="1305877551" name="IVOA-CDS-video2.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video2.m4v" size="7833070" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 3" date="1305877701" name="IVOA-CDS-video3.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video3.m4v" size="8031390" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 4" date="1305877740" name="IVOA-CDS-video4.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video4.m4v" size="7866080" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Internet tablet example" date="1305877807" name="IVOA-CDS-video5.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video5.m4v" size="7718688" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation" date="1305878690" name="IVOA2011-Naples-CDS-AS.pdf" path="IVOA2011-Naples-CDS-AS.pdf" size="4232149" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Combining virtual and remote observing for kids" date="1305881481" name="iafrate.pdf" path="iafrate.pdf" size="2473871" user="MassimoRamella" version="1.1"

Revision 122011-05-20 - MassimoRamella

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids (pdf)
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens - ( pdf - video1 - video2 - video3 - video4 - video5 )

A small collection of notes/questions/issues related to this session:



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="EPO Activities from the China-VO" date="1305789043" name="epo_china-vo.pptx" path="epo_china-vo.pptx" size="10851424" user="ChenzhouCui" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 1" date="1305877465" name="IVOA-CDS-video1.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video1.m4v" size="7938703" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 2" date="1305877551" name="IVOA-CDS-video2.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video2.m4v" size="7833070" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 3" date="1305877701" name="IVOA-CDS-video3.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video3.m4v" size="8031390" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 4" date="1305877740" name="IVOA-CDS-video4.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video4.m4v" size="7866080" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Internet tablet example" date="1305877807" name="IVOA-CDS-video5.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video5.m4v" size="7718688" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation" date="1305878690" name="IVOA2011-Naples-CDS-AS.pdf" path="IVOA2011-Naples-CDS-AS.pdf" size="4232149" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Combining virtual and remote observing for kids" date="1305881481" name="iafrate.pdf" path="iafrate.pdf" size="2473871" user="MassimoRamella" version="1.1"

Revision 112011-05-20 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens - ( pdf - video1 - video2 - video3 - video4 - video5 )

A small collection of notes/questions/issues related to this session:


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="EPO Activities from the China-VO" date="1305789043" name="epo_china-vo.pptx" path="epo_china-vo.pptx" size="10851424" user="ChenzhouCui" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 1" date="1305877465" name="IVOA-CDS-video1.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video1.m4v" size="7938703" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 2" date="1305877551" name="IVOA-CDS-video2.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video2.m4v" size="7833070" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 3" date="1305877701" name="IVOA-CDS-video3.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video3.m4v" size="8031390" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin multitouch example 4" date="1305877740" name="IVOA-CDS-video4.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video4.m4v" size="7866080" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Internet tablet example" date="1305877807" name="IVOA-CDS-video5.m4v" path="IVOA-CDS-video5.m4v" size="7718688" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation" date="1305878690" name="IVOA2011-Naples-CDS-AS.pdf" path="IVOA2011-Naples-CDS-AS.pdf" size="4232149" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 102011-05-19 - ChenzhouCui

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens

A small collection of notes/questions/issues related to this session:


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="EPO Activities from the China-VO" date="1305789043" name="epo_china-vo.pptx" path="epo_china-vo.pptx" size="10851424" user="ChenzhouCui" version="1.1"

Revision 92011-05-19 - ChenzhouCui

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens

A small collection of notes/questions/issues related to this session:


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="EPO Activities from the China-VO" date="1305789043" name="epo_china-vo.pptx" path="epo_china-vo.pptx" size="10851424" user="ChenzhouCui" version="1.1"

Revision 82011-05-17 - MassimoRamella

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Note this preliminary programme is up for discussion and is liable to change.

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens

A small collection of notes/questions/issues related to this session:



Revision 72011-05-17 - MassimoRamella

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Note this preliminary programme is up for discussion and is liable to change.

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Nicola Vittorio The Italian project: Progetto Lauree Scientifiche
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens

A small collection of notes/questions/issues related to this session:



Revision 62011-05-15 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Note this preliminary programme is up for discussion and is liable to change.

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Nicola Vittorio The Italian project: Progetto Lauree Scientifiche
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaff Outreach VO with a multi-touch screens
André Schaaff Outreach VO with multi-touch screens


Revision 52011-05-12 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Note this preliminary programme is up for discussion and is liable to change.

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Nicola Vittorio The Italian project: Progetto Lauree Scientifiche
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaf Outreach VO with a multi-touch screen
André Schaaff Outreach VO with a multi-touch screens


Revision 42011-05-11 - MassimoRamella

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Note this preliminary programme is up for discussion and is liable to change.

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Nicola Vittorio The Italian project: Progetto Lauree Scientifiche
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaf Outreach VO with a multi-touch screen


Revision 32011-05-11 - MassimoRamella

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Note this preliminary programme is up for discussion and is liable to change.

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Nicola Vittorio The Italian project: Progetto Lauree Scientifiche
TBD Highlights from session I
TBD Open Discussion  
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Yan Xu Highlights from session I
  Open Discussion
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
André Schaaf Outreach VO with a multi-touch screen


Revision 22011-05-10 - MassimoRamella

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Note this preliminary programme is up for discussion and is liable to change.

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Nicola Vittorio The Italian project: Progetto Lauree Scientifiche
TBD Highlights from session I
TBD Open Discussion  
Alyssa Goodman and Pepi Fabbiano WWT Ambassadors Lecture
Alyssa Goodman and Yan Xu The World Wide Telescope Ambassadors Program
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Mixing virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez Discovery of new wide, high-proper motion binaries using VO tools
Giulia Iafrate Combining virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez E&O activities in the Spanish VO. Examples of Pro-Am collaborations
Enrique Solano Marquez Development of a VO archive for amateur astronomers
André Schaaf Outreach VO with a multi-touch screen


Revision 12011-04-29 - SeverinGaudet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

Note this preliminary programme is up for discussion and is liable to change.

Virtual Observatory and Education Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title
Massimo Ramella Introduction
Massimo Ramella VO for teachers and students: making it a lasting resource
George Djorgovski Immersive VR as an Education and Outreach Platform
Chenzhou CUI EPO activities from China-VO
Ajit Kembhavi VO India and education
Brandon Lawton VAO and education
Yan Xu Bridging the Gaps between Astronomy Research and Science Education
Nicola Vittorio The Italian project: Progetto Lauree Scientifiche
TBD Highlights from session I
TBD Open Discussion  
Alyssa Goodman and Pepi Fabbiano WWT Ambassadors Lecture
George Djorgovski Information Technology, Computational Methodology and Reinventing the Academia in the 21st Century
M.T. Fulco and A. Mercurio VO at school
Giulia Iafrate Mixing virtual and remote observing for kids
Enrique Solano Marquez Discovery of new wide, high-proper motion binaries using VO tools
Enrique Solano Marquez Development of a VO archive for amateur astronomers
André Schaaf Outreach VO with a multi-touch screen

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