Difference: InterOpMay2012Carpool (1 vs. 9)

Revision 92012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2012Venue"

Carpooling Options

Are you interested in carpooling from one of the airports to the Interop in Urbana? Are you renting a car and willing to offer someone a ride? If so, please add a row to the appropriate table below.

For driving instructions (as well as a description of other travel options), consult the meeting venue page.

I'm driving and can offer a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
BobHanisch CMI 21 May 21:00 25 May 17:55 hanisch @ stsci.edu
MikeFitzpatrick IND 19 May 13:27 25 May 15:28 fitz @ noao.edu
DeoyaniNandrekar ORD 20 May 14:00 22 May 19:20 deoyani @ pha.jhu.edu
IvanZolotukhin ORD 19 May 19:00 25 May 15:30 ivan.zolotukhin @ obspm.fr

If you are looking for a ride and one of these drivers looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.

I would like a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
Gerard Lemson ORD 19 May 15:05 25 May 20:50 lemson @ mpa-garching.mpg.de
MireilleLouys ORD 19 May 12:30 25 May 17:05   @  

If you are willing to take riders and one of the above looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.

Revision 82012-05-20 - MikeFitzpatrick

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2012Venue"

Carpooling Options

Are you interested in carpooling from one of the airports to the Interop in Urbana? Are you renting a car and willing to offer someone a ride? If so, please add a row to the appropriate table below.

For driving instructions (as well as a description of other travel options), consult the meeting venue page.

I'm driving and can offer a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
BobHanisch CMI 21 May 21:00 25 May 17:55 hanisch @ stsci.edu
MikeFitzpatrick IND 19 May 13:27 25 May 18:15 fitz @ noao.edu
MikeFitzpatrick IND 19 May 13:27 25 May 15:28 fitz @ noao.edu
DeoyaniNandrekar ORD 20 May 14:00 22 May 19:20 deoyani @ pha.jhu.edu
IvanZolotukhin ORD 19 May 19:00 25 May 15:30 ivan.zolotukhin @ obspm.fr

If you are looking for a ride and one of these drivers looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.

I would like a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
Gerard Lemson ORD 19 May 15:05 25 May 20:50 lemson @ mpa-garching.mpg.de
MireilleLouys ORD 19 May 12:30 25 May 17:05   @  

If you are willing to take riders and one of the above looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.


Revision 72012-05-18 - IvanZolotukhin

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2012Venue"

Carpooling Options

Are you interested in carpooling from one of the airports to the Interop in Urbana? Are you renting a car and willing to offer someone a ride? If so, please add a row to the appropriate table below.

For driving instructions (as well as a description of other travel options), consult the meeting venue page.

I'm driving and can offer a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
BobHanisch CMI 21 May 21:00 25 May 17:55 hanisch @ stsci.edu
MikeFitzpatrick IND 19 May 13:27 25 May 18:15 fitz @ noao.edu
DeoyaniNandrekar ORD 20 May 14:00 22 May 19:20 deoyani @ pha.jhu.edu
IvanZolotukhin ORD 19 May 19:00 25 May 15:30 ivan.zolotukhin @ obspm.fr
  If you are looking for a ride and one of these drivers looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.

I would like a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
Gerard Lemson ORD 19 May 15:05 25 May 20:50 lemson @ mpa-garching.mpg.de
MireilleLouys ORD 19 May 12:30 25 May 17:05   @  

If you are willing to take riders and one of the above looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.


Revision 62012-05-14 - DeoyaniNandrekar

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2012Venue"

Carpooling Options

Are you interested in carpooling from one of the airports to the Interop in Urbana? Are you renting a car and willing to offer someone a ride? If so, please add a row to the appropriate table below.

For driving instructions (as well as a description of other travel options), consult the meeting venue page.

I'm driving and can offer a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
BobHanisch CMI 21 May 21:00 25 May 17:55 hanisch @ stsci.edu
MikeFitzpatrick IND 19 May 13:27 25 May 18:15 fitz @ noao.edu
DeoyaniNandrekar ORD 20 May 14:00 22 May 19:20 deoyani @ pha.jhu.edu
 If you are looking for a ride and one of these drivers looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.

I would like a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
Gerard Lemson ORD 19 May 15:05 25 May 20:50 lemson @ mpa-garching.mpg.de
MireilleLouys ORD 19 May 12:30 25 May 17:05   @  

If you are willing to take riders and one of the above looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.


Revision 52012-05-14 - MikeFitzpatrick

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2012Venue"

Carpooling Options

Are you interested in carpooling from one of the airports to the Interop in Urbana? Are you renting a car and willing to offer someone a ride? If so, please add a row to the appropriate table below.

For driving instructions (as well as a description of other travel options), consult the meeting venue page.

I'm driving and can offer a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
BobHanisch CMI 21 May 21:00 25 May 17:55 hanisch @ stsci.edu
MikeFitzpatrick IND 19 May 13:27 25 May 18:15 fitz @ noao.edu
 If you are looking for a ride and one of these drivers looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.

I would like a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
Gerard Lemson ORD 19 May 15:05 25 May 20:50 lemson @ mpa-garching.mpg.de
MireilleLouys ORD 19 May 12:30 25 May 17:05   @  

If you are willing to take riders and one of the above looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.


Revision 42012-05-14 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2012Venue"

Carpooling Options

Are you interested in carpooling from one of the airports to the Interop in Urbana? Are you renting a car and willing to offer someone a ride? If so, please add a row to the appropriate table below.

For driving instructions (as well as a description of other travel options), consult the meeting venue page.

I'm driving and can offer a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
BobHanisch CMI 21 May 21:00 25 May 17:55 hanisch @ stsci.edu
If you are looking for a ride and one of these drivers looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.

I would like a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
Gerard Lemson ORD 19 May 15:05 25 May 20:50 lemson @ mpa-garching.mpg.de
MireilleLouys ORD 19 May 12:30 25 May 17:05   @  
  If you are willing to take riders and one of the above looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.


Revision 32012-05-11 - GerardLemson

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2012Venue"

Carpooling Options

Are you interested in carpooling from one of the airports to the Interop in Urbana? Are you renting a car and willing to offer someone a ride? If so, please add a row to the appropriate table below.

For driving instructions (as well as a description of other travel options), consult the meeting venue page.

I'm driving and can offer a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
BobHanisch CMI 21 May 21:00 25 May 17:55 hanisch @ stsci.edu
If you are looking for a ride and one of these drivers looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.

I would like a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
Gerard Lemson ORD 19 May 15:05 25 May 20:50 lemson @ mpa-garching.mpg.de
  If you are willing to take riders and one of the above looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.


Revision 22012-05-11 - BobHanisch

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2012Venue"

Carpooling Options

Are you interested in carpooling from one of the airports to the Interop in Urbana? Are you renting a car and willing to offer someone a ride? If so, please add a row to the appropriate table below.

For driving instructions (as well as a description of other travel options), consult the meeting venue page.

I'm driving and can offer a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com
BobHanisch CMI 21 May 21:00 25 May 17:55 hanisch @ stsci.edu
 If you are looking for a ride and one of these drivers looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.

I would like a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com

If you are willing to take riders and one of the above looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.


Revision 12012-05-10 - RayPlante

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2012Venue"

Carpooling Options

Are you interested in carpooling from one of the airports to the Interop in Urbana? Are you renting a car and willing to offer someone a ride? If so, please add a row to the appropriate table below.

For driving instructions (as well as a description of other travel options), consult the meeting venue page.

I'm driving and can offer a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com

If you are looking for a ride and one of these drivers looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.

I would like a ride

Name Airport Flight Arrival Flight Departure Email
Joe Sample ORD 19 May 13:30 25 May 17:15 joe @ sample.com

If you are willing to take riders and one of the above looks like a good match to your itinerary, contact that person directly via email.

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