Difference: InterOpMay2013DCP (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122013-05-20 - AlbertoAccomazzi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

Data Curation & Preservation sessions

Data Citation, Identifiers, Open Access Policies

Tuesday, May 14 2013, 16:00–17:30, room 106

We will discuss issues surrounding Data Citation, current discussions within RDA, and issues related to the Open Access mandate in the US and elsehwere.

Useful links:

Time Speaker Title Slides
16:00 Francoise Genova Update on RDA Working Group on Data Citation: Making Data Citable  
16:20 David Schade, CADC DOI minting for CADC datasets  
16:30 Christophe Arviset, ESAC Discussion about the Thomson-Reuters Data Citation Index pdf
16:40 Alberto Accomazzi, ADS Persistent identifiers: the bibcode crisis pdf
16:50 Simon Hodson, JISC (via Norman Gray) Data Management & Preservation in the UK pdf
17:05 Alberto Accomazzi, ADS The White House Open Access mandate: Implications for Astronomy pdf
17:15   AOB

The Unified Astronomy Thesaurus (UAT)

Thursday, May 16 2013, 11-12:30, room 107a

We will have an open discussion on the current effort to create, maintain and curate the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus.

Useful links:

Time Speaker Title Slides
11:00 Rick Hessman The IVOAT pdf
11:15 Alberto Accomazzi, ADS Current state of the Thesaurus pdf
11:30 Franck Le Petit, Obs. Paris Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics pdf
11:45 Norman Gray Challenges & Questions for the community pdf
12:00   Discussion  

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Hodson-MRD-Overview-Norman.pdf" attr="" comment="Jisc Managing Research Data programme" date="1368544679" name="Hodson-MRD-Overview-Norman.pdf" path="Hodson-MRD-Overview-Norman.pdf" size="824413" user="NormanGray" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="BibcodeCrisis.pdf" attr="" comment="Bibliographic Identifiers in Astronomy" date="1368603114" name="BibcodeCrisis.pdf" path="BibcodeCrisis.pdf" size="124225" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="OA_DCP.pdf" attr="" comment="Open Access Mandates: Implications for Astronomy" date="1368603233" name="OA_DCP.pdf" path="OA_DCP.pdf" size="128949" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20130514-DataCitationIndex.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1368603984" name="20130514-DataCitationIndex.pdf" path="20130514-DataCitationIndex.pdf" size="192253" user="ChristopheArviset" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UAT-Update-2013.pdf" attr="" comment="Update on the IVOAT" date="1368717508" name="UAT-Update-2013.pdf" path="UAT-Update-2013.pdf" size="105839" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UAT-Update-2013.pdf" attr="" comment="Update on the IVOAT" date="1369094151" name="UAT-Update-2013.pdf" path="UAT-Update-2013.pdf" size="98569" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="dcp-uat-questions.pdf" attr="" comment="DCP UAT questions" date="1368720005" name="dcp-uat-questions.pdf" path="dcp-uat-questions.pdf" size="39642" user="NormanGray" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_AstroConcept.pdf" attr="" comment="Paris Observatory dictionary" date="1368773409" name="IVOA_AstroConcept.pdf" path="IVOA_AstroConcept.pdf" size="3096004" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="RH_DCP_IVOAT_2013.pdf" attr="" comment="Rick Hessman's presentation on the IVOAT" date="1368775098" name="RH_DCP_IVOAT_2013.pdf" path="RH_DCP_IVOAT_2013.pdf" size="46198" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="1"
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