Difference: InterOpMay2014Edu (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22014-05-02 - MassimoRamellaINAF

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

Education Session -- Madrid 2014

The purpose of this session is to present current activities and plans of VO in the field of outreach and education.

| Topic | Speaker | Time | Slides |

| TBD | Andree Schaff | | |

| TBD | Enrique Solano Marquez | | |

| TBD | Marco Molinaro & Francesco Cepparo | | |

| | | | |
| Discussion | | NN min | |


Education Session -- Madrid 2014

The purpose of this session is to present current activities and plans of VO in the field of outreach and education.

Session Program

Topic Speaker Time Slides
TBD Andree Schaff    
TBD Enrique Solano Marquez    
TBD Marco Molinaro & Francesco Cepparo    

| Discussion | | NN min | |

Revision 12014-05-02 - MassimoRamellaINAF

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

Education Session -- Madrid 2014

The purpose of this session is to present current activities and plans of VO in the field of outreach and education.

| Topic | Speaker | Time | Slides |

| TBD | Andree Schaff | | |

| TBD | Enrique Solano Marquez | | |

| TBD | Marco Molinaro & Francesco Cepparo | | |

| | | | |
| Discussion | | NN min | |

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