Difference: InterOpMay2014NewTechnologies (1 vs. 12)

Revision 122014-05-23 - NormanGray

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about
This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.


There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001

Speaker Title Time Slides
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation ~20m pdf
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB and Spider engine ~20m pdf
Ray Plante, Theresa Dower (and Jonathan Fay in absentia) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift (and 3D printing!) ~20m PPT
Ray Plante, Theresa Dower (and Jonathan Fay in absentia) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift (and 3D printing!) ~20m PPT
... ... ... ...
Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.
Thank you, everyone, for a most interesting and enjoyable session.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WWT.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1400662838" name="WWT.pptx" path="WWT.pptx" size="1226313" user="RayPlante" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Spider-MariaDB.odp" attr="h" comment="" date="1400685177" name="Spider-MariaDB.odp" path="Spider-MariaDB.odp" size="3309006" user="KristinRiebe" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400684955" name="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" path="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" size="1170810" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400697594" name="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" size="3971429" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 112014-05-22 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about
This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.


There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001

Speaker Title Time Slides
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation ~20m pdf
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB and Spider engine ~20m pdf
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB and Spider engine ~20m pdf
Ray Plante, Theresa Dower (and Jonathan Fay in absentia) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift (and 3D printing!) ~20m PPT
... ... ... ...

Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WWT.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1400662838" name="WWT.pptx" path="WWT.pptx" size="1226313" user="RayPlante" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Spider-MariaDB.odp" attr="h" comment="" date="1400685177" name="Spider-MariaDB.odp" path="Spider-MariaDB.odp" size="3309006" user="KristinRiebe" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400684955" name="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" path="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" size="1170810" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400697594" name="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" size="3971429" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 102014-05-21 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about
This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.


There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001

Speaker Title Time Slides
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation ~20m  
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation ~20m pdf
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB and Spider engine ~20m pdf
Ray Plante, Theresa Dower (and Jonathan Fay in absentia) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift (and 3D printing!) ~20m PPT
... ... ... ...

Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WWT.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1400662838" name="WWT.pptx" path="WWT.pptx" size="1226313" user="RayPlante" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Spider-MariaDB.odp" attr="h" comment="" date="1400685177" name="Spider-MariaDB.odp" path="Spider-MariaDB.odp" size="3309006" user="KristinRiebe" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400684955" name="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" path="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" size="1170810" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400697594" name="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" size="3971429" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 92014-05-21 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about
This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.


There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001

Speaker Title Time Slides
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation ~20m  
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB and Spider engine ~20m pdf
Ray Plante, Theresa Dower (and Jonathan Fay in absentia) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift (and 3D printing!) ~20m PPT
... ... ... ...

Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WWT.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1400662838" name="WWT.pptx" path="WWT.pptx" size="1226313" user="RayPlante" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Spider-MariaDB.odp" attr="h" comment="" date="1400685177" name="Spider-MariaDB.odp" path="Spider-MariaDB.odp" size="3309006" user="KristinRiebe" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400684955" name="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" path="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" size="1170810" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400697594" name="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014-NT-Oculus.pdf" size="3971429" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 82014-05-21 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about
This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.


There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001

Speaker Title Time Slides
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation ~20m  
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB and Spider engine ~20m  
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB and Spider engine ~20m pdf
Ray Plante, Theresa Dower (and Jonathan Fay in absentia) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift (and 3D printing!) ~20m PPT
... ... ... ...

Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WWT.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1400662838" name="WWT.pptx" path="WWT.pptx" size="1226313" user="RayPlante" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Spider-MariaDB.odp" attr="h" comment="" date="1400685177" name="Spider-MariaDB.odp" path="Spider-MariaDB.odp" size="3309006" user="KristinRiebe" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400684955" name="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" path="Spider-MariaDB.pdf" size="1170810" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"

Revision 72014-05-21 - RayPlante

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about
This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.


There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001

Speaker Title Time Slides
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation ~20m  
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB and Spider engine ~20m  
Ray Plante, Theresa Dower (and Jonathan Fay in absentia) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift (and 3D printing!) ~20m  
Ray Plante, Theresa Dower (and Jonathan Fay in absentia) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift (and 3D printing!) ~20m PPT
... ... ... ...

Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WWT.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1400662838" name="WWT.pptx" path="WWT.pptx" size="1226313" user="RayPlante" version="1"

Revision 62014-05-16 - NormanGray

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about
This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.


There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001

Speaker Title Time Slides
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation TBC  
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB and Spider engine TBC  
??? (pro Jonathan Fay) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift TBC  
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation ~20m  
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB and Spider engine ~20m  
Ray Plante, Theresa Dower (and Jonathan Fay in absentia) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift (and 3D printing!) ~20m  
... ... ... ...

Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.


Revision 52014-05-16 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about
 This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.



There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001
There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001
Speaker Title Time Slides
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation TBC  
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB TBC  
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB and Spider engine TBC  
??? (pro Jonathan Fay) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift TBC  
... ... ... ...

Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.


Revision 42014-05-15 - NormanGray

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about

This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.


There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001

Speaker Title Time Slides
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation TBC  
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB TBC  
??? (pro Jonathan Fay) WWT HTML5/WebGL Client with Oculus Rift TBC  
... ... ... ...

Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.


Revision 32014-04-28 - NormanGray

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about

This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.


There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001

Speaker Title Time Slides
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation TBC  
KristinRiebe Distributed Data and MariaDB TBC  
... ... ... ...

Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.


Revision 22014-04-18 - NormanGray

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about

This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.


There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001

Speaker Title Time Slides
AndreSchaaff The Oculus Rift and dataset navigation TBC  
... ... ... ...

Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.


Revision 12014-04-17 - NormanGray

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.

This might include:

  • web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
  • language developments (languages for natural parallelism? what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
  • database developments (nosql? biiiig data? performance?)
  • UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
  • ...anything else it would be fun to talk about

This follows on from the successful and entertaining Heidelberg ''New Technologies'' session.

We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).

This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!

Please send your talk proposals direct to me.


There is only one session: Wednesday 21 May, 17:00–18:30, in room D001

Speaker Title Time Slides
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
... ... ... ...

Please send suggestions for talks to Norman Gray.

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