Difference: InterOpMay2016-DAL (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22016-04-26 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Data Access Layer Sessions: May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa

DAL 1: Cube DAL feedback and implementations (Monday May 9: 1400-1530, XX Room)
DAL 1: Cube DAL feedback and implementations (Tuesday May 10: 1600-1730, XX Room)




Markus Demleitner SODA on cubes and large images, with an XSLT-based stand-in client  
Pat Dowler (TAP/SIA)/DataLink/SODA implementation - emphasis on DataLInk and SODA  
DAL 2: TAP/ADQL/DALI (Tuesday May 10: 1400-1530, XX Room)
DAL 2: TAP/ADQL/DALI (Thursday May 12: 900-1030, XX Room)
Pat Dowler DALI-1.1 WD & TAP-1.1 WD report  
Pat Dowler DALI and TAP implementation  
Markus Demleitner Examples endpoints for various services  

Revision 12016-04-26 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Data Access Layer Sessions: May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa

DAL 1: Cube DAL feedback and implementations (Monday May 9: 1400-1530, XX Room)




Markus Demleitner SODA on cubes and large images, with an XSLT-based stand-in client  
Pat Dowler (TAP/SIA)/DataLink/SODA implementation - emphasis on DataLInk and SODA  
DAL 2: TAP/ADQL/DALI (Tuesday May 10: 1400-1530, XX Room)
Pat Dowler DALI-1.1 WD & TAP-1.1 WD report  
Pat Dowler DALI and TAP implementation  
Markus Demleitner Examples endpoints for various services  
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