Difference: InterOpMay2016-Ops (16 vs. 17)

Revision 172016-05-09 - PierreLeSidaner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Operations Interest Groups Sessions: May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa

Operations 1: Operations Review and Validation (Monday May 9: 1400-1530, Aud 1)





Menelaus Pedikeas Current Validation Results from ESA 10m PDF
Pierre Le Sidaner VO Weather Report 10m  
Thomas McGlynn Comparison of exisiting validators for Cone and SIA 7 PDF
Markus Demleitner IVOA ID validation 10  
Kristin Riebe UWS Validation 10 PDF
Thomas Boch MOC Validation 10  
Le Sidaner Testing VOEvent Frameworks 10  
Mark Taylor TAPlint standards coverage 10 PDF

How should we build validators?

Operations 2: VO Implementations and Operations Etiquette (Friday May 13: 0900-1030, Aud 1&2)
Speaker Title Time Materials
Thomas McGlynn New IVOA Validation Page Review 15  
Markus Demleitner VO Protocols Implementations in GAVO 20  
Steve Groom VO Protocols Implemenation at IRSA 20  
General Etiquette of building and using VO protocols TBD  


Speaker Title Materials

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DalValidatorComparison.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462785021" name="DalValidatorComparison.pdf" path="DalValidatorComparison.pdf" size="491933" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="taplint.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462786291" name="taplint.pdf" path="taplint.pdf" size="73109" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="eurovo-service-compliance.pdf" attr="" comment="compliance statistics of services as computed by EuroVO validators" date="1462793389" name="eurovo-service-compliance.pdf" path="eurovo-service-compliance.pdf" size="699390" user="MenelaosPerdikeas" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Registry-Anomalies-Report.html" attr="" comment="" date="1462787719" name="Registry-Anomalies-Report.html" path="Registry-Anomalies-Report.html" size="41888" user="MenelaosPerdikeas" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="harvests-ma-unused.html" attr="" comment="" date="1462787754" name="harvests-ma-unused.html" path="harvests-ma-unused.html" size="28685" user="MenelaosPerdikeas" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="harvests-ma-wrong.html" attr="" comment="" date="1462787780" name="harvests-ma-wrong.html" path="harvests-ma-wrong.html" size="26024" user="MenelaosPerdikeas" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="uws-validation.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk about uws validation" date="1462793700" name="uws-validation.pdf" path="uws-validation.pdf" size="518454" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="savalle_lesidaner_registry_weather.pdf" attr="" comment="weather" date="1462795024" name="savalle_lesidaner_registry_weather.pdf" path="savalle_lesidaner_registry_weather.pdf" size="506919" user="PierreLeSidaner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="lesidaner_interop_cap_voevent.pdf" attr="" comment="voevent implementation" date="1462795268" name="lesidaner_interop_cap_voevent.pdf" path="lesidaner_interop_cap_voevent.pdf" size="1705785" user="PierreLeSidaner" version="1"
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