Difference: InterOpMay2016-Reg (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32016-05-04 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Registry Working Group Sessions: May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa

Registry 1: Registry Development (Monday May 9: 1600-1730, room TBA)
Registry 1: Registry Development (Monday May 9: 1600-1730, Auditorium 2)
Speaker Title Time Materials
Theresa Dower Registry Interfaces 1.1 16:00  
Pierre Le Sidaner Registry Requirements from EPN-TAP 16:20  
Janet Evans Status of the RofR 16:40  
Markus Demleitner SimpleDALRegExt 1.1 16:50  
Markus Demleitner Managing managedAuthorities 17:00  
Menlaus Perdikeas RegTAP at ESAVO 17:10  
Registry 2: VOResource (Thursday May 12: 1600-1730, room TBA)
Registry 2: VOResource (Thursday May 12: 1600-1645, Auditorium 1)
Speaker Title Time Materials
Everyone/Markus VOResource 1.1 >60 minutes  

While we may have some overflow from Registry 1 into Registry 2, we're planning to devote the latter to a throrough discussion of VOResource development. For a list of proposed topics see draft notes.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="draft-notes.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462202509" name="draft-notes.pdf" path="draft-notes.pdf" size="212685" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
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