Difference: InterOpMay2018CSP (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32018-05-30 - BrunoMerin

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2018"

CSP session on astropy-IVOA synergies v1.0 - 24/05/2018

Time Speaker Title
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
Duration Materials
10:00 Tom Donaldson (STScI) Community Engagement via Python 12'+3'  
09:30 Erik Tollerund (STScI) Introduction to astropy and how to contribute code to astropy/astroquery 25'+5'  
09:00 Tom Robitaille (STScI) TBC 25'+5'  
10:15   Open discussion about possible synergies 15'  
10:15 All Open discussion about possible synergies 15'  
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