name="InterOpMay2018" |
Grid and Web Services Working Group Sessions: May 2018, Victoria
GWS I (Tuesday May 29, 14:00-15:30, Spirit CD) Topic: Storage and A&A
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Material |
Brian Major |
Introduction |
1' |
Patrick Dowler |
Cavern: A file-based VOSpace implementation |
12' + 3' |
pdf |
Giuliano Taffoni |
VOSpace and storage at OATS/INAF |
12' + 3' |
pdf |
Gerard Lemson |
Data model for sharing in SciServer |
12' + 3' |
pdf |
Sara Bertocco |
Standard authorization based on groups and group membership |
12' + 3' |
pdf |
< < |
Carlo Maria Zwölf |
Authentication and Authorization in the Research Data Alliance |
15' + 5' |
pdf |
Carlo Maria Zwölf |
Transparent Authentication on TAP, UWS at Paris Observatory/VAMDC |
8' + 2' |
pdf |
> > |
Carlo Maria Zwölf |
Authentication and Authorization in the Research Data Alliance |
15' + 5' |
pdf |
Carlo Maria Zwölf |
Transparent Authentication on TAP, UWS at Paris Observatory/VAMDC |
8' + 2' |
pdf |
All |
A&A discussion |
time permitting |
GWS II (Thursday, May 31 11:00-12:30, Spirit AB) Topic: Science Platforms
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Material |
Brian Major |
Introduction |
1' |
André Schaaff |
Feedback about last experiments: HiPS and AWS, X-Match & Spark |
12' + 2' |
pdf |
Tom Donaldson |
JupyterHub on Amazon Web Services |
10' + 2' |
pdf |
Gregory Dubois-Felsmann |
LSST Science Platform Architecture |
6' + 2' |
pdf |
Kenny Lo |
Approach for Implementing LSST (DAX) Web Services |
12' + 2' |
pdf |
Gerard Lemson |
The SciServer Science Platform |
10' + 2' |
pdf |
Brian Major |
Offering containers as a service: an ALMA use case and prototype |
12' + 2' |
pdf |
Andy Lawrence |
Notebooks for the VO - hope or hype? |
12' + 2' |
pdf |
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All |
Science Platform discussion |
time permitting |
> > |
All |
Science Platform discussion |
time permitting |
--> |
> > |
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