Difference: InterOpMay2019KDIG (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52019-05-14 - KaiLarsPolsterer

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2019"

KDIG Session

Monday May 13 - Salle Danjon - 17:00 - 18:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 3'  
Petr Skoda deep learning methods on LAMOST DR2 20' + 6' pdf
Antonio D'Isanto Is VO ready for machine learning? 20' + 6' pdf
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? 35'


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Skoda-KDD.pdf" attr="" comment="Active learning in LAMOST DR2" date="1557751310" name="Skoda-KDD.pdf" path="Skoda-KDD.pdf" size="1843690" user="PetrSkoda" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_meeting_may2019.pdf" attr="" comment="Antonio D'Isanto" date="1557758241" name="ivoa_meeting_may2019.pdf" path="ivoa_meeting_may2019.pdf" size="9271150" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_meeting_may2019.pdf" attr="" comment="Antonio D'Isanto" date="1557827966" name="ivoa_meeting_may2019.pdf" path="ivoa_meeting_may2019.pdf" size="7950593" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="2"
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