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Time Domain Interest Group Schedule - IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting

Schedule Summary
Session Date and time UTC Title Speaker
Apps Tuesday 20:30 Status of MOCs in the IVOA A. Nebot & S. Derriere
Radio IG Tuesday 22:00 Fast Radio Bursts in the VO Yan Grange
DAL Wednesday 20:30 TimeSeries discovery and Access DAL possible solutions Francois Bonnarel
DAL/Apps Thursday 05:00 Data Central's Data Aggregation Service Brent Miszalski
DAL/Apps Thursday 05:00 Workflow interoperability for telescope operations and time domain astronomy Volodymyr Savchenko
DAL/Apps Thursday 05:00 Astro-COLIBRI Valentin Lefranc
DAL/DM Thursday 06:30 ObsLocTAP Jesus Salgado
Ops Thursday 22:00 MOC validator Pierre Fernique
DAL/Radio Friday 05:00 TFCat – Time-Frequency Catalogue Baptiste Cecconi
Reg Friday 13:30 VODataService 1.2 - MOCs and the registry Markus Demleitner
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