Difference: InterOpNov2020Reg (1 vs. 8)

Revision 82020-11-19 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2020"

Registry/Semantics Sessions Schedule - IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting

Status: DRAFT and subject to change

Time: Thursday Nov 19 2020 @ 15:00 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Etherpad Notes link
Speaker Title Time Material
Sebastien Derriere Upgrading the largest VO publishing registry 10' + discussion .pdf
Markus Demleitner Vocabularies in the VO 2: Implementations and Applications   Notes

Moderator:Theresa Dower

Notetaker:Janet Evans

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="vocrec.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1605791186" name="vocrec.pdf" path="vocrec.pdf" size="902963" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UpgradingVizieRRegistry.pdf" attr="" comment="Upgrading the CDS/VizieR registry" date="1605795853" name="UpgradingVizieRRegistry.pdf" path="UpgradingVizieRRegistry.pdf" size="1031001" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"

Revision 72020-11-19 - JanetEvans

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2020"

Registry/Semantics Sessions Schedule - IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting

Status: DRAFT and subject to change

Time: Thursday Nov 19 2020 @ 15:00 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Speaker Title Time Material
Sebastien Derriere Upgrading the largest VO publishing registry 10' + discussion .pdf
Markus Demleitner Vocabularies in the VO 2: Implementations and Applications   Notes

Moderator:Theresa Dower

Notetaker:Janet Evans (?)
Notetaker:Janet Evans
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="vocrec.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1605791186" name="vocrec.pdf" path="vocrec.pdf" size="902963" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UpgradingVizieRRegistry.pdf" attr="" comment="Upgrading the CDS/VizieR registry" date="1605795853" name="UpgradingVizieRRegistry.pdf" path="UpgradingVizieRRegistry.pdf" size="1031001" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"

Revision 62020-11-19 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2020"

Registry/Semantics Sessions Schedule - IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting

Status: DRAFT and subject to change

Time: Thursday Nov 19 2020 @ 15:00 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Speaker Title Time Material
Sebastien Derriere Upgrading the largest VO publishing registry 10' + discussion  
Sebastien Derriere Upgrading the largest VO publishing registry 10' + discussion .pdf
Markus Demleitner Vocabularies in the VO 2: Implementations and Applications   Notes

Moderator:Theresa Dower

Notetaker:Janet Evans (?)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="vocrec.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1605791186" name="vocrec.pdf" path="vocrec.pdf" size="902963" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UpgradingVizieRRegistry.pdf" attr="" comment="Upgrading the CDS/VizieR registry" date="1605795853" name="UpgradingVizieRRegistry.pdf" path="UpgradingVizieRRegistry.pdf" size="1031001" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"

Revision 52020-11-19 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2020"

Registry/Semantics Sessions Schedule - IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting

Status: DRAFT and subject to change

Time: Thursday Nov 19 2020 @ 15:00 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Speaker Title Time Material
Sebastien Derriere Upgrading the largest VO publishing registry 10' + discussion  
Markus Demleitner Vocabularies in the VO 2: Implementations and Applications    
Markus Demleitner Vocabularies in the VO 2: Implementations and Applications   Notes
  Moderator:Theresa Dower

Notetaker:Janet Evans (?)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="vocrec.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1605791186" name="vocrec.pdf" path="vocrec.pdf" size="902963" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"

Revision 42020-11-16 - TheresaDower

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2020"

Registry/Semantics Sessions Schedule - IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting

Status: DRAFT and subject to change

Time: Thursday Nov 19 2020 @ 15:00 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Speaker Title Time Material
Sebastien Derriere Upgrading the largest VO publishing registry    
Sebastien Derriere Upgrading the largest VO publishing registry 10' + discussion  
Markus Demleitner Vocabularies in the VO 2: Implementations and Applications    
Moderator:Theresa Dower
Notetaker:Janet Evans (?)

Revision 32020-11-13 - TheresaDower

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2020"

Registry/Semantics Sessions Schedule - IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting

Status: DRAFT and subject to change

Time: Thursday Nov 19 2020 @ 15:00 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Speaker Title Time Material
Sebastien Derriere Upgrading the largest VO publishing registry    
Sebastien Derriere Upgrading the largest VO publishing registry    
Markus Demleitner Vocabularies in the VO 2: Implementations and Applications    



Revision 22020-11-13 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2020"

Registry/Semantics Sessions Schedule - IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting

Status: DRAFT and subject to change

Time: Thursday Nov 19 2020 @ 15:00 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Speaker Title Time Material
Sebastien Derriere Upgrading the largest VO publishing registry    
Markus Demleitner xxx    
Markus Demleitner Vocabularies in the VO 2: Implementations and Applications    


Revision 12020-11-12 - TheresaDower

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2020"

Registry/Semantics Sessions Schedule - IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting

Status: DRAFT and subject to change

Time: Thursday Nov 19 2020 @ 15:00 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Speaker Title Time Material
Sebastien Derriere Upgrading the largest VO publishing registry    
Markus Demleitner xxx    



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