Difference: InterOpNov2021Radio (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22021-10-27 - MarkLacy

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2021"
Summary of recent radio IG activities: Mark Lacy/Francois Bonnarel (15min)
Summary of recent radio IG activities and the Implementation Note: Mark Lacy (15min)
Obscore extension (Mark Kettenis (15min))
Obscore extension status: Francois Bonnarel (15min)
Time dependent radio spectra (pulsars/FRBs) (30min)
Obscore extension remarks/discussion: Mark Kettenis (15min)

Revision 12021-10-26 - MarkLacy

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2021"
Summary of recent radio IG activities: Mark Lacy/Francois Bonnarel (15min)

Obscore extension (Mark Kettenis (15min))

Time dependent radio spectra (pulsars/FRBs) (30min)

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