Difference: InterOpNov2023DCP (1 vs. 10)

Revision 102023-11-11 - AugustMuench

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


Data Curation & Preservation Working Group : November 2023, Online

* back to main programme page]*

Zoom link: https://noirlab-edu.zoom.us/j/93219328605?pwd=S0RRN3Fnc21INkp6RG9vWG5NbTVTZz09 (Meeting ID: 932 1932 8605 Password: 272420)


Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 09:00 - 10:30 (Room N 204)
Speaker Title Materials Time
G.Landais (CDS) DCP status pdf 5
Carlo Maria Zwölf

(Observatoire de Paris)

FAIR assessment of the VAMDC infrastructure

The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) is a worldwide e-infrastructure built to share atomic and molecular data for astrophysical applications in an interoperable way. VAMDC is buit over IVOA standards : TAP services are built over existing databases and those services are registered into dedicated registries. Standards from other communities (ex. RDA/Codata) are also implemented to allow « data citation » and « data extraction reproducibility ».

In recent years the FAIR principles have become a landmark in the research-data domain. We will present the results of the analysis made about the FAIRness of the VAMDC infrastructure using the assessment methodology produced by the Research Data Alliance.

pdf 15+5 mins
Xiuqin Wu (NED) Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature pdf 15+5
S. Derriere (p.p. T. Boch) (CDS) Minting DOIs for CDS Hips pdf 10+5
Baptiste Cecconi
(Observatoire de Paris)
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) report (tbd) pdf 15+5
G.Landais, G.Muench (AAS) and all. Discussions (DOI)   10
G.Landais, G.Muench (AAS) and all. Discussions (DOI) pdf 10
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPstatus.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699678791" name="DCPstatus.pdf" path="DCPstatus.pdf" size="415069" user="GillesLandais" version="4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699637350" name="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" path="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" size="1064697" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" attr="" comment="Minting DOIs for CDS HiPS" date="1699657644" name="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" path="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" size="2033700" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoaFall2023_xw.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699717484" name="ivoaFall2023_xw.pdf" path="ivoaFall2023_xw.pdf" size="1317264" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa-nov-2023-eosc-dcp.pdf" attr="" comment="EOSC report IVOA DCP" date="1699718659" name="ivoa-nov-2023-eosc-dcp.pdf" path="ivoa-nov-2023-eosc-dcp.pdf" size="4836021" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOADCP_DOINoteOutline.pdf" attr="" comment="IVOA Note Discussion Slides" date="1699718764" name="IVOADCP_DOINoteOutline.pdf" path="IVOADCP_DOINoteOutline.pdf" size="301473" user="AugustMuench" version="1"

Revision 92023-11-11 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


Data Curation & Preservation Working Group : November 2023, Online

* back to main programme page]*

Zoom link: https://noirlab-edu.zoom.us/j/93219328605?pwd=S0RRN3Fnc21INkp6RG9vWG5NbTVTZz09 (Meeting ID: 932 1932 8605 Password: 272420)


Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 09:00 - 10:30 (Room N 204)
Speaker Title Materials Time
G.Landais (CDS) DCP status pdf 5
Carlo Maria Zwölf

(Observatoire de Paris)

FAIR assessment of the VAMDC infrastructure

The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) is a worldwide e-infrastructure built to share atomic and molecular data for astrophysical applications in an interoperable way. VAMDC is buit over IVOA standards : TAP services are built over existing databases and those services are registered into dedicated registries. Standards from other communities (ex. RDA/Codata) are also implemented to allow « data citation » and « data extraction reproducibility ».

In recent years the FAIR principles have become a landmark in the research-data domain. We will present the results of the analysis made about the FAIRness of the VAMDC infrastructure using the assessment methodology produced by the Research Data Alliance.

pdf 15+5 mins
Xiuqin Wu (NED) Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature pdf 15+5
S. Derriere (p.p. T. Boch) (CDS) Minting DOIs for CDS Hips pdf 10+5
Baptiste Cecconi
(Observatoire de Paris)
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) report (tbd)   15+5
Baptiste Cecconi
(Observatoire de Paris)
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) report (tbd) pdf 15+5
G.Landais, G.Muench (AAS) and all. Discussions (DOI)   10

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPstatus.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699678791" name="DCPstatus.pdf" path="DCPstatus.pdf" size="415069" user="GillesLandais" version="4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699637350" name="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" path="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" size="1064697" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" attr="" comment="Minting DOIs for CDS HiPS" date="1699657644" name="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" path="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" size="2033700" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoaFall2023_xw.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699717484" name="ivoaFall2023_xw.pdf" path="ivoaFall2023_xw.pdf" size="1317264" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa-nov-2023-eosc-dcp.pdf" attr="" comment="EOSC report IVOA DCP" date="1699718659" name="ivoa-nov-2023-eosc-dcp.pdf" path="ivoa-nov-2023-eosc-dcp.pdf" size="4836021" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"

Revision 82023-11-11 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


Data Curation & Preservation Working Group : November 2023, Online

* back to main programme page]*

Zoom link: https://noirlab-edu.zoom.us/j/93219328605?pwd=S0RRN3Fnc21INkp6RG9vWG5NbTVTZz09 (Meeting ID: 932 1932 8605 Password: 272420)


Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 09:00 - 10:30 (Room N 204)
Speaker Title Materials Time
G.Landais (CDS) DCP status pdf 5
Carlo Maria Zwölf

(Observatoire de Paris)

FAIR assessment of the VAMDC infrastructure

The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) is a worldwide e-infrastructure built to share atomic and molecular data for astrophysical applications in an interoperable way. VAMDC is buit over IVOA standards : TAP services are built over existing databases and those services are registered into dedicated registries. Standards from other communities (ex. RDA/Codata) are also implemented to allow « data citation » and « data extraction reproducibility ».

In recent years the FAIR principles have become a landmark in the research-data domain. We will present the results of the analysis made about the FAIRness of the VAMDC infrastructure using the assessment methodology produced by the Research Data Alliance.

pdf 15+5 mins
Xiuqin Wu (NED) Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature   15+5
Xiuqin Wu (NED) Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature pdf 15+5
S. Derriere (p.p. T. Boch) (CDS) Minting DOIs for CDS Hips pdf 10+5
Baptiste Cecconi
(Observatoire de Paris)
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) report (tbd)   15+5
G.Landais, G.Muench (AAS) and all. Discussions (DOI)   10
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPstatus.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699678791" name="DCPstatus.pdf" path="DCPstatus.pdf" size="415069" user="GillesLandais" version="4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699637350" name="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" path="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" size="1064697" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" attr="" comment="Minting DOIs for CDS HiPS" date="1699657644" name="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" path="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" size="2033700" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoaFall2023_xw.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699717484" name="ivoaFall2023_xw.pdf" path="ivoaFall2023_xw.pdf" size="1317264" user="GillesLandais" version="1"

Revision 72023-11-11 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


Data Curation & Preservation Working Group : November 2023, Online

* back to main programme page]*

Zoom link: https://noirlab-edu.zoom.us/j/93219328605?pwd=S0RRN3Fnc21INkp6RG9vWG5NbTVTZz09 (Meeting ID: 932 1932 8605 Password: 272420)


Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 09:00 - 10:30 (Room N 204)
Speaker Title Materials Time
G.Landais (CDS) DCP status pdf 5
Carlo Maria Zwölf

(Observatoire de Paris)

FAIR assessment of the VAMDC infrastructure

The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) is a worldwide e-infrastructure built to share atomic and molecular data for astrophysical applications in an interoperable way. VAMDC is buit over IVOA standards : TAP services are built over existing databases and those services are registered into dedicated registries. Standards from other communities (ex. RDA/Codata) are also implemented to allow « data citation » and « data extraction reproducibility ».

In recent years the FAIR principles have become a landmark in the research-data domain. We will present the results of the analysis made about the FAIRness of the VAMDC infrastructure using the assessment methodology produced by the Research Data Alliance.

pdf 15+5 mins
Xiuqin Wu (NED) Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature   15+5
S. Derriere (p.p. T. Boch) (CDS) Minting DOIs for CDS Hips pdf 10+5
Baptiste Cecconi
(Observatoire de Paris)
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) report (tbd)   15+5
G.Landais, G.Muench (AAS) and all. Discussions (DOI)   10
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPstatus.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699636280" name="DCPstatus.pdf" path="DCPstatus.pdf" size="415584" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPstatus.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699678791" name="DCPstatus.pdf" path="DCPstatus.pdf" size="415069" user="GillesLandais" version="4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699637350" name="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" path="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" size="1064697" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" attr="" comment="Minting DOIs for CDS HiPS" date="1699657644" name="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" path="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" size="2033700" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"

Revision 62023-11-10 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


Data Curation & Preservation Working Group : November 2023, Online

* back to main programme page]*

Zoom link: https://noirlab-edu.zoom.us/j/93219328605?pwd=S0RRN3Fnc21INkp6RG9vWG5NbTVTZz09 (Meeting ID: 932 1932 8605 Password: 272420)


Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 09:00 - 10:30 (Room N 204)
Speaker Title Materials Time
G.Landais (CDS) DCP status pdf 5
Carlo Maria Zwölf

(Observatoire de Paris)

FAIR assessment of the VAMDC infrastructure

The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) is a worldwide e-infrastructure built to share atomic and molecular data for astrophysical applications in an interoperable way. VAMDC is buit over IVOA standards : TAP services are built over existing databases and those services are registered into dedicated registries. Standards from other communities (ex. RDA/Codata) are also implemented to allow « data citation » and « data extraction reproducibility ».

In recent years the FAIR principles have become a landmark in the research-data domain. We will present the results of the analysis made about the FAIRness of the VAMDC infrastructure using the assessment methodology produced by the Research Data Alliance.

pdf 15+5 mins
Xiuqin Wu (NED) Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature   15+5
Sebastien Derriere (CDS) DOI for Hips (tbd) (remote)   10+5
S. Derriere (p.p. T. Boch) (CDS) Minting DOIs for CDS Hips pdf 10+5
Baptiste Cecconi
(Observatoire de Paris)
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) report (tbd)   15+5
G.Landais, G.Muench (AAS) and all. Discussions (DOI)   10
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPstatus.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699636280" name="DCPstatus.pdf" path="DCPstatus.pdf" size="415584" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699637350" name="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" path="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" size="1064697" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" attr="" comment="Minting DOIs for CDS HiPS" date="1699657644" name="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" path="IVOATucson2023-TBoch-DCP.pdf" size="2033700" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"

Revision 52023-11-10 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


Data Curation & Preservation Working Group : November 2023, Online

* back to main programme page]*

Zoom link: https://noirlab-edu.zoom.us/j/93219328605?pwd=S0RRN3Fnc21INkp6RG9vWG5NbTVTZz09 (Meeting ID: 932 1932 8605 Password: 272420)


Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 09:00 - 10:30 (Session #1)
Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 09:00 - 10:30 (Room N 204)
Speaker Title Materials Time
G.Landais DCP status   5
Xiuqin Wu

Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature

  15+5 mins
Carlo Maria Zwölf

FAIR assessment of the VAMDC infrastructure

The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) is a worldwide e-infrastructure built to share atomic and molecular data for astrophysical applications in an interoperable way. VAMDC is buit over IVOA standards : TAP services are built over existing databases and those services are registered into dedicated registries. Standards from other communities (ex. RDA/Codata) are also implemented to allow « data citation » and « data extraction reproducibility ».

In recent years the FAIR principles have become a landmark in the research-data domain. We will present the results of the analysis made about the FAIRness of the VAMDC infrastructure using the assessment methodology produced by the Research Data Alliance.

Thomas Boch DOI for Hips (tbd) (remote)   10+5
Baptiste Cecconi EOSC report (tbd)   15+5
G.Landais, G.Muench and all. DCP report and discussions   10
G.Landais (CDS) DCP status pdf 5
Carlo Maria Zwölf

(Observatoire de Paris)

FAIR assessment of the VAMDC infrastructure

The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) is a worldwide e-infrastructure built to share atomic and molecular data for astrophysical applications in an interoperable way. VAMDC is buit over IVOA standards : TAP services are built over existing databases and those services are registered into dedicated registries. Standards from other communities (ex. RDA/Codata) are also implemented to allow « data citation » and « data extraction reproducibility ».

In recent years the FAIR principles have become a landmark in the research-data domain. We will present the results of the analysis made about the FAIRness of the VAMDC infrastructure using the assessment methodology produced by the Research Data Alliance.

pdf 15+5 mins
Xiuqin Wu (NED) Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature   15+5
Sebastien Derriere (CDS) DOI for Hips (tbd) (remote)   10+5
Baptiste Cecconi
(Observatoire de Paris)
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) report (tbd)   15+5
G.Landais, G.Muench (AAS) and all. Discussions (DOI)   10
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPstatus.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699636280" name="DCPstatus.pdf" path="DCPstatus.pdf" size="415584" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699637350" name="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" path="IVOATucson-FAIR-VAMDC.pdf" size="1064697" user="GillesLandais" version="2"

Revision 42023-11-09 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


Data Curation & Preservation Working Group : November 2023, Online

* back to main programme page]*


Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 14:00-15:30 (Session #1)
Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 09:00 - 10:30 (Session #1)
Speaker Title Materials Time
G.Landais DCP status   5
Xiuqin Wu

Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature

  15+5 mins
Carlo Maria Zwölf

FAIR assessment of the VAMDC infrastructure

The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) is a worldwide e-infrastructure built to share atomic and molecular data for astrophysical applications in an interoperable way. VAMDC is buit over IVOA standards : TAP services are built over existing databases and those services are registered into dedicated registries. Standards from other communities (ex. RDA/Codata) are also implemented to allow « data citation » and « data extraction reproducibility ».

In recent years the FAIR principles have become a landmark in the research-data domain. We will present the results of the analysis made about the FAIRness of the VAMDC infrastructure using the assessment methodology produced by the Research Data Alliance.

Thomas Boch DOI for Hips (tbd) (remote)   10+5
Baptiste Cecconi EOSC report (tbd)   15+5
G.Landais, G.Muench and all. DCP report and discussions   10

Revision 32023-11-07 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


Data Curation & Preservation Working Group : November 2023, Online

* back to main programme page]*


Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 14:00-15:30 (Session #1)
Speaker Title Materials Time
G.Landais DCP status   5
Xiuqin Wu Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature   15+5 mins
Carlo Maria Zwölf FAIR (tbd) (remote)   15+5
Xiuqin Wu

Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature

  15+5 mins
Carlo Maria Zwölf

FAIR assessment of the VAMDC infrastructure

The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) is a worldwide e-infrastructure built to share atomic and molecular data for astrophysical applications in an interoperable way. VAMDC is buit over IVOA standards : TAP services are built over existing databases and those services are registered into dedicated registries. Standards from other communities (ex. RDA/Codata) are also implemented to allow « data citation » and « data extraction reproducibility ».

In recent years the FAIR principles have become a landmark in the research-data domain. We will present the results of the analysis made about the FAIRness of the VAMDC infrastructure using the assessment methodology produced by the Research Data Alliance.

Thomas Boch DOI for Hips (tbd) (remote)   10+5
Baptiste Cecconi EOSC report (tbd)   15+5
G.Landais, G.Muench and all. DCP report and discussions   10

Revision 22023-10-31 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


Data Curation & Preservation Working Group : November 2023, Online

* back to main programme page]*


Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 14:00-15:30 (Session #1)
Speaker Title Materials Time
G.Landais DCP status   5
Xiuqin Wu Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature   15+5 mins
Carlo Maria Zwölf FAIR (tbd) (remote)   15+5
Thomas Boch DOI for Hips (tbd) (remote)   tbd
Baptiste Cecconi EOSC report (tbd)   tbd
G.Landais, G.Muench and all. DCP report and discussions    
Thomas Boch DOI for Hips (tbd) (remote)   10+5
Baptiste Cecconi EOSC report (tbd)   15+5
G.Landais, G.Muench and all. DCP report and discussions   10

Revision 12023-10-24 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


Data Curation & Preservation Working Group : November 2023, Online

* back to main programme page]*


Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 14:00-15:30 (Session #1)
Speaker Title Materials Time
Xiuqin Wu Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature   15+5 mins
Carlo Maria Zwölf FAIR (tbd) (remote)   15+5
Thomas Boch DOI for Hips (tbd) (remote)   tbd
Baptiste Cecconi EOSC report (tbd)   tbd
G.Landais, G.Muench and all. DCP report and discussions    
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