Difference: InterOpNov2024CSPPlenary (3 vs. 4)

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META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"
CSP - Plenary Session - Friday November 15, 2024, 11:00-12:30 Local Time

High Energy and Time Domain

The goal of the session is to hear from high-energy projects about their involvement in IVOA and their use of standards.
The question posed to all the speakers to address in their presentations are listed below:

  • How does your project make their data discoverable? Are data from your project in the IVOA registry? Are there problems in the IVOA Obscore definition preventing or limiting it?

  • What data products are used in your data analysis and are they interoperable with data from other projects? Do you use a data model?

  • What do you use for an alert system? Do you use VOevent, and if not, can you address the issues you see?

  • How do you coordinate rapid follow up observations currently? Are the Observing plan of your project/mission available externally and is there coordination of your project/mission among the HE projects? Are you familiar with the IVOA ObsLocTAP protocol and ObjObsSAP working draft of the IVOA?

Speaker Title Abstract
Jamie Kennea (Penn State - NASA Swift) 15 min
Roberto de Pietri (Universita di Parma) 15 min
Karl Kosack (CTA/HESS) 10 min
Jutta Schnabel (ECAP / KM3NeT) 10 min
Judy Racusin (NASA GCN) 18 min
Yunfei Xu 10
Janet Evans (CXC) 5 min HEIG overview
Speaker Title Abstract
Jamie Kennea (Penn State - NASA Swift) 15 min
Roberto de Pietri (Universita di Parma) 15 min (remote)
Karl Kosack (CTA/HESS) 10 min
Jutta Schnabel (ECAP / KM3NeT) 10 min
Judy Racusin (NASA GCN) 18 min
Yunfei Xu (China-VO) 10 Einstein Probe
Janet Evans (CXC) 5 min HEIG overview
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