Difference: InterOpOct2005ResReg (1 vs. 6)

Revision 62012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

Registry Session

Chaired by Bob Hanisch, standing in for Tony Linde


  • Applications software metadata
  • Resource Metadata V1.1
  • ESA VO registry
  • Curation
  • Other matters arising


(Thanks to Phil Warner, NOAO, for being note-taker!)

Capture about compilers.

How much build information should we provide.

What, at registry level do people need to know about search capabilities, etc.? What information to have displayed.

Compiler may not be useful. C#, .NET, astronomer wants to get information in as few clicks as possible.

Multiple uses of registry Users Developers

Too much - people won't read Too little - not enough

Separate into categories?

Specify dependencies (libraries, compilers, version numbers)

Added "Dependencies" section. are deps registered? deps may be IDL (link)

NetworkRequired y/n is not enough? Essential/Useful/Limited/Unnecessary

some criteria to whittle down - keywords by which to whittle down the list (e.g., for sorting) - sort of sourceforge {note-taker's addition: freshmeat or packages.gentoo.org} - what can I use in my development of _? or - what can I use in my research?

Bob went onto google to find places that categorize metadata name/text, no more why has no one else done this?

useful for workflows? what workflow engine needs to invoke if populated well, will allow to build workflows and find code

ongoing cost involved (human)

cost? description of pricing, if not freely available. optional?

Addition to "license" : ...including cost information

focus on Functionality - interactive/command-line/script/etc.

added VOStandards section - supported standards and protocols used or implemented

added ControlModes section - Interactive, command-line, scriptable, from browser, etc.

NVO project has had a registry of tools/software - nvo website->tools (list of 15 applications + five others)

machine consumption metadata services registered by service type this if focused on end-user applications

these metadata are placed into detailed schema


do we incorporate into resource metadata document?

get 1.1 out the door? make this the next iteration?

What else in 1.2? this is it.

push through 1.1 first, let this follow with 1.2


ESAVO Registry & Curation Utility


Is ESAVO registry freely available? no, but could be. Could be packaged.


Registry of registries? Has been agreed to, but no action taken

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Draft resource metadata for applications software" date="1128672030" name="ApplicationsSoftwareMetadata.pdf" path="Applications Software Metadata.pdf" size="71054" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ESAVO Registry presentation" date="1130149368" name="ESAVO_Registry_and_Curation.ppt" path="ESAVO_Registry_and_Curation.ppt" size="710144" user="AurelienStebe" version="1.1"

Revision 52005-10-24 - AurelienStebe

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

Registry Session

Chaired by Bob Hanisch, standing in for Tony Linde


  • Applications software metadata
  • Resource Metadata V1.1
  • ESA VO registry
  • Curation
  • Other matters arising


(Thanks to Phil Warner, NOAO, for being note-taker!)

Capture about compilers.

How much build information should we provide.

What, at registry level do people need to know about search capabilities, etc.? What information to have displayed.

Compiler may not be useful. C#, .NET, astronomer wants to get information in as few clicks as possible.

Multiple uses of registry Users Developers

Too much - people won't read Too little - not enough

Separate into categories?

Specify dependencies (libraries, compilers, version numbers)

Added "Dependencies" section. are deps registered? deps may be IDL (link)

NetworkRequired y/n is not enough? Essential/Useful/Limited/Unnecessary

some criteria to whittle down - keywords by which to whittle down the list (e.g., for sorting) - sort of sourceforge {note-taker's addition: freshmeat or packages.gentoo.org} - what can I use in my development of _? or - what can I use in my research?

Bob went onto google to find places that categorize metadata name/text, no more why has no one else done this?

useful for workflows? what workflow engine needs to invoke if populated well, will allow to build workflows and find code

ongoing cost involved (human)

cost? description of pricing, if not freely available. optional?

Addition to "license" : ...including cost information

focus on Functionality - interactive/command-line/script/etc.

added VOStandards section - supported standards and protocols used or implemented

added ControlModes section - Interactive, command-line, scriptable, from browser, etc.

NVO project has had a registry of tools/software - nvo website->tools (list of 15 applications + five others)

machine consumption metadata services registered by service type this if focused on end-user applications

these metadata are placed into detailed schema


do we incorporate into resource metadata document?

get 1.1 out the door? make this the next iteration?

What else in 1.2? this is it.

push through 1.1 first, let this follow with 1.2


ESAVO Registry & Curation Utility


Is ESAVO registry freely available? no, but could be. Could be packaged.


Registry of registries? Has been agreed to, but no action taken


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Draft resource metadata for applications software" date="1128672030" name="ApplicationsSoftwareMetadata.pdf" path="Applications Software Metadata.pdf" size="71054" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ESAVO Registry presentation" date="1130149368" name="ESAVO_Registry_and_Curation.ppt" path="ESAVO_Registry_and_Curation.ppt" size="710144" user="AurelienStebe" version="1.1"

Revision 42005-10-07 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

Registry Session

Chaired by Bob Hanisch, standing in for Tony Linde


  • Applications software metadata
  • Resource Metadata V1.1
  • ESA VO registry
  • Curation
  • Other matters arising


(Thanks to Phil Warner, NOAO, for being note-taker!)

Capture about compilers.

How much build information should we provide.

What, at registry level do people need to know about search capabilities, etc.? What information to have displayed.

Compiler may not be useful. C#, .NET, astronomer wants to get information in as few clicks as possible.

Multiple uses of registry Users Developers

Too much - people won't read Too little - not enough

Separate into categories?

Specify dependencies (libraries, compilers, version numbers)

Added "Dependencies" section. are deps registered? deps may be IDL (link)

NetworkRequired y/n is not enough?
NetworkRequired y/n is not enough?

some criteria to whittle down - keywords by which to whittle down the list (e.g., for sorting) - sort of sourceforge {note-taker's addition: freshmeat or packages.gentoo.org} - what can I use in my development of _? or - what can I use in my research?

Bob went onto google to find places that categorize metadata name/text, no more why has no one else done this?

useful for workflows? what workflow engine needs to invoke if populated well, will allow to build workflows and find code

ongoing cost involved (human)

cost? description of pricing, if not freely available. optional?

Addition to "license" : ...including cost information

focus on Functionality - interactive/command-line/script/etc.

added VOStandards section - supported standards and protocols used or implemented

added ControlModes section
added ControlModes section
  - Interactive, command-line, scriptable, from browser, etc.

NVO project has had a registry of tools/software - nvo website->tools (list of 15 applications + five others)

machine consumption metadata services registered by service type this if focused on end-user applications

these metadata are placed into detailed schema


do we incorporate into resource metadata document?

get 1.1 out the door? make this the next iteration?

What else in 1.2? this is it.

push through 1.1 first, let this follow with 1.2


ESAVO Registry & Curation Utility


Is ESAVO registry freely available? no, but could be. Could be packaged.


Registry of registries? Has been agreed to, but no action taken


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Draft resource metadata for applications software" date="1128672030" name="ApplicationsSoftwareMetadata.pdf" path="Applications Software Metadata.pdf" size="71054" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"

Revision 32005-10-07 - BobHanisch

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

Registry Session


Chaired by Bob Hanisch, standing in for Tony Linde



  • Applications software metadata
  • Resource Metadata V1.1
  • ESA VO registry
  • Curation
  • Other matters arising


(Thanks to Phil Warner, NOAO, for being note-taker!)

Capture about compilers.

How much build information should we provide.

What, at registry level do people need to know about search capabilities, etc.? What information to have displayed.

Compiler may not be useful. C#, .NET, astronomer wants to get information in as few clicks as possible.

Multiple uses of registry Users Developers

Too much - people won't read Too little - not enough

Separate into categories?

Specify dependencies (libraries, compilers, version numbers)

Added "Dependencies" section. are deps registered? deps may be IDL (link)

NetworkRequired y/n is not enough? Essential/Useful/Limited/Unnecessary

some criteria to whittle down - keywords by which to whittle down the list (e.g., for sorting) - sort of sourceforge {note-taker's addition: freshmeat or packages.gentoo.org} - what can I use in my development of _? or - what can I use in my research?

Bob went onto google to find places that categorize metadata name/text, no more why has no one else done this?

useful for workflows? what workflow engine needs to invoke if populated well, will allow to build workflows and find code

ongoing cost involved (human)

cost? description of pricing, if not freely available. optional?

Addition to "license" : ...including cost information

focus on Functionality - interactive/command-line/script/etc.

added VOStandards section - supported standards and protocols used or implemented

added ControlModes section - Interactive, command-line, scriptable, from browser, etc.

NVO project has had a registry of tools/software - nvo website->tools (list of 15 applications + five others)

machine consumption metadata services registered by service type this if focused on end-user applications

these metadata are placed into detailed schema


do we incorporate into resource metadata document?

get 1.1 out the door? make this the next iteration?

What else in 1.2? this is it.

push through 1.1 first, let this follow with 1.2


ESAVO Registry & Curation Utility


Is ESAVO registry freely available? no, but could be. Could be packaged.


Registry of registries? Has been agreed to, but no action taken

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Draft resource metadata for applications software" date="1128672030" name="ApplicationsSoftwareMetadata.pdf" path="Applications Software Metadata.pdf" size="71054" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"

Revision 22005-10-07 - BobHanisch

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

Registry Session

Very-Draft Agenda
Apps in general:
  • how to register what they do
  • Applications software metadata
  • Resource Metadata V1.1
  • ESA VO registry
  • Curation
  • Other matters arising
Client apps:
  • where & how to download & install
  • requirements
Server apps:
(Thanks to Phil Warner, NOAO, for being note-taker!)
  • distinguishing app-type, app & app-instance
Capture about compilers.
How much build information should we provide.
What, at registry level do people need to know about search capabilities, etc.? What information to have displayed.
Compiler may not be useful. C#, .NET, astronomer wants to get information in as few clicks as possible.
Multiple uses of registry Users Developers
Too much - people won't read Too little - not enough
Separate into categories?
Specify dependencies (libraries, compilers, version numbers)
Added "Dependencies" section. are deps registered? deps may be IDL (link)

NetworkRequired y/n is not enough? Essential/Useful/Limited/Unnecessary

some criteria to whittle down - keywords by which to whittle down the list (e.g., for sorting) - sort of sourceforge {note-taker's addition: freshmeat or packages.gentoo.org} - what can I use in my development of _? or - what can I use in my research?

Bob went onto google to find places that categorize metadata name/text, no more why has no one else done this?

useful for workflows? what workflow engine needs to invoke if populated well, will allow to build workflows and find code

ongoing cost involved (human)

cost? description of pricing, if not freely available. optional?

Addition to "license" : ...including cost information

focus on Functionality - interactive/command-line/script/etc.

added VOStandards section - supported standards and protocols used or implemented

added ControlModes section - Interactive, command-line, scriptable, from browser, etc.

NVO project has had a registry of tools/software - nvo website->tools (list of 15 applications + five others)

machine consumption metadata services registered by service type this if focused on end-user applications

these metadata are placed into detailed schema


do we incorporate into resource metadata document?

get 1.1 out the door? make this the next iteration?

What else in 1.2? this is it.

push through 1.1 first, let this follow with 1.2


ESAVO Registry & Curation Utility


Is ESAVO registry freely available? no, but could be. Could be packaged.


Registry of registries? Has been agreed to, but no action taken



Revision 12005-10-05 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

Registry Session

Very-Draft Agenda

Apps in general:

  • how to register what they do

Client apps:

  • where & how to download & install
  • requirements

Server apps:

  • distinguishing app-type, app & app-instance

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