Difference: InterOpOct2011DM (16 vs. 17)

Revision 172011-10-20 - MarkAllen


Data Model Sessions at the Oct 2011 Interop Meeting (Pune)

Data Model 1: SED builder/ PhotDM -- Tuesday October 18 2011, 11.30-13.00, Bhaskara 3
Speaker Title Materials Time
D. Tody Spectrum 1.2 DM status   15'
J. Salgado Photometry DM implementation ppt 15'
M. Allen Photometry in Vizier Catalogues pdf 10'
O. Laurino SED DM use into VAO pdf 15'
D. Tody SED DM status   15'
Data Model 2: utypes -- Wednesday October 19 2011, 11.30-13.00, Bhaskara 3
Speaker Title Materials Time
M. Louys Introduction and historical background   15'
F. Bonnarel Querying using utypes pdf 15'
J. Salgado On the creation of data models with usable utypes   15'
O. Laurino utypes evolution and extension pdf 15'
M. Demleitner Tackling utypes Notes 15'
Data Model 3: Char DM -- Thursday October 20 2011, 11.30-13.00, Bhaskara 3
Speaker Title Materials Time
F. Bonnarel Char2 DM overview   20'
I. Chilingarian Char DM in use   15'
J.E. Ruiz CharDM use in an archive of velocity cubes   15'
M. Louys Data models: how to fit the puzzle pieces together   10'

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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1318916077" name="IvoaPuneDM.pdf" path="IvoaPuneDM.pdf" size="208137" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Spectrum 1.2 and SED DM status and current issues" date="1318916107" name="spectrum-1.2-pune.pdf" path="spectrum-1.2-pune.pdf" size="502660" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1318922548" name="vizphotom.pdf" path="vizphotom.pdf" size="1976385" user="MarkAllen" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1319084047" name="vizphotom.pdf" path="vizphotom.pdf" size="2091556" user="MarkAllen" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Querying using utypes" date="1319003880" name="utypeQuery.pdf" path="utypeQuery.pdf" size="761291" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1319004625" name="IvoaPuneUtypes.pdf" path="IvoaPuneUtypes.pdf" size="207437" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Historical review on Utypes" date="1319008956" name="UtypesIntheIVOA-Oct2011.pdf" path="UtypesIntheIVOA-Oct2011.pdf" size="486832" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
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