Difference: InterOpOct2011Splinter (1 vs. 11)

Revision 112012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"

Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45

Spectrum DM / Phot DM / SED SM (Wednesday 14:15, Bhaskara 3)

Follow up discussions from DM-1 session.

(JesusSalgado and interested parties).

Thursday 20 October

IVOA-OGF Liaison Group (Thursday 13:00, Chittaranjan, lunch meeting)

Discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Group between IVOA and the Open Grid Forum.

(FabioPasian and interested parties).

VOTables and Nulls (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 3)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard. See InterOpOct2011Applications.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).

SIAv2 Access Methods (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 2)

Generation of virtual sub products from 3D datasets

(JoseEnriqueRuiz and interested parties).

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1319104378" name="SIA2AccessMethods.pdf" path="SIA2AccessMethods.pdf" size="787396" user="JoseEnriqueRuiz" version="1.1"

Revision 102011-10-20 - JoseEnriqueRuiz

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"


Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45

Spectrum DM / Phot DM / SED SM (Wednesday 14:15, Bhaskara 3)

Follow up discussions from DM-1 session.

(JesusSalgado and interested parties).

Thursday 20 October

IVOA-OGF Liaison Group (Thursday 13:00, Chittaranjan, lunch meeting)

Discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Group between IVOA and the Open Grid Forum.

(FabioPasian and interested parties).

VOTables and Nulls (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 3)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard. See InterOpOct2011Applications.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).

SIAv2 Access Methods (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 2)

Generation of virtual sub products from 3D datasets

(JoseEnriqueRuiz and interested parties).

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1319104378" name="SIA2AccessMethods.pdf" path="SIA2AccessMethods.pdf" size="787396" user="JoseEnriqueRuiz" version="1.1"

Revision 92011-10-20 - JoseEnriqueRuiz

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"


Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45

Spectrum DM / Phot DM / SED SM (Wednesday 14:15, Bhaskara 3)

Follow up discussions from DM-1 session.

(JesusSalgado and interested parties).

Thursday 20 October

IVOA-OGF Liaison Group (Thursday 13:00, Chittaranjan, lunch meeting)

Discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Group between IVOA and the Open Grid Forum.

(FabioPasian and interested parties).

VOTables and Nulls (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 3)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard. See InterOpOct2011Applications.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).


SIAv2 Access Methods (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 2)

Generation of virtual sub products from 3D datasets

(JoseEnriqueRuiz and interested parties).


Revision 82011-10-19 - ChristopheArviset

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"


Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45


Spectrum DM / Phot DM / SED SM (Wednesday 14:15)


Spectrum DM / Phot DM / SED SM (Wednesday 14:15, Bhaskara 3)

  Follow up discussions from DM-1 session.
(JesusSalgado and interested parties).

Thursday 20 October

IVOA-OGF Liaison Group (Thursday 13:00, Chittaranjan, lunch meeting)

Discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Group between IVOA and the Open Grid Forum.

(FabioPasian and interested parties).

VOTables and Nulls (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 3)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard. See InterOpOct2011Applications.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).

Revision 72011-10-19 - FabioPasian

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"


Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45

Spectrum DM / Phot DM / SED SM (Wednesday 14:15)

Follow up discussions from DM-1 session.


Thursday 20 October 16:00-17:30


Thursday 20 October


OGF Liaison Group (Thursday 16:00)


IVOA-OGF Liaison Group (Thursday 13:00, Chittaranjan, lunch meeting)

Discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Group between IVOA and the Open Grid Forum.
Discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Group between IVOA and the Open Grid Forum.
  (FabioPasian and interested parties).

VOTables and Nulls (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 3)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard. See InterOpOct2011Applications.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).

Revision 62011-10-19 - ChristopheArviset

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"


Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45


Spectrum DM / Phot DM / SED SM (Wednesday 14:15)

Follow up discussions from DM-1 session.


Thursday 20 October 16:00-17:30

OGF Liaison Group (Thursday 16:00)

Discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Group between IVOA and the Open Grid Forum.

(FabioPasian and interested parties).

VOTables and Nulls (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 3)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard. See InterOpOct2011Applications.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).

Revision 52011-10-19 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"


Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45


VOTables and Nulls (Wednesday 14:15)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard. See InterOpOct2011Applications.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).


Thursday 20 October 16:00-17:30

OGF Liaison Group (Thursday 16:00)

Discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Group between IVOA and the Open Grid Forum.

(FabioPasian and interested parties).


VOTables and Nulls (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 3)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard. See InterOpOct2011Applications.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).


Revision 42011-10-18 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"


Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45

VOTables and Nulls (Wednesday 14:15)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard.

See InterOpOct2011Applications.
  (MarkTaylor and interested parties).

Thursday 20 October 16:00-17:30

OGF Liaison Group (Thursday 16:00)

Discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Group between IVOA and the Open Grid Forum.

(FabioPasian and interested parties).

Revision 32011-10-18 - FabioPasian

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"

Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45

VOTables and Nulls (Wednesday 14:15)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).

Thursday 20 October 16:00-17:30


OGF Liaison Group (Thursday 16:00)

Discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Group between IVOA and the Open Grid Forum.

(FabioPasian and interested parties).


Revision 22011-10-18 - ChristopheArviset

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"


Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings


Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45


VOTables and Nulls (Wednesday 14:15)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).


Thursday 20 October 16:00-17:30


Revision 12011-10-16 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"


Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

VOTables and Nulls (Wednesday 14:15)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).

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