Difference: InterOpOct2011Splinter (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22011-10-18 - ChristopheArviset

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"


Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings


Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45


VOTables and Nulls (Wednesday 14:15)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).


Thursday 20 October 16:00-17:30


Revision 12011-10-16 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"


Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

VOTables and Nulls (Wednesday 14:15)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).

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