Difference: InterOpOct2018Theory (1 vs. 5)

Revision 52018-11-09 - FranckLePetit

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2018"

(DRAFT) Theory IG sessions schedule - IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting

Thursday Nov 08, 2018 (14:00 - 15:30 h)

FridayFriday Nov 09, 2018 NoFriday Nov 09, 2018v 09, 2018f

Speaker Title Time
David Goz N-body codes 15'
Franck Le Petit New URIs for Theory concepts 15'
Herve Wozniak SimDM 1.1. 15'
Gerard Lemson SimDM and VO-DML 15'
Gerard Lemson FileDB 15'
Discussion Promotion of implementation of theory standars 15'

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2018.11.08.Wozniak.SimDM1.1.pdf" attr="" comment="Wozniak's talk on SimDM 1.1 motivation and roadmap" date="1541694433" name="2018.11.08.Wozniak.SimDM1.1.pdf" path="2018.11.08.Wozniak.SimDM1.1.pdf" size="460463" user="HerveWozniak" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Semantics_Theory18.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1541711058" name="Semantics_Theory18.pdf" path="Semantics_Theory18.pdf" size="4213854" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Goz_talk_IVOA.pdf" attr="" comment="David Goz's presentation" date="1541773583" name="Goz_talk_IVOA.pdf" path="Goz_talk_IVOA.pdf" size="2247762" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"

Revision 42018-11-08 - FranckLePetit

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2018"

(DRAFT) Theory IG sessions schedule - IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting

Thursday Nov 08, 2018 (14:00 - 15:30 h)

FridayFriday Nov 09, 2018 NoFriday Nov 09, 2018v 09, 2018f

Speaker Title Time
David Goz N-body codes 15'
Franck Le Petit New URIs for Theory concepts 15'
Herve Wozniak SimDM 1.1. 15'
Gerard Lemson SimDM and VO-DML 15'
Gerard Lemson FileDB 15'
Discussion Promotion of implementation of theory standars 15'

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2018.11.08.Wozniak.SimDM1.1.pdf" attr="" comment="Wozniak's talk on SimDM 1.1 motivation and roadmap" date="1541694433" name="2018.11.08.Wozniak.SimDM1.1.pdf" path="2018.11.08.Wozniak.SimDM1.1.pdf" size="460463" user="HerveWozniak" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Semantics_Theory18.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1541711058" name="Semantics_Theory18.pdf" path="Semantics_Theory18.pdf" size="4213854" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"

Revision 32018-11-08 - HerveWozniak

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2018"

(DRAFT) Theory IG sessions schedule - IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting

Thursday Nov 08, 2018 (14:00 - 15:30 h)

FridayFriday Nov 09, 2018 NoFriday Nov 09, 2018v 09, 2018f

Speaker Title Time
David Goz N-body codes 15'
Franck Le Petit New URIs for Theory concepts 15'
Herve Wozniak SimDM 1.1. 15'
Gerard Lemson SimDM and VO-DML 15'
Gerard Lemson FileDB 15'
Discussion Promotion of implementation of theory standars 15'
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2018.11.08.Wozniak.SimDM1.1.pdf" attr="" comment="Wozniak's talk on SimDM 1.1 motivation and roadmap" date="1541694433" name="2018.11.08.Wozniak.SimDM1.1.pdf" path="2018.11.08.Wozniak.SimDM1.1.pdf" size="460463" user="HerveWozniak" version="1"

Revision 22018-11-04 - CarlosRodrigo

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2018"

(DRAFT) Theory IG sessions schedule - IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting


Friday Nov 09, 2018 (14:00 - 15:30 h)


Thursday Nov 08, 2018 (14:00 - 15:30 h)

  FridayFriday Nov 09, 2018 NoFriday Nov 09, 2018v 09, 2018f
Speaker Title Time
David Goz N-body codes 15'
Franck Le Petit New URIs for Theory concepts 15'
Herve Wozniak SimDM 1.1. 15'
Gerard Lemson SimDM and VO-DML 15'
Gerard Lemson FileDB 15'
Discussion Promotion of implementation of theory standars 15'

Revision 12018-10-27 - CarlosRodrigo

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2018"

(DRAFT) Theory IG sessions schedule - IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting

Friday Nov 09, 2018 (14:00 - 15:30 h)

FridayFriday Nov 09, 2018 NoFriday Nov 09, 2018v 09, 2018f

Speaker Title Time
David Goz N-body codes 15'
Franck Le Petit New URIs for Theory concepts 15'
Herve Wozniak SimDM 1.1. 15'
Gerard Lemson SimDM and VO-DML 15'
Gerard Lemson FileDB 15'
Discussion Promotion of implementation of theory standars 15'
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