Difference: InterOpOct2019DAL (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62019-09-11 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="JamesDempsey"

DAL sessions schedule - IVOA October 2019 Groningen Interoperability Meeting



DAL 1 "Standards: revision & updates"


DAL 1 "title, if any, goes here"


(Friday October 11, 15:30-17:00, DOT) currently plenary, missing the parallel session

Speaker Title Time Material
Markus Demleitner Interoperable Authentication: Lessons learned from pyVO's TAP client 15' has to be confirmed
Laurent Michel/Gregory Mantelet Retrieving complex data in TAP services 15'
François Bonnarel ProvTAP/ProvHIPS 20' (may be in Apps)
Marco Molinaro SIAP-2.0 feedback from VLKB (and possibly SODA) could always be dropped, if room needed
Gregory Mantelet feedback report on the implementation of ADQL-2.1 15'
James Dempsey potential talk
Laurent Michel/Gregory Mantelet Retrieving complex data in TAP services 15'    
François Bonnarel ProvTAP/ProvHIPS 20'   (may be in Apps)
Marco Molinaro SIAP-2.0 feedback from VLKB (and possibly SODA) 15'   could always be dropped, if room needed
Gregory Mantelet feedback report on the implementation of ADQL-2.1 15'    
James Dempsey potential talk      

DAL 2 "title, if any, goes here"

(Saturday October 12, 13:30-15:00, Student hotel) currently parallel to Ops IG

Speaker Title Time Material
Pat Dowler DALI discussion wrap-up?    

DALI & caproles discussion "title, if any, goes here"

(Saturday October 12, 09:00-10:30, Student hotel) currently clashing SourceDM parallel

Speaker Title Time Material
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