Difference: InterOpOct2019GitHub (1 vs. 4)

Revision 42019-10-13 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2019"


Presented by: James Dempsey, Dave Morris, Marco Molinaro, Ole Streicher, François Bonnarel


  1. Introduction - Moving standards to GitHub
  2. Repository approach - master is live - shows activity on the standard. Use tags based on the documentation standards - named after current filename standards.
  3. Roles for repository:
    raising issues & PRs Anyone
    reviewing & merging PRs
    creating new repos
  4. Demonstration of workflow based on real issue (DataLink or ADQL)
    1. Fork repository
    2. Raise issue in main repository
    3. Branch in fork
    4. Commit fix to branch
    5. Raise pull request to main
    6. Editor reviews
    7. Editor merges
  5. Lorem ipsum standard - all have access to raise pull requests, merge etc
  6. Future possibilities: CI integration with Travis
  7. Discussion points:
    1. License
    2. No PDFs in git
    3. What to do with legacy Word docs
    4. Rebase mechanism
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_Github.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1570950052" name="IVOA_Github.pptx" path="IVOA_Github.pptx" size="7003223" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_Github.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1570954941" name="IVOA_Github.pdf" path="IVOA_Github.pdf" size="7510599" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"

Revision 32019-10-13 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2019"


Presented by: James Dempsey, Dave Morris, Marco Molinaro, Ole Streicher, François Bonnarel


  1. Introduction - Moving standards to GitHub
  2. Repository approach - master is live - shows activity on the standard. Use tags based on the documentation standards - named after current filename standards.
  3. Roles for repository:
    raising issues & PRs Anyone
    reviewing & merging PRs
    creating new repos
  4. Demonstration of workflow based on real issue (DataLink or ADQL)
    1. Fork repository
    2. Raise issue in main repository
    3. Branch in fork
    4. Commit fix to branch
    5. Raise pull request to main
    6. Editor reviews
    7. Editor merges
  5. Lorem ipsum standard - all have access to raise pull requests, merge etc
  6. Future possibilities: CI integration with Travis
  7. Discussion points:
    1. License
    2. No PDFs in git
    3. What to do with legacy Word docs
    4. Rebase mechanism
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_Github.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1570950052" name="IVOA_Github.pptx" path="IVOA_Github.pptx" size="7003223" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"

Revision 22019-10-10 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2019"

Presented by: James Dempsey, Dave Morris, Marco Molinaro, Ole Streicher, François Bonnarel


  1. Introduction - Moving standards to GitHub
  2. Repository approach - master is live - shows activity on the standard. Use tags based on the documentation standards - named after current filename standards.
  3. Roles for repository:
    raising issues & PRs Anyone
    reviewing & merging PRs
    creating new repos
  4. Demonstration of workflow based on real issue (DataLink or ADQL)
    1. Fork repository
    2. Raise issue in main repository
    3. Branch in fork
    4. Commit fix to branch
    5. Raise pull request to main
    6. Editor reviews
    7. Editor merges
  5. Lorem ipsum standard - all have access to raise pull requests, merge etc
  6. Future possibilities: CI integration with Travis
  7. Discussion points:
    1. License
    2. No PDFs in git
    3. What to do with legacy Word docs
    4. Rebase mechanism

Revision 12019-10-09 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"


Presented by: James Dempsey, Dave Morris, Marco Molinaro, Ole Streicher, François Bonnarel


  1. Introduction - Moving standards to GitHub
  2. Repository approach - master is live - shows activity on the standard. Use tags based on the documentation standards - named after current filename standards.
  3. Roles for repository:
    raising issues & PRs Anyone
    reviewing & merging PRs
    creating new repos
  4. Demonstration of workflow based on real issue (DataLink or ADQL)
    1. Fork repository
    2. Raise issue in main repository
    3. Branch in fork
    4. Commit fix to branch
    5. Raise pull request to main
    6. Editor reviews
    7. Editor merges
  5. Lorem ipsum standard - all have access to raise pull requests, merge etc
  6. Future possibilities: CI integration with Travis
  7. Discussion points:
    1. License
    2. No PDFs in git
    3. What to do with legacy Word docs
    4. Rebase mechanism
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