Difference: InterOpSep2008Plenary (25 vs. 26)

Revision 262008-05-23 - GerardLemson



Chair: Dave de Young

Plenary 1, Monday 19 May 2008

Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (including questions) per WG and IG

Speaker Title File Time
WG/IG presentations      
Mark Allen WG Applications   11.00-11.05
Mireille Louys WG DM pdf 11:05-11:10
Keith Noddle WG DAL   11:10-11:15
Roy Williams WG Events ppt 11:15-11:20
Matthew Graham G&WS ppt 11:20-11:25
Pedro Osuna WG Query Language ppt 11:25-11:30
Aurelien Stebe WG Registry ppt 11:30-11:35
Andrea Preite-Martinez WG Semantics ppt 11:35-11:40
Francois Ochsenbein WG Table pdf 11:40-11:45
Roy Williams KML for Astronomy wiki 11:45-11:50
Masatoshi Ohishi IG Astro-RG ppt 11:50-11:55
Gerard Lemson IG Theory ppt 11:55-12:00
Bob Hanisch IG Data CP ppt 12:00-12:05

Plenary 2, Friday 23 May 2008

WG/IG session summaries

Speaker Title File Time
WG/IG presentations      
Mark Allen WG Applications ppt 14.30-14.35
Mireille Louys WG DM   14:35-14:40
Keith Noddle WG DAL   14:40-14:45
Roy Williams WG Events   14:45-14:50
Matthew Graham G&WS ppt 14:50-14:55
Pedro Osuna WG Query Language ppt 14:55-15:00
Aurelien Stebe WG Registry   15:00-15:05
Andrea Preite-Martinez WG Semantics ppt 15:05-15:10
Francois Ochsenbein WG Table   15:10-15:15
Roy Williams KML for Astronomy   15:15-15:20
Masatoshi Ohishi IG Astro-RG ppt 15:20-15:25
Gerard Lemson IG Theory   15:25-15:30
Gerard Lemson IG Theory ppt 15:25-15:30
Bob Hanisch IG Data CP ppt 15:30-15:35


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