Difference: InterOpTCG-2016-05-08 ( vs. 1)

Revision 12016-05-13 - PatrickDowler


TCG F2F Meeting - 2016-05-08 in Stellenbosch, SA


Tom McGlynn (TMcG), Markus Demleitner (MD), Christophe Arviset (CA), John Swinbank (JS), Francoise Genova (FG), Kai Polsterer (KP), Mark Taylor (MT), Theresa Dower (TD), Tom Donaldson (TD2), Mark Allen (MA), Alberto Accomazzi (AA), Carlos Rodrigo (CR), Mark Cresitello-Ditmar (MCD), Brian Major (BM), Francois Bonnarel (FB), Massimo Ramella (MR), Marco Molinaro (MM), Franck LePetit (FL), Pat Dowler (PD), Matthew Graham (MG), Mireille Louys (ML), Laurent Michel (LM), Giuliano Taffoni (GT)

1. action items from last telecon

Note: +ACTION means a new action item

ACTION: TMcG make validators easy to find by external users [closed]
ACTION: MM to do something with registration/profile page [ip]
+ACTION: MM to email TCG about options
ACTION: MM to automate doc page on submission [ip]
ACTION: MM to document the mailing list management features [done]
ACTION: ALL to update 2015B Roadmap (Sydney->Capetown) [[ip]
ACTION: MG/PD to hassle chairs about Roadmap [done]
ACTION: ALL to review "how to publish" page [onging]
ACTION: FG to update for new S&P [done]
ACTION: MCD to update spectral-2.0 doc to reflect current state [of disinterest] [ip]
WG chairs - recommend move old/dormant specs out of main repo listing, also xsd files?
ACTION: MG, PD, and MCD to discuss STC2 review [ip]
- MD: split STC uo into core and other stuff like transforms, whole model fail
- FG: several people at least need to assess what is core and how to proceed
- MCD: dataset model includes stc2 but could be the core set needed for cubes
- TD2: agree with decoupling
+ACTION: MG to ask exec to create a team to assess STC2 and create a plan to move forward
ACTION: MG and PD to check status of PR-Identifiers-2.0 [done]
ACTION: PD will request WG input for sessions in late Feb [done]

+ACTION: WG chairs to update TCG page with status of standards

2. status of standards in process

+ACTION: MM (Giulia) "in progress" column must contain RFC link to the RFC Page
+ACTION: MG/PD/MM to get doc page updated asap (before exec)

PR in RFC phase: ObsCore-1.1, SSO-2.0, VOSI-1.1
PR ready to go: VTP-2.0, SODA-1.0

UWS-1.1 ready (one TCG approval remaining)

3. status of standards impacting WG/IG

MCD: low level effort available from Gerard and Tom on VO-DML and mapping document
MG: what is being held up waiting for VO-DML and.or mapping?
MD: no classic way to do this, but we need to do it
MCD: progress is happening but it is slow
TD2: insufficient effort available, required effort not too large
MA: does this match the needs of people who will implement/use this?
FG: we need to show that this is viable as a standards
MG: not much to show for > 18 months
+ACTION: TD2 to spend a month implementing utype mapping
MCD: Gerard and Omar have to be the ones to update mapping document
FB: VO-DML could go forward first, then mapping document
.... highly technical discussion ...
FG: make sure that what the IVOA recommends is implementable and useful

4. InterOp Programme

Focus Sessions

MA: wednesday discussion with projects, breakout and talk requirements
MA: will be homework for projects
MG: and homework for the WG/IGs
TD2: can we help map vo terminology to normal project language?
FG: big projects in Europe are well aware of and use VO already
MG: any questions from WGs about how Wednesday will work?
+ACTION: MA to explain how the splinter will work at the start of the spinter session
MG: 20 minutes of general discussion then break out into a few groups, parallel or series?

+ACTION: PD to ask Patricia if people can hang around after 1730 [done]

5. Endorsing Note on XML Schema policy

TODO: lightweight endorse process: TCG endorse or RFC period?

+ACTION MG/PD to proceed with an RFC for XML Schema note

MG: TCG chair and vice chair have to supervise the RFC for endorsed notes

6. S&P Document

FG: endorsed by the TCG, optional RFC period
FG: process for errata
MM: landing page for errata, errata to be approved by the TCG
... discussion about template for spec-proposed-features wiki page...
FG: propose that the landing page has links: current spec + errata; agreed by TCG
FG: also proposed link to next (feature list)
MD/TMcG: propose link to RFC page as well, PD kind of agrees

+ACTION: S&P committee to figure out what goes on the spec landing page

... status of a note between "note" and "endorsed note"? proposed endorsed note?

MD: ok, let's implement it and see how it works
+ACTION: FG to write the status paragraph for proposed-endorsed-note and endorsed-note
+ACTION: MD to tweak ivoatex
+ACTION: MM to figure out how doc repo can accept/handle proposed-endorsed-note and endorsed-note
MM: p-e-n status for RFC only, otherwise skip

MG: what about IAU endorsement of standards?
FG: a risk mitigation to include this possibility in S&P document

MG: does S&P need a status paragraph for dead standards?
MT: not needed, already covered in secton 2 and details should be left to authors

+ACTION: FG to proceed with WD-DocumentStandards-2.0

7. reference implementations

+ACTION: MG to review the language about implementation requirements

GT: opensource source reference implementations encouraged

FG: can be documented in the "publishing in the VO" page now

8. validation

LM: hard to figure out what to fix from validation error messages
TMcG: try to exlain but it is a lot of work, cadence slow
MD: also an issue in registry
ML: lack of documentation for VO newcomers and developers
FG: not sure we should explain technical details of the VO to users; apps should hide the VO

TMcG: showed wiki page with table listing validators for various IVOA standards

+ACTION: TCG to update PublishingInTheVO page when standards pages are updated/created

+ACTION: MG/PD to create 2016A Roadmap page
+ACTION: WG chairs to fill in 2016A Roadmap by June 30, 2016

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