Difference: InteropMay2010Sem (1 vs. 5)

Revision 52012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2010"
Jumps: IvoaSemantics :: semantics mail archive
Meetings: InterOpMay2010 :: InterOpNov2009Sem

Semantics Session at the May 2010 Interoperability Meeting

Moderator: Sebastien Derriere

Plenary 1 (Monday, 2:00pm)

Topic Presenter Materials
Semantics WG Status SebastienDerriere pdf
Semantics WG Status SebastienDerriere pdf

Semantics Session (Thursday, 4pm)


Topic Presenter Materials
Status of the WG SebastienDerriere pdf
Semantics for Theory SebastienDerriere p/o Norman Gray pdf
Semantics for Biology and Data Mining Matthew Graham PDF
Discussion topics    

Discussion topics :

  1. Vocabularies development by/with other WGs
    • possible re-use of existing vocabularies
    • extension of existing vocabularies
    • issues in discovering, accessing, browsing vocabularies
    • use cases for vocabularies ?
  2. Ontologies and IVOA standard
  3. Units
  4. Update UCD list of words
  5. Cookbooks, Web Services
  6. AstroInformatics 2010

Summary: Standards roadmap & interaction with other WGs

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Norman Gray slides" date="1274395843" name="semantics-vocabularies.pdf" path="semantics-vocabularies.pdf" size="260888" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274396023" name="semantics_session.pdf" path="semantics_session.pdf" size="173270" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274724914" name="Victoria-Semantics2.pdf" path="Victoria-Semantics2.pdf" size="1440870" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"

Revision 42010-05-24 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2010"
Jumps: IvoaSemantics :: semantics mail archive
Meetings: InterOpMay2010 :: InterOpNov2009Sem

Semantics Session at the May 2010 Interoperability Meeting

Moderator: Sebastien Derriere

Plenary 1 (Monday, 2:00pm)

Topic Presenter Materials
Semantics WG Status SebastienDerriere pdf

Semantics Session (Thursday, 4pm)


Topic Presenter Materials
Status of the WG SebastienDerriere pdf
Semantics for Theory SebastienDerriere p/o Norman Gray pdf
Semantics for VOEvent Matthew Graham  
Semantics for Biology and Data Mining Matthew Graham PDF
Discussion topics    

Discussion topics :

  1. Vocabularies development by/with other WGs
    • possible re-use of existing vocabularies
    • extension of existing vocabularies
    • issues in discovering, accessing, browsing vocabularies
    • use cases for vocabularies ?
  2. Ontologies and IVOA standard
  3. Units
  4. Update UCD list of words
  5. Cookbooks, Web Services
  6. AstroInformatics 2010

Summary: Standards roadmap & interaction with other WGs


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Norman Gray slides" date="1274395843" name="semantics-vocabularies.pdf" path="semantics-vocabularies.pdf" size="260888" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274396023" name="semantics_session.pdf" path="semantics_session.pdf" size="173270" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274724914" name="Victoria-Semantics2.pdf" path="Victoria-Semantics2.pdf" size="1440870" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"

Revision 32010-05-21 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2010"
Jumps: IvoaSemantics :: semantics mail archive
Meetings: InterOpMay2010 :: InterOpNov2009Sem

Semantics Session at the May 2010 Interoperability Meeting

Moderator: Sebastien Derriere

Plenary 1 (Monday, 2:00pm)

Topic Presenter Materials
Semantics WG Status SebastienDerriere pdf

Semantics Session (Thursday, 4pm)


Topic Presenter Materials
Status of the WG SebastienDerriere  
Semantics for Theory SebastienDerriere p/o Norman Gray  
Status of the WG SebastienDerriere pdf
Semantics for Theory SebastienDerriere p/o Norman Gray pdf
Semantics for VOEvent Matthew Graham  
Discussion topics    

Discussion topics :

  1. Vocabularies development by/with other WGs
    • possible re-use of existing vocabularies
    • extension of existing vocabularies
    • issues in discovering, accessing, browsing vocabularies
    • use cases for vocabularies ?
  2. Ontologies and IVOA standard
  3. Units
  4. Update UCD list of words
  5. Cookbooks, Web Services
  6. AstroInformatics 2010

Summary: Standards roadmap & interaction with other WGs

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Norman Gray slides" date="1274395843" name="semantics-vocabularies.pdf" path="semantics-vocabularies.pdf" size="260888" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274396023" name="semantics_session.pdf" path="semantics_session.pdf" size="173270" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 22010-05-20 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2010"
Jumps: IvoaSemantics :: semantics mail archive
Meetings: InterOpMay2010 :: InterOpNov2009Sem

Semantics Session at the May 2010 Interoperability Meeting

Moderator: Sebastien Derriere

Plenary 1 (Monday, 2:00pm)

Topic Presenter Materials
Semantics WG Status SebastienDerriere pdf

Semantics Session (Thursday, 4pm)


Topic Presenter Materials
Status of the WG SebastienDerriere  
Semantics for Theory SebastienDerriere p/o Norman Gray  
Semantics for VOEvent Matthew Graham  
Discussion topics    

Discussion topics :

  1. Vocabularies development by/with other WGs
    • possible re-use of existing vocabularies
    • extension of existing vocabularies
    • issues in discovering, accessing, browsing vocabularies
    • use cases for vocabularies ?
  2. Ontologies and IVOA standard
  3. Units
  4. Update UCD list of words
  5. Cookbooks, Web Services
  6. AstroInformatics 2010

Summary: Standards roadmap & interaction with other WGs


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Norman Gray slides" date="1274395843" name="semantics-vocabularies.pdf" path="semantics-vocabularies.pdf" size="260888" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1274396023" name="semantics_session.pdf" path="semantics_session.pdf" size="173270" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 12010-05-20 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2010"
Jumps: IvoaSemantics :: semantics mail archive
Meetings: InterOpMay2010 :: InterOpNov2009Sem

Semantics Session at the May 2010 Interoperability Meeting

Moderator: Sebastien Derriere

Plenary 1 (Monday, 2:00pm)

Topic Presenter Materials
Semantics WG Status SebastienDerriere pdf

Semantics Session (Thursday, 4pm)


Topic Presenter Materials
Status of the WG SebastienDerriere  
Semantics for Theory SebastienDerriere p/o Norman Gray  
Semantics for VOEvent Matthew Graham  
Discussion topics    

Discussion topics :

  1. Vocabularies development by/with other WGs
    • possible re-use of existing vocabularies
    • extension of existing vocabularies
    • issues in discovering, accessing, browsing vocabularies
    • use cases for vocabularies ?
  2. Ontologies and IVOA standard
  3. Units
  4. Update UCD list of words
  5. Cookbooks, Web Services
  6. AstroInformatics 2010

Summary: Standards roadmap & interaction with other WGs

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