Difference: InteropOct2016Semantics (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22016-10-20 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"

Semantics session

Sunday Oct 23 2016 11:00-12:30 - Room Oceania

Welcome to the semantics session !! Here is the preliminary agenda .

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Nicolas Moreau Vocabularies in the VAMDC infrastructure for databases and species characterization 15' [[][pdf]]
Nicolas Moreau Skos Usage in VOTheory 15' [[][pdf]]
Speaker Title Duration Slides
Nicolas Moreau Vocabularies in the VAMDC infrastructure for databases and species characterization 15'  
Nicolas Moreau Skos Usage in VOTheory 15'  
Alberto Accommazzi Recent progress on the Unified Astronomical thesaurus 15'  
Discussion Vocabulary for VOresource :RelationShip terms: proprietary or DataCite ?    
Markus Demleitner Vocabulary for VOresource 15'  
Discussion Vocabulary updates - the role of the semantics group 15'  

Thanks for attaching your presentation files after the meetings


Revision 12016-10-11 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"

Semantics session

Sunday Oct 23 2016 11:00-12:30 - Room Oceania

Welcome to the semantics session !! Here is the preliminary agenda .

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Nicolas Moreau Vocabularies in the VAMDC infrastructure for databases and species characterization 15' [[][pdf]]
Nicolas Moreau Skos Usage in VOTheory 15' [[][pdf]]
Alberto Accommazzi Recent progress on the Unified Astronomical thesaurus 15'  
Discussion Vocabulary for VOresource :RelationShip terms: proprietary or DataCite ?    
Discussion Vocabulary updates - the role of the semantics group 15'  

Thanks for attaching your presentation files after the meetings

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