Difference: InteropSept2006VOQL (1 vs. 8)

Revision 82012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpSep2006"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

Moscow, Russia, 18-20 September 2006


VO Query Language (IvoaVOQL) Sessions


VO Query Language (VOQL) Sessions


Open Plenary session

The Open Plenary session slides can be found here

IvoaVOQL-1 Session - Tuesday morning 11:00-12:30


VOQL-1 Session - Tuesday morning 11:00-12:30

 Minutes of the session (notes by J. Salgado)

Future work for the IvoaVOQL group

The main idea in the new direction of the IvoaVOQL group is to sepaerate the language


Future work for the VOQL group

The main idea in the new direction of the VOQL group is to sepaerate the language

  from the access. There has currently been an intermingling of specifications that were mixing the Language (ADQL) with the access (SkyNode). The impossibility to separate one from the other was leading to inconsistencies in both the language and the access.


To try to remove these incompatibilities, the IvoaVOQL group has decided to separate


To try to remove these incompatibilities, the VOQL group has decided to separate

  completely languag and access, and work consequently in the following three areas:

  • VO Query Language Specificaion (IvoaVOQL)
  • >
  • VO Query Language Specificaion (VOQL)
  • Table Access Protocol (TAP)
  • SkyNode
  • Changed:

    The first two will be dealt by the IvoaVOQL group directly. The third one will


    The first two will be dealt by the VOQL group directly. The third one will

      be worked on, probably in relation to the TAP research. It is still not clear in which IVOA group this one should follow.


    We have created a IvoaVOQL Technical Experts Group (IvoaVOQL-TEG) to deal with all


    We have created a VOQL Technical Experts Group (VOQL-TEG) to deal with all

      the aforementioned issues, in the definition of the standards as well as in the construction of reference implementations, and/or tools necessary to widespread the VO Query Language and applied uses.


    The IvoaVOQL-TEG will meet regularly (normally by teleconference) and the aoutcomes


    The VOQL-TEG will meet regularly (normally by teleconference) and the aoutcomes

      of the discussions within the group will be fed to the community periodically, to get proper feedback.

    An e-mail distribution list will be created for the reduced group, and the mails will be archived as usual at the IVOA pages.




    IvoaVOQL/DAL joint Session - Tuesday afternoon 16:00-17:30


    VOQL/DAL joint Session - Tuesday afternoon 16:00-17:30

    In this session, Ray Plante presented the outcomes from an NVO meeting where they discussed on possible inputs for an eventual Table Access Protocol. A lot of commonalities and only a few of possible discrepancies where clearly shown with respect to the ideas shown in the IvoaVOQL-1 sesion (see the presentation) on the future Table Access Protocol.
    In this session, Ray Plante presented the outcomes from an NVO meeting where they discussed on possible inputs for an eventual Table Access Protocol. A lot of commonalities and only a few of possible discrepancies where clearly shown with respect to the ideas shown in the VOQL-1 sesion (see the presentation) on the future Table Access Protocol.


    It is not easy to predict at this stage the possible roadmap for the IvoaVOQL group, in view of the new structure and documents that the group will be preparing. The following, nevertheless, is an attempt to do so:
    It is not easy to predict at this stage the possible roadmap for the VOQL group, in view of the new structure and documents that the group will be preparing. The following, nevertheless, is an attempt to do so:
    • Past time: 27 Jul 2006 change of chair
  • Current time: Creation of IvoaVOQL-TEG
  • Last quarter 2006: Work on stabilizing a IvoaVOQL specification and initiate
  • >
  • Current time: Creation of VOQL-TEG
  • Last quarter 2006: Work on stabilizing a VOQL specification and initiate
  •   the TAP
  • China 2007 meeting: present atable IvoaVOQL version and first TAP version
  • September interop meeting: Advance IvoaVOQL Spec to PR and present new TAP version
  • >
  • China 2007 meeting: present atable VOQL version and first TAP version
  • September interop meeting: Advance VOQL Spec to PR and present new TAP version

    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158731147" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" size="43778" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158733441" name="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" path="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" size="206336" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158737124" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" size="76443" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158739953" name="VOQL1_Session_minutes.pdf" path="VOQL1_Session_minutes.pdf" size="12938" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
    META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1159372553" name="VOQL1_Session_minutes.doc" path="VOQL1_Session_minutes.doc" size="23552" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"

    Revision 72007-01-17 - BrunoRino

    META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpSep2006"

    IVOA Interoperability Meeting

    Moscow, Russia, 18-20 September 2006


    VO Query Language (VOQL) Sessions


    VO Query Language (IvoaVOQL) Sessions


    Open Plenary session

    The Open Plenary session slides can be found here

    VOQL-1 Session - Tuesday morning 11:00-12:30


    IvoaVOQL-1 Session - Tuesday morning 11:00-12:30

     Minutes of the session (notes by J. Salgado)

    Future work for the VOQL group

    The main idea in the new direction of the VOQL group is to sepaerate the language


    Future work for the IvoaVOQL group

    The main idea in the new direction of the IvoaVOQL group is to sepaerate the language

      from the access. There has currently been an intermingling of specifications that were mixing the Language (ADQL) with the access (SkyNode). The impossibility to separate one from the other was leading to inconsistencies in both the language and the access.


    To try to remove these incompatibilities, the VOQL group has decided to separate


    To try to remove these incompatibilities, the IvoaVOQL group has decided to separate

      completely languag and access, and work consequently in the following three areas:

    • VO Query Language Specificaion (VOQL)
    • >
    • VO Query Language Specificaion (IvoaVOQL)
    • Table Access Protocol (TAP)
    • SkyNode
    • Changed:

      The first two will be dealt by the VOQL group directly. The third one will


      The first two will be dealt by the IvoaVOQL group directly. The third one will

        be worked on, probably in relation to the TAP research. It is still not clear in which IVOA group this one should follow.


      We have created a VOQL Technical Experts Group (VOQL-TEG) to deal with all


      We have created a IvoaVOQL Technical Experts Group (IvoaVOQL-TEG) to deal with all

        the aforementioned issues, in the definition of the standards as well as in the construction of reference implementations, and/or tools necessary to widespread the VO Query Language and applied uses.


      The VOQL-TEG will meet regularly (normally by teleconference) and the aoutcomes


      The IvoaVOQL-TEG will meet regularly (normally by teleconference) and the aoutcomes

        of the discussions within the group will be fed to the community periodically, to get proper feedback.

      An e-mail distribution list will be created for the reduced group, and the mails will be archived as usual at the IVOA pages.




      VOQL/DAL joint Session - Tuesday afternoon 16:00-17:30


      IvoaVOQL/DAL joint Session - Tuesday afternoon 16:00-17:30

      In this session, Ray Plante presented the outcomes from an NVO meeting where they discussed on possible inputs for an eventual Table Access Protocol. A lot of commonalities and only a few of possible discrepancies where clearly shown with respect to the ideas shown in the VOQL-1 sesion (see the presentation) on the future Table Access Protocol.
      In this session, Ray Plante presented the outcomes from an NVO meeting where they discussed on possible inputs for an eventual Table Access Protocol. A lot of commonalities and only a few of possible discrepancies where clearly shown with respect to the ideas shown in the IvoaVOQL-1 sesion (see the presentation) on the future Table Access Protocol.


      It is not easy to predict at this stage the possible roadmap for the VOQL group, in view of the new structure and documents that the group will be preparing. The following, nevertheless, is an attempt to do so:
      It is not easy to predict at this stage the possible roadmap for the IvoaVOQL group, in view of the new structure and documents that the group will be preparing. The following, nevertheless, is an attempt to do so:
      • Past time: 27 Jul 2006 change of chair
    • Current time: Creation of VOQL-TEG
    • Last quarter 2006: Work on stabilizing a VOQL specification and initiate
    • >
    • Current time: Creation of IvoaVOQL-TEG
    • Last quarter 2006: Work on stabilizing a IvoaVOQL specification and initiate
    •   the TAP
    • China 2007 meeting: present atable VOQL version and first TAP version
    • September interop meeting: Advance VOQL Spec to PR and present new TAP version
    • >
    • China 2007 meeting: present atable IvoaVOQL version and first TAP version
    • September interop meeting: Advance IvoaVOQL Spec to PR and present new TAP version


      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158731147" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" size="43778" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158733441" name="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" path="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" size="206336" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158737124" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" size="76443" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158739953" name="VOQL1_Session_minutes.pdf" path="VOQL1_Session_minutes.pdf" size="12938" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1159372553" name="VOQL1_Session_minutes.doc" path="VOQL1_Session_minutes.doc" size="23552" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"

      Revision 62006-09-27 - JesusSalgado

      META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpSep2006"

      IVOA Interoperability Meeting

      Moscow, Russia, 18-20 September 2006

      VO Query Language (VOQL) Sessions

      Open Plenary session

      The Open Plenary session slides can be found here

      VOQL-1 Session - Tuesday morning 11:00-12:30

      Minutes of the session (notes by J. Salgado)
      Minutes of the session (notes by J. Salgado)

      Future work for the VOQL group

      The main idea in the new direction of the VOQL group is to sepaerate the language from the access. There has currently been an intermingling of specifications that were mixing the Language (ADQL) with the access (SkyNode). The impossibility to separate one from the other was leading to inconsistencies in both the language and the access.

      To try to remove these incompatibilities, the VOQL group has decided to separate completely languag and access, and work consequently in the following three areas:

      • VO Query Language Specificaion (VOQL)
      • Table Access Protocol (TAP)
      • SkyNode

      The first two will be dealt by the VOQL group directly. The third one will be worked on, probably in relation to the TAP research. It is still not clear in which IVOA group this one should follow.

      We have created a VOQL Technical Experts Group (VOQL-TEG) to deal with all the aforementioned issues, in the definition of the standards as well as in the construction of reference implementations, and/or tools necessary to widespread the VO Query Language and applied uses.

      The VOQL-TEG will meet regularly (normally by teleconference) and the aoutcomes of the discussions within the group will be fed to the community periodically, to get proper feedback.

      An e-mail distribution list will be created for the reduced group, and the mails will be archived as usual at the IVOA pages.



      VOQL/DAL joint Session - Tuesday afternoon 16:00-17:30

      In this session, Ray Plante presented the outcomes from an NVO meeting where they discussed on possible inputs for an eventual Table Access Protocol. A lot of commonalities and only a few of possible discrepancies where clearly shown with respect to the ideas shown in the VOQL-1 sesion (see the presentation) on the future Table Access Protocol.


      It is not easy to predict at this stage the possible roadmap for the VOQL group, in view of the new structure and documents that the group will be preparing. The following, nevertheless, is an attempt to do so:

      • Past time: 27 Jul 2006 change of chair
      • Current time: Creation of VOQL-TEG
      • Last quarter 2006: Work on stabilizing a VOQL specification and initiate the TAP
      • China 2007 meeting: present atable VOQL version and first TAP version
      • September interop meeting: Advance VOQL Spec to PR and present new TAP version


      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158731147" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" size="43778" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158733441" name="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" path="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" size="206336" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158737124" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" size="76443" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158739953" name="VOQL1_Session_minutes.pdf" path="VOQL1_Session_minutes.pdf" size="12938" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1159372553" name="VOQL1_Session_minutes.doc" path="VOQL1_Session_minutes.doc" size="23552" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"

      Revision 52006-09-20 - PedroOsuna

      META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpSep2006"

      IVOA Interoperability Meeting

      Moscow, Russia, 18-20 September 2006

      VO Query Language (VOQL) Sessions

      Open Plenary session

      The Open Plenary session slides can be found here

      VOQL-1 Session - Tuesday morning 11:00-12:30

      Minutes of the session (notes by J. Salgado)

      Future work for the VOQL group

      The main idea in the new direction of the VOQL group is to sepaerate the language from the access. There has currently been an intermingling of specifications that were mixing the Language (ADQL) with the access (SkyNode). The impossibility to separate one from the other was leading to inconsistencies in both the language and the access.

      To try to remove these incompatibilities, the VOQL group has decided to separate completely languag and access, and work consequently in the following three areas:

      • VO Query Language Specificaion (VOQL)
      • Table Access Protocol (TAP)
      • SkyNode

      The first two will be dealt by the VOQL group directly. The third one will be worked on, probably in relation to the TAP research. It is still not clear in which IVOA group this one should follow.

      We have created a VOQL Technical Experts Group (VOQL-TEG) to deal with all the aforementioned issues, in the definition of the standards as well as in the construction of reference implementations, and/or tools necessary to widespread the VO Query Language and applied uses.

      The VOQL-TEG will meet regularly (normally by teleconference) and the aoutcomes of the discussions within the group will be fed to the community periodically, to get proper feedback.

      An e-mail distribution list will be created for the reduced group, and the mails will be archived as usual at the IVOA pages.



      VOQL/DAL joint Session - Tuesday afternoon 16:00-17:30

      In this session, Ray Plante presented the outcomes from an NVO meeting where they discussed on possible inputs for an eventual Table Access Protocol. A lot of commonalities and only a few of possible discrepancies where clearly shown with respect to the ideas shown in the VOQL-1 sesion (see the presentation) on the future Table Access Protocol.


      It is not easy to predict at this stage the possible roadmap for the VOQL group, in view of the new structure and documents that the group will be preparing. The following, nevertheless, is an attempt to do so:

      • Past time: 27 Jul 2006 change of chair
      • Current time: Creation of VOQL-TEG
      • Last quarter 2006: Work on stabilizing a VOQL specification and initiate the TAP
      • China 2007 meeting: present atable VOQL version and first TAP version
      • September interop meeting: Advance VOQL Spec to PR and present new TAP version


      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158731147" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" size="43778" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158733441" name="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" path="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" size="206336" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158737124" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" size="76443" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158739953" name="VOQL1_Session_minutes.pdf" path="VOQL1_Session_minutes.pdf" size="12938" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"

      Revision 42006-09-20 - PedroOsuna

      META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpSep2006"

      IVOA Interoperability Meeting

      Moscow, Russia, 18-20 September 2006

      VO Query Language (VOQL) Sessions

      Open Plenary session

      The Open Plenary session slides can be found here

      VOQL-1 Session - Tuesday morning 11:00-12:30

      Future work for the VOQL group

      The main idea in the new direction of the VOQL group is to sepaerate the language from the access. There has currently been an intermingling of specifications that were mixing the Language (ADQL) with the access (SkyNode). The impossibility to separate one from the other was leading to inconsistencies in both the language and the access.

      To try to remove these incompatibilities, the VOQL group has decided to separate completely languag and access, and work consequently in the following three areas:

      • VO Query Language Specificaion (VOQL)
      • Table Access Protocol (TAP)
      • SkyNode

      The first two will be dealt by the VOQL group directly. The third one will be worked on, probably in relation to the TAP research. It is still not clear in which IVOA group this one should follow.

      We have created a VOQL Technical Experts Group (VOQL-TEG) to deal with all the aforementioned issues, in the definition of the standards as well as in the construction of reference implementations, and/or tools necessary to widespread the VO Query Language and applied uses.

      The VOQL-TEG will meet regularly (normally by teleconference) and the aoutcomes of the discussions within the group will be fed to the community periodically, to get proper feedback.

      An e-mail distribution list will be created for the reduced group, and the mails will be archived as usual at the IVOA pages.



      VOQL/DAL joint Session - Tuesday afternoon 16:00-17:30

      • On a new Table Access Protocol
       In this session, Ray Plante presented the outcomes from an NVO meeting where they discussed on possible inputs for an eventual Table Access Protocol. A lot of commonalities and only a few of possible discrepancies where clearly shown with respect to the ideas shown in the VOQL-1 sesion (see the presentation) on the future Table Access Protocol.


      It is not easy to predict at this stage the possible roadmap for the VOQL group, in view of the new structure and documents that the group will be preparing. The following, nevertheless, is an attempt to do so:

      • Past time: 27 Jul 2006 change of chair
      • Current time: Creation of VOQL-TEG
      • Last quarter 2006: Work on stabilizing a VOQL specification and initiate the TAP
      • China 2007 meeting: present atable VOQL version and first TAP version
      • September interop meeting: Advance VOQL Spec to PR and present new TAP version


      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158731147" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" size="43778" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158733441" name="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" path="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" size="206336" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158737124" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" size="76443" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"

      Revision 32006-09-20 - PedroOsuna

      META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpSep2006"

      IVOA Interoperability Meeting

      Moscow, Russia, 18-20 September 2006

      VO Query Language (VOQL) Sessions

      Open Plenary session

      The Open Plenary session slides can be found here

      VOQL-1 Session - Tuesday morning 11:00-12:30

      Future work for the VOQL group

      The main idea in the new direction of the VOQL group is to sepaerate the language from the access. There has currently been an intermingling of specifications that were mixing the Language (ADQL) with the access (SkyNode). The impossibility to separate one from the other was leading to inconsistencies in both the language and the access.

      To try to remove these incompatibilities, the VOQL group has decided to separate completely languag and access, and work consequently in the following three areas:

      • VO Query Language Specificaion (VOQL)
      • Table Access Protocol (TAP)
      • SkyNode

      The first two will be dealt by the VOQL group directly. The third one will be worked on, probably in relation to the TAP research. It is still not clear in which IVOA group this one should follow.

      We have created a VOQL Technical Experts Group (VOQL-TEG) to deal with all the aforementioned issues, in the definition of the standards as well as in the construction of reference implementations, and/or tools necessary to widespread the VO Query Language and applied uses.

      The VOQL-TEG will meet regularly (normally by teleconference) and the aoutcomes of the discussions within the group will be fed to the community periodically, to get proper feedback.

      An e-mail distribution list will be created for the reduced group, and the mails will be archived as usual at the IVOA pages.



      VOQL/DAL joint Session - Tuesday afternoon 16:00-17:30

      • On a new Table Access Protocol
      In this session, Ray Plante presented the outcomes from an NVO meeting where they discussed on possible inputs for an eventual Table Access Protocol. A lot of commonalities and only a few of possible discrepancies where clearly shown with respect to the ideas shown in the VOQL-1 sesion (see the presentation) on the future Table Access Protocol.



      VOQL Group future activities



      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158731147" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" size="43778" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158733441" name="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" path="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" size="206336" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158737124" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_report.pdf" size="76443" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"

      Revision 22006-09-20 - PedroOsuna

      META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpSep2006"

      IVOA Interoperability Meeting

      Moscow, Russia, 18-20 September 2006

      VO Query Language (VOQL) Sessions




      Open Plenary session

      The Open Plenary session slides can be found here

      VOQL-1 Session - Tuesday morning 11:00-12:30

      • Future work for the VOQL group

      Future work for the VOQL group


      The main idea in the new direction of the VOQL group is to sepaerate the language from the access. There has currently been an intermingling of specifications that were mixing the Language (ADQL) with the access (SkyNode). The impossibility to separate one from the other was leading to inconsistencies in both the language and the access.

      To try to remove these incompatibilities, the VOQL group has decided to separate completely languag and access, and work consequently in the following three areas:

      • VO Query Language Specificaion (VOQL)
      • Table Access Protocol (TAP)
      • SkyNode

      The first two will be dealt by the VOQL group directly. The third one will be worked on, probably in relation to the TAP research. It is still not clear in which IVOA group this one should follow.

      We have created a VOQL Technical Experts Group (VOQL-TEG) to deal with all the aforementioned issues, in the definition of the standards as well as in the construction of reference implementations, and/or tools necessary to widespread the VO Query Language and applied uses.

      The VOQL-TEG will meet regularly (normally by teleconference) and the aoutcomes of the discussions within the group will be fed to the community periodically, to get proper feedback.

      An e-mail distribution list will be created for the reduced group, and the mails will be archived as usual at the IVOA pages.




      VOQL/DAL joint Session - Tuesday afternoon 16:00-17:30

      • On a new Table Access Protocol




      VOQL Group future activities



      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158731147" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" size="43778" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158733441" name="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" path="IVOA_VOQLDAL_Moscow2006_TAP_RayPlante.ppt" size="206336" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"

      Revision 12006-09-20 - PedroOsuna

      META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpSep2006"

      IVOA Interoperability Meeting

      Moscow, Russia, 18-20 September 2006

      VO Query Language (VOQL) Sessions


      VOQL-1 Session - Tuesday morning 11:00-12:30

      • Future work for the VOQL group

      VOQL/DAL joint Session - Tuesday afternoon 16:00-17:30

      • On a new Table Access Protocol


      META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1158731147" name="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" path="IVOA_VOQL_Moscow2006_plenary.pdf" size="43778" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
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