> > | On July 19th, Masatoshi visited NAOC and discussed with the China-VO group. On the dya, SkyMouse 1.0 was released. Combing with screen character capture technology, SkyMouse is an easy-of-use intelligent information collector, which takes advantages of all kinds of online astronomical resources, including VO services and traditional web applications. A simple "mouse click" action will return the user a comprehensive overview for a specific astronomical object. Website: "http://skymouse.china-vo.org".
VO Data Access Service (VO-DAS) is an under developing project in our group, which will be our first priority work before the 2007 Spring Interoperability meting. VO-DAS, will become the data access and data mining infrastructure for the China-VO. Based on some common used Grid middle-wares, for example Globus Toolkit and OGSA-DAI, the VO-DAS system will provide VO-compliant, uniform access interfaces for different kinds of astronomical resources existing as VO services, DBMS', and even file systems. From Aug 14th, VO-DAS project has been turned from design stage to coding stage. A preview version will be available by the end of the year. The first public release will be in the IVOA 2007 Spring Interoperability meeting. |
VObs.it (aka DRACO) Italy
France VO
Korean VO
Reports from WGs
Grid and Web Services Working Group
Most effort available to the working group has been dedicated to VOSpace. The VOSpace standard is now approaching a v1.0 WD and three prototypes of VOSpace-1 are being built, at Caltech, at ESO and in AstroGrid.
It is intended to demonstrate at the Moscow Interop a "strawman" protoype of an asynchronous query-service based on UWS-PA. This will consume ADQL v1.0 and may inform the query-language/query-service debate. An initial draft of the UWS-PA contract, based on the prototype, will be presented at the same time.
Semantics/UCD WG
Data Models WG
Data Access Layer WG
Registry WG
Document Standards WG -
- this group is no longer active
VOEvent WG
Since the Victoria meeting, the VOEvent specification has been issued as a Proposed Recommendation, with a four-week Request for Comment period that started July 11. The page can be found at http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOEventRFC . A few small changes have been made to the spcieifcaiton and schema. There are interoperable prototypes running at Caltech, Exeter, and Los Alamos. The Working Group is hoping for a vote on Recommendation at this meeting.
VOTable WG
Applications IG
Theory IG
The main tasks the theory group set itself in Victoria were:
1. Unified proposal for theory specific additions to Semantics UCD and
Vocabulary lists. Laurie Shaw is leading this effort, but is also writing up his PhD thesis, hence delays. Frank LePetit and others have made contributions to this effort on the mailing list. 2. Write a proposal for a "Simple Numerical Access Protocol". Claudia Gheller leads this effort, which includes the testing of binary VOTable formats for use by theorists. He has proposed (on the mailing list) an approach for this and asked for feedback and prototype implementations for simulation data. 3. A poll among theorists about the data formats they use for storing (large) simulation results. Dave Zurek leads this effort which, after reminding, he is taking up actively now. 4. A data model for simulation metadata. Gerard Lemson leads this effort which has not progressed since Victoria, but will have a draft by Moscow.
Data Curation and Preservation IG
The preservation community (archivist profession) is now testing use of data grids to build preservation environments. A major step forward was the publication of the paper by R. Moore on “Building Preservation Environments with Data Grid Technology”, American Archivist, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 139-158, July 2006. This paper defines why the preservation concepts of authenticity and integrity need to be augmented with digital preservation concepts of infrastructure independence, scalability, and federation. An implementation using the Storage Resource Broker data grid is presented.
Irene Barg has applied the SRB data grid technology for preservation of National Optical Astronomy Observatory images. The NOAO implementation federates six independent data grids, and pulls images from a data grid that manages images taken at the telescope in Cerro Tololo, to a data grid in La Serena, Chile, to a data grid in Tucson, Arizona, and then to an archive at NCSA.
The Global Grid Forum has initiated a Grid Interoperation Now working group to test the federation of independent data grids. The original federation effort for the 17th Global Grid Forum meeting demonstrated a federation of 14 SRB data grids, including the NOAO, DEISA, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, SARA, Taiwan ASGC, Japan KEK and Teragrid data grids. In collaboration with the GGF Preservation Environments working group, a demonstration is planned for the 18th Global Grid Forum meeting in Washington DC on Sept 11-14, 2006 of the use of the federated data grids for preservation. Irene Barg is contributing a 1-Gigabyte image collection that will be replicated between multiple data grids within the federation. The goal is to demonstrate compliance with authenticity and integrity assertions.
The Large-scale Synoptic Survey Telescope project has also been exploring preservation requirements. They currently envision the preservation of more than 100 Petabytes of data, starting in 2013. A testbed similar to that used by NOAO is being implemented (R. Plante). Three SRB data grids are being federated to emulate the telescope at the top of the mountain, the base station at the bottom of the mountain, and the archive. The system will be used to evaluate the capability of current data grid technology to manage preservation of 5 Terabytes of data per day.
Astro-RG IG
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