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IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM32)

Sun May 24 2009 @ 16.00-18.00 CST


Full Meeting: Salle de réunion - see website at http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/interop2009/index.html


  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM31
  3. Review of Actions
  4. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. Future Interop meetings
  10. Schedule of other IVOA-related events (all)
  11. Data and Venue of the next Exec meeting (telecon?)
  12. AOB
  13. Summary of Actions

Reports from the Projects


ArVO group members at present are: A.M. Mickaelian (Principal Investigator), H.V. Astsatryan (Technical Manager), T.Yu. Magakian and L.K. Erastova (Project Scientists), L.A. Sargsyan, P.K. Sinamyan, and S.A. Ghazaryan (Scientific/Technical Assistants), and G.A. Mikayelyan (Web Master). Two more students from the Yerevan State University (YSU) are involved in the project, too.
ArVO group members at present are: A.M. Mickaelian (Principal Investigator), H.V. Astsatryan (Technical Manager), T.Yu. Magakian and L.K. Erastova (Project Scientists), L.A. Sargsyan, P.K. Sinamyan, and S.A. Ghazaryan (Scientific/Technical Assistants), and G.A. Mikayelyan (Web Master). Two more students from the Yerevan State University (YSU) are involved in the project, too.
Using the computer hardware (ArmCluster) and software possibilites at the Armenian Institute of Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP), we have installed the full Digitized First Byurakan Survey (DFBS) database in Armenia, which is the copy of the same database created by the M.I.G.G. team in Rome and will serve for the Armenian students to work on new science projects. The Armenian VO server at the IIAP has been set up and soon will be open. The establishment and utilization of the Virtual Observatories standards in Armenia is being continued.
Using the computer hardware (ArmCluster) and software possibilites at the Armenian Institute of Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP), we have installed the full Digitized First Byurakan Survey (DFBS) database in Armenia, which is the copy of the same database created by the M.I.G.G. team in Rome and will serve for the Armenian students to work on new science projects. The Armenian VO server at the IIAP has been set up and soon will be open. The establishment and utilization of the Virtual Observatories standards in Armenia is being continued.
  One of the recent works was the creation of Byurakan Observatory electronic plate database (BPD v1 contains data for some 11,000 plates) with full access by various parameters: sky area, observing project, telescope, observing mode, data of observations, observer, etc. The digitization works of the Byurakan archive plates are being continued. The digitized Byurakan plates will make up the main part of the Armenian astronomical data centre.

The low-dispersion spectra classification works have been started, too. It is planned that the users will have access to all 40,000,000 spectra and their suggested classification, which will allow to select objects of necessary types, make samples, study definite fields, etc. Developments for conducting scientific projects using the DFBS are in progress, including automatic search for UVX and late-type stars, variable objects, and new bright QSOs, optical identifications of radio, IR, and X-ray sources.

A new ISTC project (A-1606) on "Development of Armenian-Georgian Grid Infrastructure and applications in the Fields of High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Quantum Physics" has been conducted in collaboration with 6 other Armenian and Georgian institutions, which includes the development of Armenian-Georgian VO based on the plate databases of Byurakan and Abastumani observatories.



Brazil-VO (BVO)



VObs.it (aka DRACO) Italy


The first European “hands-on” VO School was held at ESO Mar. 30 – Apr. 2, 2009 as part of the activities of the Euro-VO AIDA project (see http://www.euro-vo.org/aidahandson2009/). The aim of the school, targeted mostly at PhD students and young post-docs, was to expose European astronomers to the many available VO tools and services so that they could be used efficiently for research purposes. The school involved 40 students, out of the 75 who requested to participate, and 15 tutors and tool developers. Based on the input received from the participants during the hands-on and feedback sessions the school was a great success.

France VO




Korean VO


The NVO Project continued to operate on its remaining carry-forward funds from FY08, with the result that development activities have stopped in all but a few areas and support and operational work is continuing on a best-effort basis only. We will begin a formal close-out of the project and submit a final report through the standard channels.

The NVO data discovery portal was released on 19 February. This represents a major redesign of the NVO web page and provides greater connectivity between portal components (directory, inventory, etc.).

Progress on the Table Access Standard stalled for a period of about two months at the beginning of the quarter. The NVO team has been working with the IVOA Data Access Layer WG Chair and others in IVOA leadership to try to get this work back on track. As of this writing, e-mail discussions have resumed on the DAL e-mail list. In concert with work on the TAP protocol, efforts are also underway to prepare the VO Registry for including TAP services. Our goal is to reach consensus on the TAP standard and associated issues at the May Interop meeting in Strasbourg.

Other preparatory activities for the Strasbourg Interop meeting included preparation of agendas for the Applications WG (T. McGlynn) and Grid and Web Services WG (M. Graham).

Routine testing of VO services has been expanded and now includes regular testing of all cone search and SIAP services known from the NVO registry.





Reports from WGs & IGs(follows order as at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/)

Applications WG

Data Access Layer WG

Data Models WG

Grid and Web Services Working Group

Registry WG

Semantics/UCD WG



VOTable WG

Astro-RG IG

Data Curation and Preservation IG

Theory IG

Stds & Process


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