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IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM36)
Sunday May 16 @ 16.00-18.00
Supplementary: Wednesday May 19 @ 12.30-14.00, possible extension @ 17.00
Sunday meeting in the Merino room, Wednesday meeting in the Harbour room. Full Meeting at InterOpMay2010.
Draft Agenda FM36
- Roll Call and Agenda
- Minutes of TM35
- Status of Actions - brief, no discussion
- Project Reports - Significant Events Only
- Report of the TCG meeting and TCG status - CA
- Reports by WGs - WG Chairs
- Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
- Discussion on IVOA and Exec (what is IVOA? what is Exec?) - all
- Discussion on the IVOA structure (Exec, committees, WGs/IGs/LGs, ...) - all
- IVOA Web pages - AL
- Interop POC - SG
- Expiring Chairs - FP
- Next Interops and Workshops
- Date of next meeting (TM37)
- Discussion on Action Items
- Summary of Actions
Reports from the Projects
AstroGrid as an STFC funded project completed in December 2009, but the AstroGrid consortium continues in operation. The AstroGrid website is operational; we still offer VO Desktop, Topcat, and AstroGrid Python; and several instances of the AstroGrid registry are operational. A number of key UK staff have now left for jobs in industry or other sectors of academia, but many others remain employed and involved, either as part of EU funded projects (AIDA, VAMDC), or as data center, facility, or project staff with a partial responsibility for VO matters. AstroGrid software and services therefore remain operational and will be maintained, and key individuals will continue to contribute to IVOA working groups, but new developments will occur more slowly in the past.
Even more than is already the case, we expect that AstroGrid technical software, working services, and user tools will be seen as a contribution to a unified Euro-VO.
Our proposal to obtain funding to support the creation of the "AstroGrid Software Foundation" did not succeed, but this certainly something we will revisit.
You can obtain AstroGrid user tools at http://www.astrogrid.org and the AstroGrid technical infrastructure software at http://deployer.astrogrid.org
We have released a production Table Access Protocol (TAP) service to support querying
the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) data warehouse at CADC. In addition, most
of the source code to implement the TAP specification, including ADQL, STC, UWS, and
VOSI, is available through the OpenCADC project.
We have also released new implementations of our SIA services using the CAOM TAP service
and we provide an (evolving) ObsCore prototype table within our TAP service as part of the
ObsCore project.
We have implemented IVOA Single Sign On across all CADC web applications and services. Users
with X509 certficates can authenticate using this mechanism if they need to access proprietary
data or other restricted resources.
We are currently developing a VOSpace 2.0 service. While this is primarily to support
collaboration between survey team members the service will be available for use by all
CADC users. In conjunction with the VOSpace development, we are also designing and
prototyping a general purpose Group Membership Service (GMS); this specification will be
brought forward for discussion in the Grid and Web Services WG. The prototype VOSpace
and GMS source code is also available through the OpenCADC project.
CAOM TAP service: http://www.cadc.hia.nrc.gc.ca/caom/
CAOM SIA service: http://www.cadc.hia.nrc.gc.ca/sia/
OpenCADC project: http://opencadc.googlecode.com/
France VO
GAVO – the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory – continued and expanded the operation of its data center ( http://dc.zah.uni-heidelberg.de ). Many new services were incorporated, most prominently the new proper motion catalogue PPMXL (a re-reduction of USNO-B). Other services were extended as well, in particular the Millenium interface, to which the Millenium II data and some hydrodynamic simulation data were added.
GAVO continued developing software, in particular the suite to support the data center, parts of which were packaged, an SQLServer extension for indexing 3D spatial data, and a generic framework to generate all kinds of artefacts from UML data model definitions.
The focus of GAVO activities in IVOA have been the simulation data model (including SimDB), TAP, and expressing of STC (and other data models) in VOTables. We reached out towards the German speaking astronomical community with a well-received splinter meeting at the annual meeting (AG Tagung) 2009, plus a GAVO-booth there. Current funding of GAVO (http://www.g-vo.org) is guaranteed until June 2011.
Korean VO
Applications WG
Data Access Layer WG
- TAP V1.0 has finally reached REC status following a lot of hard work by DAL folk worldwide. Special thanks are due to Pat Dowler along with all the authors and contributors to the standard. The DAL session will have talks based upon experience gained implementing TAP.
- TAP/PQL has also moved forward with concrete experience being gained in prototype implementations. These will be further discussed during the Interop with examples shown in the Joint DM/DAL session, especially within the GDS/ObsDM query context.
- Extensions to SSAP to cover Photometery and Filter Profile services are being refined and some modest work on Footprint Services has also been undertaken. These will be discussed in the DAL session.
- SIA V2 is progressing with a Working Draft in production and 2D prototypes being developed. Again, these will be discussed in the DAL session.
- Finally, the SLAP document has entered TCG Review and we hope it is promoted to REC when the review is complete.