IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM36)Sunday May 16 @ 16.00-18.00 Supplementary: Wednesday May 19 @ 12.30-14.00, possible extension @ 17.00LogisticsSunday meeting in the Merino room, Wednesday meeting in the Harbour room. Full Meeting at InterOpMay2010.Draft Agenda FM36
Reports from the ProjectsArVOWork on creation of the Virtual Observatory standard interface SkyNode on the ArmCluster has been carried out. It is a protocol for querying VO data systems. A special attention is given to the access to our data (particularly DFBS, Digitized First Byurakan Survey low-dispersion spectra) through its interface. SkyNode will become the main portal for data query in the Armenian VO, as in a number of other national VO projects. The Byurakan Observatory electronic plate database has been updated and complemented with new data. Altogether, 35,000 photographic plates and film exposures are present. Works on installation of this database on the BAO and ArVO (ArmCluster) servers are being conducted. It gives full access by various parameters: sky area, observing project, telescope, observing mode, date of observation, observer, etc. The digitization works of the Byurakan archive plates are being continued. The digitized Byurakan plates will make up the main part of the Armenian astronomical data centre. Discussions on possible science projects were held. The ISTC project (A-1606) on "Development of Armenian-Georgian Grid Infrastructure and applications in the Fields of High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Quantum Physics" has been continued in collaboration with 6 other Armenian and Georgian institutions, which includes the development of Armenian-Georgian VO based on the plate databases of Byurakan and Abastumani observatories. This will be the first attempt to create a regional VO, as in the future we will need to expand the VO projects regionally to cover larger areas in the world. A DVD “Astronomy for Students” was produced containing a full collection of necessary information and data for students studying astronomy at the Yerevan State University (YSU). Review papers, presentations and software on Virtual Observatories have been included as well.AstroGridAstroGrid as an STFC funded project completed in December 2009, but the AstroGrid consortium continues in operation. The AstroGrid website is operational; we still offer VO Desktop, Topcat, and AstroGrid Python; and several instances of the AstroGrid registry are operational. A number of key UK staff have now left for jobs in industry or other sectors of academia, but many others remain employed and involved, either as part of EU funded projects (AIDA, VAMDC), or as data center, facility, or project staff with a partial responsibility for VO matters. AstroGrid software and services therefore remain operational and will be maintained, and key individuals will continue to contribute to IVOA working groups, but new developments will occur more slowly in the past. Even more than is already the case, we expect that AstroGrid technical software, working services, and user tools will be seen as a contribution to a unified Euro-VO. Our proposal to obtain funding to support the creation of the "AstroGrid Software Foundation" did not succeed, but this certainly something we will revisit. You can obtain AstroGrid user tools at http://www.astrogrid.org and the AstroGrid technical infrastructure software at http://deployer.astrogrid.orgAustralia-VOBRAVOChina-VOCVOWe have released a production Table Access Protocol (TAP) service to support querying the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) data warehouse at CADC. In addition, most of the source code to implement the TAP specification, including ADQL, STC, UWS, and VOSI, is available through the OpenCADC project. We have also released new implementations of our SIA services using the CAOM TAP service and we provide an (evolving) ObsCore prototype table within our TAP service as part of the ObsCore project. We have implemented IVOA Single Sign On across all CADC web applications and services. Users with X509 certficates can authenticate using this mechanism if they need to access proprietary data or other restricted resources. We are currently developing a VOSpace 2.0 service. While this is primarily to support collaboration between survey team members the service will be available for use by all CADC users. In conjunction with the VOSpace development, we are also designing and prototyping a general purpose Group Membership Service (GMS); this specification will be brought forward for discussion in the Grid and Web Services WG. The prototype VOSpace and GMS source code is also available through the OpenCADC project. CAOM TAP service: http://www.cadc.hia.nrc.gc.ca/caom/ CAOM SIA service: http://www.cadc.hia.nrc.gc.ca/sia/ OpenCADC project: http://opencadc.googlecode.com/Euro-VOFrance VOGAVOGAVO – the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory – continued and expanded the operation of its data center ( http://dc.zah.uni-heidelberg.de ). Many new services were incorporated, most prominently the new proper motion catalogue PPMXL (a re-reduction of USNO-B). Other services were extended as well, in particular the Millenium interface, to which the Millenium II data and some hydrodynamic simulation data were added. GAVO continued developing software, in particular the suite to support the data center, parts of which were packaged, an SQLServer extension for indexing 3D spatial data, and a generic framework to generate all kinds of artefacts from UML data model definitions. The focus of GAVO activities in IVOA have been the simulation data model (including SimDB), TAP, and expressing of STC (and other data models) in VOTables. We reached out towards the German speaking astronomical community with a well-received splinter meeting at the annual meeting (AG Tagung) 2009, plus a GAVO-booth there. Current funding of GAVO (http://www.g-vo.org) is guaranteed until June 2011.HVOJapan-VOKorean VO | ||||||||
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> > | On May 11 we received word that the VAO, the operational successor to NVO, has been awarded $20M over the next five years. This is in addition to $7.5M from NASA, which funding began last fall. The NSF Cooperative Agreement is with the VAO, LLC (limited liability company), which was co-founded by AURA and AUI, the two major non-profit astronomy research organizations in the US. The period of funding is May 15, 2010 through April 30, 2015. Work has begun in earnest on processing subawards in the hopes of getting the US VO team re-engaged as quickly as possible. The first meeting of the VAO Science Council was held on March 26-27 at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The Council's report has been received and a formal response is in preparation. Both will be posted on the VAO's corporate website, http://www.aui.edu/vao.php. Work has also begun on the VAO Program Plan. This document will define scientific and technical goals for the first year of VAO operations and will provide a broader long-term plan. | |||||||
RVOSVOVObs.itVO-IndiaReports from WGs & IGs(follows order as at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/)Applications WGData Access Layer WG
Data Models WGObservation Data Model Core Components : A first draft for the description of the Observation data model Core Components was published in the focus team in January 2010. First implementations by CADC and ESO produce interesting feedback on the model. Lessons learned to be included in the next version of the draft after discussion in DM session 1 at Victoria Interop meeting. Photometry: A prototype data model proposition by ESAC discussed in March at the last Euro-VO AIDA meeting in Heidelberg. Draft currently written. Characterisation version 2.0: This new issue of the model is driven by the explicit description of Level 4, the simplification of the XML schema and of the Utype list. New classes include: Coverage Sensitivity maps, Resolution variation as maps or functions descriptions, etc.. Also discussed in this context: Prototype definition of a data linking container for accessing the data set: type of data format, mime-type, access url and access parameters. To be discussed in the context of Observation DM and OBS/TAP service implementations too. Spectrum DM revision For a better compatibility with SSA and SDM documents, inconstencies in Utypes and UCDs in the two documents were identified. Doug Tody, Jonathan McDowell are currently updating the documents to produce two new coordinated versions, still backward compatible. Units: Stand by due to lack of manpower MireilleLouys, May 13, 2010Grid and Web Services Working GroupA fortuitous mixture of snatched moments and whimsy has meant that we are broadly on track with our specification schedule:
Registry WGSemantics/UCD WGVOEventVOQL WGVOTable WGData Curation and Preservation IG | ||||||||
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> > | The DCP IG will be meeting during the Victoria Interop. Topics for discussion include data compression, linking between data and the astronomical literature, and the role of VO projects in long-term data preservation. | |||||||
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