IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM63)FM63 - 08 May 2016 - Manor House Meeting Room - 16:00 local time FM63S - 11 May 2016 - Manor House Meeting Room - 12:30 local time Contents LogisticsSunday, May 08, 2016 - Manor House Meeting Room @16:00 local time
Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - Manor House Meeting Room @12:30 local time Agenda FM63
The following positions will be coming due at the Northern Spring 2016 meeting:
China-VOAstronomical plate digitalization project in China gets good progress in the last months. A special designed scanner has been built. After long time optimizing, now astrometry accuracy is better than 0.2um, and photometry accuracy is better than 0.01 mag. All the 30 thousand plates collected by astronomers during the last century in China will be scanned by the ultra-high-accuracy facility in the next 12 months. All the data will be released to the public through Chinese Virtual Observatory.
France VO
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> > | The GAVO Data Centers in Heidelberg and Potsdam keep maintaining and developing services. Notable additions include CALIFA DR3, LMC polarisation data, neutrinos detected by Antares 10, a mosaic of the core of the Fornax cluster, and the DR2 of the APPLAUSE, the Potsdam digital plate archive. We also finished moving and updating old spectral and images services from Garching to Heidelberg.
In software, in addition to the usual slew of bug fixes and minor improvements, we added support for new-style (interval) SODA services and amended our XSLT-based stand-in for a Datalink client for SODA; we've also prepared SIAv2 support in DaCHS. DaCHS documentation is now maintained on github to facilitate third-party contributions. DaCHS 0.9.6 was released. In standards, we were fairly busy working out the details of SODA. We also worked on SimpleDALRegExt 1.1 (changes needed for SIAv2), and VOResource 1.1 (see Registry report), and the discovering of "dependent resources" (note is out). For the Provenance DM, we engaged in close collaboration in particular with France VO. Also, we are involved in the ongoing efforts to keep SimDAL as aligned with the "mainstream" VO as possible. GAVO held almost 10 VO days and expanded its repository of use cases/tutorials for that purpose. Finally, GAVO collaborates with ASTERICS to make the European Data Provider Forum as exciting as the Cosadie Data Provider Forum has been -- register now at http://www.g-vo.org/edp-forum-2016. | |||||||
In March 2016 JVO released a new version of the ALMAWebQL system that enables users to access already pulished ALMA archival data on the browser, to browse images and spectra with variable "beam" size and/or frequency range. As of today, the largest file size is about 23 GigaBytes which can be displayed within a few seconds.
RVO progress report (Apr 2016)
USVOAThe USVOA met to face at the Jan AAS meeting (details included in Feb telecon notes) and via telecon on April 21. USVOA discussion topics included: IVOA Focus session on new projects, Review of IVOA Roadmap for 2016, request for input from US projects for May IVOA meeting. The telecon attendees were updated on these IVOA topics. From the US/VO perspective, several interesting projects will soon be released. NOAO is working on a release of NOAO Data Lab systems. The overall goal of the Data Lab is to enable efficient exploration and analysis of the large datasets now being generated by instruments on NOAO’s wide-field telescopes. Community access is through VO interfaces. There are Data Lab demoes planned at the Jun AAS. Another significant VO release is planned by JHU this summer. The DR13 release in July will include refactored SDSS services; including SciDrive & VO Services. GSFC reported that they have implemented VO access to observational data for a number of missions. The goal is for all HEAD Image data to be completed by the end of the fiscal year. Spectral data is on the schedule for next year. The NRAO team is rebuilding the NRAO archive and making it VO-enabled. At SAO, Iris 3.0 development continues with a fall public release planned (added STILTS library for plotting/coords, accepts spectral data (not just SEDs)). Also SAO upgrades to RofR are in the release stages, including an independent test setup and upgrades to the validation capabilities. NAVO reported completion their PPBE with NASA in April. VO-India
Report from the TCG
Grid and Web Services Working Group
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Registry Working GroupThe biggest chunk of work in Registry has been VOResource 1.1, with the main goal of allowing external identifier schemes (DOIs, ORCIDs); while we take pains that the entire infrastructure, some careful additions and updates are being taken. In particular, we are striving for more agility in vocabularies and enough metadata for validation without further devices. Table registration (note out since January) is now being tried by some data centers. Our current plan is to go for endorsed note with it. TAPRegExt 1.1, SimpleDALRegExt 1.1: Minor updates necessary because of TAP 1.1, SIAv2. Registry Interfaces 1.1: WD now out. This is not only taking out the outdated search protocol, it's also finally norming the RofR. On the back burner: Spatial searches (pending pgsphere developments), VOEvent, HiPS, VOSpace registry extensions (pending WG input). | |||||||