IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM63)FM63 - 08 May 2016 - Manor House Meeting Room - 16:00 local time FM63S - 11 May 2016 - Manor House Meeting Room - 12:30 local time ContentsLogisticsSunday, May 08, 2016 - Manor House Meeting Room @16:00 local time Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - Manor House Meeting Room @12:30 local timeAgenda FM63
ArVOAstroGridAustralia-VOBRAVOChina-VOAstronomical plate digitalization project in China gets good progress in the last months. A special designed scanner has been built. After long time optimizing, now astrometry accuracy is better than 0.2um, and photometry accuracy is better than 0.01 mag. All the 30 thousand plates collected by astronomers during the last century in China will be scanned by the ultra-high-accuracy facility in the next 12 months. All the data will be released to the public through Chinese Virtual Observatory.ChiVOCVOEuro_VOLots of activities in the ASTERICS Data Access, Discovery and Interoperability (DADI) since the last Interop. The project gathers European VO teams and large projects (CTA, EGO/VIRGO, E-ELT, KM3Net). DADI web page is here https://www.asterics2020.eu/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=open:wp4:start
ESAVORelease of the new Euro-VO Registry front end user interface. ESASky to be released publicy tomorrow on sky.esa.int Release of Herschel VO services Continuing working on VO buit in Gaia Archive, to be publicly release with Gaia DR1 in September 2016. New version of ESA VOSpace systemFrance VOPeople working in France continue to be very active in the development of IVOA standards and in leading IVOA Groups and Committees. France VO continues to coordinate the VO activities in France, including similar activities in 'nearby' disciplines such as planetary sciences. Its annual Call for proposals (travel money only) includes in particular support to travel to the IVOA Interoperablity meetings. Following the last national strategic exercise it was given the additional mandate to be the place for technical exchange between people who develop astronomical data services in France, in addition to coordinating French participation in the VO and similar initiatives in 'nearby' disciplines. A meeting aimed at technical excahnges will be added to the annual France VO meeting (this begun this year). A specific mailing list was set up and ihas been well used since then.GAVOThe GAVO Data Centers in Heidelberg and Potsdam keep maintaining and developing services. Notable additions include CALIFA DR3, LMC polarisation data, neutrinos detected by Antares 10, a mosaic of the core of the Fornax cluster, and the DR2 of the APPLAUSE, the Potsdam digital plate archive. We also finished moving and updating old spectral and images services from Garching to Heidelberg. In software, in addition to the usual slew of bug fixes and minor improvements, we added support for new-style (interval) SODA services and amended our XSLT-based stand-in for a Datalink client for SODA; we've also prepared SIAv2 support in DaCHS. DaCHS documentation is now maintained on github to facilitate third-party contributions. DaCHS 0.9.6 was released. In standards, we were fairly busy working out the details of SODA. We also worked on SimpleDALRegExt 1.1 (changes needed for SIAv2), and VOResource 1.1 (see Registry report), and the discovering of "dependent resources" (note is out). For the Provenance DM, we engaged in close collaboration in particular with France VO. Also, we are involved in the ongoing efforts to keep SimDAL as aligned with the "mainstream" VO as possible. GAVO held almost 10 VO days and expanded its repository of use cases/tutorials for that purpose. Finally, GAVO collaborates with ASTERICS to make the European Data Provider Forum as exciting as the Cosadie Data Provider Forum has been -- register now at http://www.g-vo.org/edp-forum-2016.HVOVObs.itDue to the restructuring of the INAF Headquarters and budget lines, the VObs.it funding for fiscal year 2016 has not been completely defined yet. In any case the funds, expected to be available within early June, are foreseen to be lower than in the previous years. The amount will allow to cover the expenses of the Southern Spring Interop (21-23 October 2016, after ADASS XXVI) in Trieste, while the travel budget will be substantially cut. The current level of staffing will be maintained by relying partly on permanent staff and partly on the ASTERICS project, funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme (see Euro-VO report). In particular, the VO-relevant activity in ASTERICS includes authorisation and authentication, workflows, data access standards, and education and citizen science. VObs.it and CVO (INAF-OATs and CADC teams) continue their collaboration on the federation of the European EGI and the Canadian CANFAR clouds. This pilot activity is part of EGI-Engage, another project funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme, and expected to be expanded within EOSC, the European Open Science Cloud initiative. At the national level, the restructuring of the ASI data centres could be a good chance to enhance the involvement in the VO of the ASI Astro team.Japan-VOIn March 2016 JVO released a new version of the ALMAWebQL system that enables users to access already pulished ALMA archival data on the browser, to browse images and spectra with variable "beam" size and/or frequency range. As of today, the largest file size is about 23 GigaBytes which can be displayed within a few seconds.The ALMAWebQL version 2 can be accessed from http://jvo.nao.ac.jp/portal/alma.do RVORVO progress report (Apr 2016)1. The database of Moscow astronomical plate collection and maintenance of the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (INASAN and SAI MSU, led by Nikolai Samus) We published the 81th Name-list of variable stars (2 parts, 4040 objects; available electronically). All stars of the list were identified with major astronomical catalogues, their accurate coordinates were determined. We performed a complete revision of GCVS data for variable stars in Canis Minor (162 stars), Capricornus (139 stars), Carina (837 çâåçä); in many cases, we improved or revised variability types, with new or revised light elements determined from observations accessible in the Internet. New positions were determined, identifications with photometric, spectroscopic, and astrometric catalogues attentively checked and considerably appended, photometric and spectroscopic data corrected (if necessary) for 1300 suspected variable stars (NSV catalogue). We had to rediscover about 150 variable stars with no finding charts in the literature. Variability types and light elements were determined for more than 500 stars, now selected for the next, 82nd Name-list. The electronic GCVS data base got about 5000 corrections and improvements. The GCVS site had about 18000 hits in 2015 (15% of them, from the USA; 13%, from Russia; 7%, from Germany; 7%, from Japan). We continued our work on digitizing the Sternberg Institute’s plate collection. In 2015, we got high-resolution scans for 185 plates of the 40-cm astrograph (30?30 cm, 10°?10° in size) centered at 61 Cyg. Our earlier scans centered at 104 Her were used to discover 327 new variable stars; 304 stars were suspected of variability; we also detected 340 known variable stars. 2. Working group "RVO data" (INASAN, led by Dana Kovaleva) The Binary Star Database is available at http://bdb.inasan.ru/ . The BDB aim is to join together all catalogued data on physical and astrometric parameters of binaries and multiples of various observational types. BDB provides a tool for effective managing of the catalogues of binary stars. Organization of the information is based on the careful cross-identification of the objects. This year, the new BDB version was implemented. It includes request processing based on The list of all binary and multiple stars cross-identifiers (named Identification List of Binaries, ILB) that have significantly improved the search algorythms. The process of database debugging is going on, along with adding of the new catalogues and implementation of the IVO formats. 3. Zvenigorod Scanlaboratory Group (INASAN, led by Sergei Vereshchagin) The archive of photographic plates and scans obtained by Astrograph “Zeiss-400/2000” of the Zvenigorod Observatory (about 4,000 photographic plates and a library of scans) is supported, online access to the database provided via http://oldwww.inasan.ru/eng/scan/. The database services were recently updated. 2) We work on the creation of the Atlas of comets include images of comets Hale–Bopp, Hyakutake, Kohoutek, Halley, IRAS-Araki-Alcock. The Atlas will include scanned images suitable for astrometry and astrophysics, representing details of comets tails, including jets, eddges, etc. The archive will be available online. 3) Open star clusters. We have compared new kinematically detected open star clusters out of the MWSC IV catalogue with the Zvenigorod Astrograph plate archive. Archive was obtained by photographic sky survey and was recently scanned. It covers most of the North sky, and this allows to detect a lot of objects. We present a list of the newly discovered open clusters, for the future investigations by our AD- and NND-methods. Additional information for clusters will improve understanding of their morphology, internal structure and parameters. 4. Publications: Kazarovets E.V., Pastukhova E.N. A Study of 20 Eclipsing Binary Variables from the NSV Catalog. Variable Stars Suppl., V. 15, No. 5 (2015). Kazarovets E.V., Pastukhova E.N. A Study of 38 Short-period Pulsating Variables from the NSV Catalog. Variable Stars Suppl., V. 15, No. 10 (2015). Kazarovets E.V., Samus N.N. Novae and Nova-like Stars in the 81st Name-List of Variable Stars: Official Announcement of GCVS Names. Variable Stars, V. 35, No. 3, p. 1–2 (2015). Kazarovets E., Samus N. V1534 Scorpii = Nova Scorpii 2014 = Tcp J17154683- 3128303. IAU Circulars, No. 9273, p. 3 (2015). Kazarovets E., Samus N. V1535 Scorpii = Nova Scorpii 2015 = Pnv J17032620– 3501140. IAU Circulars, No. 9274, p. 2 (2015). Kazarovets E., Samus N. V5667 Sagittarii = N Sgr 2015 (No. 1) = Pnv J18142514– 2554343. IAU Circulars, No. 9274, p. 4 (2015). Kazarovets E.V., Samus N.N., Durlevich O.V., Kireeva N.N., Pastukhova E.N. The 81st Name-list of Variable Stars. Part I – RA 00h to 17h30m. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, No. 6151, p. 1–22 (2015). Kazarovets E.V., Samus N.N., Durlevich O.V., Kireeva N.N., Pastukhova E.N. The 81st Name-list of Variable Stars. Part II – RA 17h30m to 24h. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, No. 6155, p. 1–22 (2015). Samus N.N., Antipin S.V. Variable stars and data-intensive astronomy. Highlights in Astronomy,V. 16, p. 687–688 (2015). Zubareva A.M., Kolesnikova D.M., Sokolovsky K.V., Antipin S.V., Samus N.N. «Variable Stars Near Beta Cas Discovered on Scanned Photographic Plates at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute». Proceedings of the IX Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference: Astroinformatics, eds. M.K. Tsvetkov et al., Publ. Astron. Soc. «Rudjer Boskovic», p. 67–74 (2015). Skvortsov, N. A.; Avvakumova, E. A.; Bryukhov, D. O.; Vovchenko, A. E.; Vol'nova, A. A.; Dluzhnevskaya, O. B.; Kaigorodov, P. V.; Kalinichenko, L. A.; Kniazev, A. Yu.; Kovaleva, D. A.; Malkov, O. Yu.; Pozanenko, A. S.; Stupnikov, S. A. "Conceptual approach to astronomical problems", 2016, Astrophysical Bulletin 71, 114 Kalinichenko L.A., Volnova A.A., Gordov E.P., Kiselyova N.N., Kovaleva D.A., Malkov O.Yu., Okladnikov I.G., Podkolodny N.L., Pozanenko A.S., Ponomareva N.V., Stupnikov S.A., Fazliev A.Z. "Data Access Challenges for Data Intensive Research in Russia". 2016, Informatics and Applications, Vol. 10, Iss.1, 3 Kovaleva, D.; Kaygorodov, P.; Malkov, O.; Debray, B.; Oblak, E. "Binary star DataBase BDB development: Structure, algorithms, and VO standards implementation", 2015, Astronomy and Computing 11, 119 Kovaleva, D. "Astronomical data resources for binary and multiple stars", 2015, Baltic Astronomy 24, 446 Kovaleva, D. A.; Malkov, O. Yu.; Kaygorodov, P. V.; Karchevsky, A. V.; Samus, N. N. "BSDB: a new consistent designation scheme for identifying objects in binary and multiple stars", 2015, Baltic Astronomy 24, 185 Barabanov S.I., Vereshchagin S.V., Chupina N.V. The Collection of Asteroids and Comets Observations Results from the Zvenigorod Astronomical Observatory. Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains Selected Papers of the XVII International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID/RCDL 2015) Obninsk, Russia, October 13-16, 2015. Edited by Leonid Kalinichenko Sergey Starkov, P. 187-194. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1536/ Vereshchagin S.V., and Chupina N.V. Open Star Clusters in the Zvenigorod Observatory Plate Archive. International workshop on scientific use, digitization and preserving astronomical photographic records Prague, Villa Lanna, March 14-18, 2016 in press. Barabanov S.I., Vereshchagin S.V., Chupina N.V., Fionov A.S. The structure of the observational data Zvenigorod Astronomical Observatory (Institute of Astronomy, RAS, Moscow). In Proceedings of the Fifth All-Russian Symposium "The infrastructure of scientific information resources and systems", St. Petersburg, 6-8 October 2015. Computer Center by Dorodnicyn, Moscow, 2015. Conferences: Special Session on "Astronomical catalogues, surveys, databases, virtual observatories" was organized in the frame of All-Russian meeting of the Astronomical Society, May 29th, 2015. The XVII International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID/RCDL 2015) Obninsk, Russia, October 13-16, 2015. The Fifth All-Russian Symposium "The infrastructure of scientific information resources and systems", Saint-Petersburg, October 6-8, 2015. SA^3SVOUkraine_VOUSVOAThe USVOA met to face at the Jan AAS meeting (details included in Feb telecon notes) and via telecon on April 21. USVOA discussion topics included: IVOA Focus session on new projects, Review of IVOA Roadmap for 2016, request for input from US projects for May IVOA meeting. The telecon attendees were updated on these IVOA topics. From the US/VO perspective, several interesting projects will soon be released. NOAO is working on a release of NOAO Data Lab systems. The overall goal of the Data Lab is to enable efficient exploration and analysis of the large datasets now being generated by instruments on NOAO’s wide-field telescopes. Community access is through VO interfaces. There are Data Lab demoes planned at the Jun AAS. Another significant VO release is planned by JHU this summer. The DR13 release in July will include refactored SDSS services; including SciDrive & VO Services. GSFC reported that they have implemented VO access to observational data for a number of missions. The goal is for all HEAD Image data to be completed by the end of the fiscal year. Spectral data is on the schedule for next year. The NRAO team is rebuilding the NRAO archive and making it VO-enabled. At SAO, Iris 3.0 development continues with a fall public release planned (added STILTS library for plotting/coords, accepts spectral data (not just SEDs)). Also SAO upgrades to RofR are in the release stages, including an independent test setup and upgrades to the validation capabilities. NAVO reported completion their PPBE with NASA in April.VO-IndiaReport from the TCGGrid and Web Services Working Group
Registry Working GroupThe biggest chunk of work in Registry has been VOResource 1.1, with the main goal of allowing external identifier schemes (DOIs, ORCIDs); while we take pains that the entire infrastructure, some careful additions and updates are being taken. In particular, we are striving for more agility in vocabularies and enough metadata for validation without further devices. Table registration (note out since January) is now being tried by some data centers. Our current plan is to go for endorsed note with it. TAPRegExt 1.1, SimpleDALRegExt 1.1: Minor updates necessary because of TAP 1.1, SIAv2. Registry Interfaces 1.1: WD now out. This is not only taking out the outdated search protocol, it's also finally norming the RofR. On the back burner: Spatial searches (pending pgsphere developments), VOEvent, HiPS, VOSpace registry extensions (pending WG input).Semantics Working GroupThere has been little activity in the Semantics working group since last fall.
Time Domain Interest Group
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Data Model Working Group
Standard Committee for Standards and Processes