Difference: IvoaExecMeetingTM123 (1 vs. 11)

Revision 112024-09-10 - JjKavelaars

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM122 Minutes
  3. Review of ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf
  4. CODATA outreach
  5. Report on the IAU General Assembly
  6. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  7. Overall TCG Status
  8. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  9. P3T Report
  10. CSP Status
  11. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  12. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
      • Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations
    • Northern Spring 2025:
  13. Date of next Exec meeting
  14. AOB
  15. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

The Australian Government is putting a significant focus on what it calls "National Digital Research Infrastructure", with $850M AUD on the table to support it over the next 3-4 years. We have started the (convoluted) process to access some of these funds, and are hopeful that we can at least double the research infrastructure spending in astronomy.

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

We are continuing to progress on a draft standard for CAOM with the expectation of presenting it at InterOp in November. The draft is currently with the data modelling working group. We recently began work on an extension to TAP / ADQL to enable features requested by LSST so that TAP can provide the functions needed for the Ruben user community.

CVO will present an introduction (over breakfast) of our work on IVOA to the World Data Systems Science Committee at their annual meeting here in Victoria next month (Oct 16 & 17)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

  • TCG met on 28.08 (20UTC), will meet on 27.09 (13UTC)
  • documents progress
    • RFC
      • RegTAP-1.2 - one missing comment&vote, otherwise ready for Exec submission
      • VOTable-1.5 - review progressing, TFC check at the next TCG vconf
    • other documents
      • VOEvent-2.1 - missing a pull request before announcement of PR and RFC
      • UCDList-1.6 - few terms suggestions to be checked before endorsement
      • ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0 - looking after usage scenarios
    • VEPs & Errata status
      • SSA-1.1 Erratum 4 approved after checking Spectral DM alerted conflict
      • VEP-016 - final review and vote at next TCG
    • High Energy Data Note is progressing
  • P3T reported activities and status (JE)
    • Group met on Monday, Aug 26
    • Tasks are progressing; working toward prototypes with a goal to have them mature on the End of Sep timeframe.
    • 4 docs (IVOA Service Protocol, IVOA HTTP protocol, IVOA JSON serialization, IVOA WebService Protocol) in the works.
    • We plan to engage with existing clients before Malta. Plan will discuss at next mtg on Sep 23.
    • Planning a Plenary at Nov Interop
  • Interop: November 2024 Interop overview and initial discussion
    • so far a CSP/HEIG plenary request
    • WG/IG will start working plans
    • a draft (faked session) programme is already online
    • proposal to think about organising splinters during ADASS XXXIV

Report from the CSP

  • CSP met on September 5th, 2024:
    • 10 attendees
    • Discussed about overall plan for the CSP for the year: what are the science topic we need to focus and promote and bring forward to TCG
      • large data access in the cloud
      • bulk spectra access and models
      • HEIG
    • Discussed about Plenary Session at the Malta Fall Interop meeting
      • Science presentations from several high energy and TDAMM projects; 4 speakers are in the process of being invited; ask speakers to address IVOA topics if applicable to their mission/project covering alerts, observing plans and coordination, data discovery and data access, data models. We could conclude the session with a pitch for the HE group to become an IVOA IG.
      • Requested the plenary to the TCG (plenary granted) and asked for a plenary at the beginning of the meeting to promote discussion within the WG sessions.
  • Two new members in the CSP: Judy Racusin (NASA, GSFC), Minh Huyin (CSIRO)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1725916587" name="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" size="128469" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 102024-09-10 - SimonOToole

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM122 Minutes
  3. Review of ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf
  4. CODATA outreach
  5. Report on the IAU General Assembly
  6. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  7. Overall TCG Status
  8. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  9. P3T Report
  10. CSP Status
  11. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  12. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
      • Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations
    • Northern Spring 2025:
  13. Date of next Exec meeting
  14. AOB
  15. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

The Australian Government is putting a significant focus on what it calls "National Digital Research Infrastructure", with $850M AUD on the table to support it over the next 3-4 years. We have started the (convoluted) process to access some of these funds, and are hopeful that we can at least double the research infrastructure spending in astronomy.

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

We are continuing to progress on a draft standard for CAOM with the expectation of presenting it at InterOp in November. The draft is currently with the data modelling working group. We recently began work on an extension to TAP / ADQL to enable features requested by LSST so that TAP can provide the functions needed for the Ruben user community.
We are continuing to progress on a draft standard for CAOM with the expectation of presenting it at InterOp in November. The draft is currently with the data modelling working group. We recently began work on an extension to TAP / ADQL to enable features requested by LSST so that TAP can provide the functions needed for the Ruben user community.

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

  • TCG met on 28.08 (20UTC), will meet on 27.09 (13UTC)
  • documents progress
    • RFC
      • RegTAP-1.2 - one missing comment&vote, otherwise ready for Exec submission
      • VOTable-1.5 - review progressing, TFC check at the next TCG vconf
    • other documents
      • VOEvent-2.1 - missing a pull request before announcement of PR and RFC
      • UCDList-1.6 - few terms suggestions to be checked before endorsement
      • ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0 - looking after usage scenarios
    • VEPs & Errata status
      • SSA-1.1 Erratum 4 approved after checking Spectral DM alerted conflict
      • VEP-016 - final review and vote at next TCG
    • High Energy Data Note is progressing
  • P3T reported activities and status (JE)
    • Group met on Monday, Aug 26
    • Tasks are progressing; working toward prototypes with a goal to have them mature on the End of Sep timeframe.
    • 4 docs (IVOA Service Protocol, IVOA HTTP protocol, IVOA JSON serialization, IVOA WebService Protocol) in the works.
    • We plan to engage with existing clients before Malta. Plan will discuss at next mtg on Sep 23.
    • Planning a Plenary at Nov Interop
  • Interop: November 2024 Interop overview and initial discussion
    • so far a CSP/HEIG plenary request
    • WG/IG will start working plans
    • a draft (faked session) programme is already online
    • proposal to think about organising splinters during ADASS XXXIV

Report from the CSP

  • CSP met on September 5th, 2024:
    • 10 attendees
    • Discussed about overall plan for the CSP for the year: what are the science topic we need to focus and promote and bring forward to TCG
      • large data access in the cloud
      • bulk spectra access and models
      • HEIG
    • Discussed about Plenary Session at the Malta Fall Interop meeting
      • Science presentations from several high energy and TDAMM projects; 4 speakers are in the process of being invited; ask speakers to address IVOA topics if applicable to their mission/project covering alerts, observing plans and coordination, data discovery and data access, data models. We could conclude the session with a pitch for the HE group to become an IVOA IG.
      • Requested the plenary to the TCG (plenary granted) and asked for a plenary at the beginning of the meeting to promote discussion within the WG sessions.
  • Two new members in the CSP: Judy Racusin (NASA, GSFC), Minh Huyin (CSIRO)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1725916587" name="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" size="128469" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 92024-09-10 - JjKavelaars

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM122 Minutes
  3. Review of ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf
  4. CODATA outreach
  5. Report on the IAU General Assembly
  6. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  7. Overall TCG Status
  8. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  9. P3T Report
  10. CSP Status
  11. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  12. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
      • Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations
    • Northern Spring 2025:
  13. Date of next Exec meeting
  14. AOB
  15. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

We are continuing to progress on a draft standard for CAOM with the expectation of presenting it at InterOp in November. The draft is currently with the data modelling working group. We recently began work on an extension to TAP / ADQL to enable features requested by LSST so that TAP can provide the functions needed for the Ruben user community.

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

  • TCG met on 28.08 (20UTC), will meet on 27.09 (13UTC)
  • documents progress
    • RFC
      • RegTAP-1.2 - one missing comment&vote, otherwise ready for Exec submission
      • VOTable-1.5 - review progressing, TFC check at the next TCG vconf
    • other documents
      • VOEvent-2.1 - missing a pull request before announcement of PR and RFC
      • UCDList-1.6 - few terms suggestions to be checked before endorsement
      • ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0 - looking after usage scenarios
    • VEPs & Errata status
      • SSA-1.1 Erratum 4 approved after checking Spectral DM alerted conflict
      • VEP-016 - final review and vote at next TCG
    • High Energy Data Note is progressing
  • P3T reported activities and status (JE)
    • Group met on Monday, Aug 26
    • Tasks are progressing; working toward prototypes with a goal to have them mature on the End of Sep timeframe.
    • 4 docs (IVOA Service Protocol, IVOA HTTP protocol, IVOA JSON serialization, IVOA WebService Protocol) in the works.
    • We plan to engage with existing clients before Malta. Plan will discuss at next mtg on Sep 23.
    • Planning a Plenary at Nov Interop
  • Interop: November 2024 Interop overview and initial discussion
    • so far a CSP/HEIG plenary request
    • WG/IG will start working plans
    • a draft (faked session) programme is already online
    • proposal to think about organising splinters during ADASS XXXIV

Report from the CSP

  • CSP met on September 5th, 2024:
    • 10 attendees
    • Discussed about overall plan for the CSP for the year: what are the science topic we need to focus and promote and bring forward to TCG
      • large data access in the cloud
      • bulk spectra access and models
      • HEIG
    • Discussed about Plenary Session at the Malta Fall Interop meeting
      • Science presentations from several high energy and TDAMM projects; 4 speakers are in the process of being invited; ask speakers to address IVOA topics if applicable to their mission/project covering alerts, observing plans and coordination, data discovery and data access, data models. We could conclude the session with a pitch for the HE group to become an IVOA IG.
      • Requested the plenary to the TCG (plenary granted) and asked for a plenary at the beginning of the meeting to promote discussion within the WG sessions.
  • Two new members in the CSP: Judy Racusin (NASA, GSFC), Minh Huyin (CSIRO)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1725916587" name="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" size="128469" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 82024-09-10 - JanetEvans

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM122 Minutes
  3. Review of ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf
  4. CODATA outreach
  5. Report on the IAU General Assembly
  6. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  7. Overall TCG Status
  8. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  9. P3T Report
  10. CSP Status
  11. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  12. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
      • Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations
    • Northern Spring 2025:
  13. Date of next Exec meeting
  14. AOB
  15. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

  • TCG met on 28.08 (20UTC), will meet on 27.09 (13UTC)
  • documents progress
    • RFC
      • RegTAP-1.2 - one missing comment&vote, otherwise ready for Exec submission
      • VOTable-1.5 - review progressing, TFC check at the next TCG vconf
    • other documents
      • VOEvent-2.1 - missing a pull request before announcement of PR and RFC
      • UCDList-1.6 - few terms suggestions to be checked before endorsement
      • ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0 - looking after usage scenarios
    • VEPs & Errata status
      • SSA-1.1 Erratum 4 approved after checking Spectral DM alerted conflict
      • VEP-016 - final review and vote at next TCG
    • High Energy Data Note is progressing
  • P3T reported activities and status (JE)
    • Group met on Monday, Aug 26
    • Tasks are progressing; working toward prototypes with a goal to have them mature on the End of Sep timeframe.
    • 4 docs (IVOA Service Protocol, IVOA HTTP protocol, IVOA JSON serialization, IVOA WebService Protocol) in the works.
    • We plan to engage with existing clients before Malta. Plan will discuss at next mtg on Sep 23.
    • Planning a Plenary at Nov Interop
  • Interop: November 2024 Interop overview and initial discussion
    • so far a CSP/HEIG plenary request
    • WG/IG will start working plans
    • a draft (faked session) programme is already online
    • proposal to think about organising splinters during ADASS XXXIV

Report from the CSP

  • CSP met on September 5th, 2024:
    • 10 attendees
    • Discussed about overall plan for the CSP for the year: what are the science topic we need to focus and promote and bring forward to TCG
      • large data access in the cloud
      • bulk spectra access and models
      • HEIG
    • Discussed about Plenary Session at the Malta Fall Interop meeting
      • Science presentations from several high energy and TDAMM projects; 4 speakers are in the process of being invited; ask speakers to address IVOA topics if applicable to their mission/project covering aletrs, observing plans and coordination, data discovery and data access, data models. We could conclude the session with a pitch for the HE group to become an IVOA IG.
      • Requested the plenary to the TCG (plenary granted) and asked for a plenary at the beginning of the meeting to promote discussion withing the WG sessions.
      • Science presentations from several high energy and TDAMM projects; 4 speakers are in the process of being invited; ask speakers to address IVOA topics if applicable to their mission/project covering alerts, observing plans and coordination, data discovery and data access, data models. We could conclude the session with a pitch for the HE group to become an IVOA IG.
      • Requested the plenary to the TCG (plenary granted) and asked for a plenary at the beginning of the meeting to promote discussion within the WG sessions.
  • Two new members in the CSP: Judy Racusin (NASA, GSFC), Minh Huyin (CSIRO)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1725916587" name="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" size="128469" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 72024-09-10 - FrancescaCivano

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM122 Minutes
  3. Review of ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf
  4. CODATA outreach
  5. Report on the IAU General Assembly
  6. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  7. Overall TCG Status
  8. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  9. P3T Report
  10. CSP Status
  11. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  12. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
      • Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations
    • Northern Spring 2025:
  13. Date of next Exec meeting
  14. AOB
  15. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

  • TCG met on 28.08 (20UTC), will meet on 27.09 (13UTC)
  • documents progress
    • RFC
      • RegTAP-1.2 - one missing comment&vote, otherwise ready for Exec submission
      • VOTable-1.5 - review progressing, TFC check at the next TCG vconf
    • other documents
      • VOEvent-2.1 - missing a pull request before announcement of PR and RFC
      • UCDList-1.6 - few terms suggestions to be checked before endorsement
      • ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0 - looking after usage scenarios
    • VEPs & Errata status
      • SSA-1.1 Erratum 4 approved after checking Spectral DM alerted conflict
      • VEP-016 - final review and vote at next TCG
    • High Energy Data Note is progressing
  • P3T reported activities and status (JE)
    • Group met on Monday, Aug 26
    • Tasks are progressing; working toward prototypes with a goal to have them mature on the End of Sep timeframe.
    • 4 docs (IVOA Service Protocol, IVOA HTTP protocol, IVOA JSON serialization, IVOA WebService Protocol) in the works.
    • We plan to engage with existing clients before Malta. Plan will discuss at next mtg on Sep 23.
    • Planning a Plenary at Nov Interop
  • Interop: November 2024 Interop overview and initial discussion
    • so far a CSP/HEIG plenary request
    • WG/IG will start working plans
    • a draft (faked session) programme is already online
    • proposal to think about organising splinters during ADASS XXXIV

Report from the CSP

  • CSP met on September 5th, 2024:
    • 10 attendees
    • Discussed about overall plan for the CSP for the year: what are the science topic we need to focus and promote and bring forward to TCG
      • large data access in the cloud
      • bulk spectra access and models
      • HEIG
    • Discussed about Plenary Session at the Malta Fall Interop meeting
      • Science presentations from several high energy and TDAMM projects; 4 speakers are in the process of being invited; ask speakers to address IVOA topics if applicable to their mission/project covering aletrs, observing plans and coordination, data discovery and data access, data models. We could conclude the session with a pitch for the HE group to become an IVOA IG.
      • Requested the plenary to the TCG (plenary granted) and asked for a plenary at the beginning of the meeting to promote discussion withing the WG sessions.
  • Two new members in the CSP: Judy Racusin (NASA, GSFC), Minh Huyin (CSIRO)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1725916587" name="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" size="128469" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 62024-09-10 - JanetEvans

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM122 Minutes
  3. Review of ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf
  4. CODATA outreach
  5. Report on the IAU General Assembly
  6. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  7. Overall TCG Status
  8. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  9. P3T Report
  10. CSP Status
  11. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  12. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
      • Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations
    • Northern Spring 2025:
  13. Date of next Exec meeting
  14. AOB
  15. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

  • TCG met on 28.08 (20UTC), will meet on 27.09 (13UTC)
  • documents progress
    • RFC
      • RegTAP-1.2 - one missing comment&vote, otherwise ready for Exec submission
      • VOTable-1.5 - review progressing, TFC check at the next TCG vconf
    • other documents
      • VOEvent-2.1 - missing a pull request before announcement of PR and RFC
      • UCDList-1.6 - few terms suggestions to be checked before endorsement
      • ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0 - looking after usage scenarios
    • VEPs & Errata status
      • SSA-1.1 Erratum 4 approved after checking Spectral DM alerted conflict
      • VEP-016 - final review and vote at next TCG
    • High Energy Data Note is progressing
  • P3T reported activities and status
  • P3T reported activities and status (JE)
    • Group met on Monday, Aug 26
    • Tasks are progressing; working toward prototypes with a goal to have them mature on the End of Sep timeframe.
    • 4 docs (IVOA Service Protocol, IVOA HTTP protocol, IVOA JSON serialization, IVOA WebService Protocol) in the works.
    • We plan to engage with existing clients before Malta. Plan will discuss at next mtg on Sep 23.
    • Planning a Plenary at Nov Interop
  • Interop: November 2024 Interop overview and initial discussion
    • so far a CSP/HEIG plenary request
    • WG/IG will start working plans
    • a draft (faked session) programme is already online
    • proposal to think about organising splinters during ADASS XXXIV

Report from the CSP

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1725916587" name="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" size="128469" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 52024-09-09 - MarcyHarbut

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM122 Minutes
  1. Review of Actions for TM123
  1. Review of ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf
  1. CODATA outreach
  2. Report on the IAU General Assembly
  3. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  4. Overall TCG Status
  5. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  6. P3T Report
  7. CSP Status
  8. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  9. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
      • Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations
    • Northern Spring 2025:
  10. Date of next Exec meeting
  11. AOB
  12. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

  • TCG met on 28.08 (20UTC), will meet on 27.09 (13UTC)
  • documents progress
    • RFC
      • RegTAP-1.2 - one missing comment&vote, otherwise ready for Exec submission
      • VOTable-1.5 - review progressing, TFC check at the next TCG vconf
    • other documents
      • VOEvent-2.1 - missing a pull request before announcement of PR and RFC
      • UCDList-1.6 - few terms suggestions to be checked before endorsement
      • ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0 - looking after usage scenarios
    • VEPs & Errata status
      • SSA-1.1 Erratum 4 approved after checking Spectral DM alerted conflict
      • VEP-016 - final review and vote at next TCG
    • High Energy Data Note is progressing
  • P3T reported activities and status
  • Interop: November 2024 Interop overview and initial discussion
    • so far a CSP/HEIG plenary request
    • WG/IG will start working plans
    • a draft (faked session) programme is already online
    • proposal to think about organising splinters during ADASS XXXIV

Report from the CSP


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1725916587" name="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf" size="128469" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 42024-09-09 - MarcyHarbut

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM122 Minutes
  3. Review of Actions for TM123
  4. CODATA outreach
  5. Report on the IAU General Assembly
  6. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  7. Overall TCG Status
  8. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  1. P3T Report
  1. CSP Status
  2. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  3. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
      • Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations
    • Northern Spring 2025:
  4. Date of next Exec meeting
  5. AOB
  6. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)






VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

  • TCG met on 28.08 (20UTC), will meet on 27.09 (13UTC)
  • documents progress
    • RFC
      • RegTAP-1.2 - one missing comment&vote, otherwise ready for Exec submission
      • VOTable-1.5 - review progressing, TFC check at the next TCG vconf
    • other documents
      • VOEvent-2.1 - missing a pull request before announcement of PR and RFC
      • UCDList-1.6 - few terms suggestions to be checked before endorsement
      • ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0 - looking after usage scenarios
    • VEPs & Errata status
      • SSA-1.1 Erratum 4 approved after checking Spectral DM alerted conflict
      • VEP-016 - final review and vote at next TCG
    • High Energy Data Note is progressing
  • P3T reported activities and status
  • Interop: November 2024 Interop overview and initial discussion
    • so far a CSP/HEIG plenary request
    • WG/IG will start working plans
    • a draft (faked session) programme is already online
    • proposal to think about organising splinters during ADASS XXXIV

Report from the CSP


Revision 32024-09-09 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM122 Minutes
  3. Review of Actions for TM123
  4. CODATA outreach
  5. Report on the IAU General Assembly
  6. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  7. Overall TCG Status
  8. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  9. CSP Status
  10. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  11. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
      • Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations
    • Northern Spring 2025:
  12. Date of next Exec meeting
  13. AOB
  14. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)




VObs.it (Italy)


Report from the TCG

  • TCG met on 28.08 (20UTC), will meet on 27.09 (13UTC)
  • documents progress
    • RFC
      • RegTAP-1.2 - one missing comment&vote, otherwise ready for Exec submission
      • VOTable-1.5 - review progressing, TFC check at the next TCG vconf
    • other documents
      • VOEvent-2.1 - missing a pull request before announcement of PR and RFC
      • UCDList-1.6 - few terms suggestions to be checked before endorsement
      • ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0 - looking after usage scenarios
    • VEPs & Errata status
      • SSA-1.1 Erratum 4 approved after checking Spectral DM alerted conflict
      • VEP-016 - final review and vote at next TCG
    • High Energy Data Note is progressing
  • P3T reported activities and status
  • Interop: November 2024 Interop overview and initial discussion
    • so far a CSP/HEIG plenary request
    • WG/IG will start working plans
    • a draft (faked session) programme is already online
    • proposal to think about organising splinters during ADASS XXXIV

Report from the CSP


Revision 22024-09-05 - MarcyHarbut

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM122 Minutes
  3. Review of Actions for TM123
  4. CODATA outreach
  1. Report on the IAU General Assembly
  1. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  2. Overall TCG Status
  3. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  4. CSP Status
  5. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  6. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
      • Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations
    • Northern Spring 2025:
  7. Date of next Exec meeting
  8. AOB
  9. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

Report from the CSP


Revision 12024-09-05 - MarcyHarbut

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM122 Minutes
  3. Review of Actions for TM123
  4. CODATA outreach
  5. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  6. Overall TCG Status
  7. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  8. CSP Status
  9. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  10. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
      • Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations
    • Northern Spring 2025:
  11. Date of next Exec meeting
  12. AOB
  13. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

Report from the CSP

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