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IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM124)

Date: Thursday, November 14, 2024

Time: 16:30 CET (Valletta, Malta local time) / 15:30 UTC

Physical Location: University of Malta, Valletta campus, Institute of Space Sciences and Astronomy, Room 103

Virtual: Zoom ( https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09; passcode: 581668)



  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and approval of TM123 Minutes
  3. Review of ACTIONS_for_TM124.pdf
  4. Report on the IAU General Assembly
  5. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  6. Overall TCG Status [Standing Item]
  7. High Energy Interest Group (HEIG) proposal
  8. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  9. CSP Status
  10. P3T Report
  11. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  12. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Spring 2025 - Maryland, USA
    • Northern Fall 2025
  13. Date of next Exec meeting
  14. AOB
  15. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

Data Central has published two major data releases:

  • GALAH Data Release 4, including 17 million AAT spectra and associated catalogues
  • GLEAM-X Data Release 2, including ~13,000 sq degrees of multi-frequency imaging and associated catalogues
We are also building records for the Data Central TAP service to be included in the IVOA registry.

BRAVO (Brazil)


CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

ESASky version 7.0 released early November containing an interactive Time-Series Viewer for detailed inspection of public time-series data from Gaia DR3 epoch photometry, XMM-Newton EPIC photometry and XMM-Newton OM photometry. This release also contains the latest version of the XMM-OM serendipitous ultraviolet source survey catalogue (XMM-SUSS6.2) and an upgrade to the latest Aladin Lite sky visualisation (from CDS), which contains support to FITS HiPS, integrated FITS controls within the skies panel (e.g. changing the sky stretch, cuts and blending) and new sky projections (e.g. Spheric, Tangential, Aitoff, Mollweide…).

Euro-VO (Europe)

Euro-VO activities have gained some new funding for a project called Astro-CC Pilot (Astronomy Open Science Competence Centre Pilot). This project will run for 2 years December 2024 - November 2026, and is focused on running community events: 2 Science with VO Schools, 2 Technology forums, and a "Data Provider forum".

GAVO (Germany)

GAVO's Heidelberg data centre keeps adding resources at a rate of a few per semester; a particularly notable addition was an obscore mapping of DASCH https://blog.g-vo.org/dasch-is-now-in-the-vo.html.

We maintain and support our data publication package DaCHS. Notable improvements since the last interop include preliminary support for the persistent TAP uploads https://blog.g-vo.org/a-proposal-for-persistent-tap-uploads.html and a prototype for VODataService 's proposed productTypeServed as well as registering Obscore tables in their own records (https://blog.g-vo.org/what-s-new-in-dachs-2-10.html).

We also participate in the development of pyVO. Its version 1.6 now has our new API for global image discovery https://blog.g-vo.org/global-dataset-discovery-in-pyvo.html.

In teaching and outreach, we have given a lecture on using the VO with particular attention on ADQL and pyVO: https://blog.g-vo.org/learn-to-use-the-vo.html. The resulting lecture notes hopefully work as something like a textbook, and re-use by other projects is of course highly welcome.

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)

The USVOA continues to actively support IVOA developments and meetings.

The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian Chandra team has been particularly active in the debate of high energy astrophysics standards and is one of the leading proponents of the establishment of a working group in this area.

NOIRLab implemented and deployed a first version of a light-weight VO Publishing Registry, with services from the Astro Data Lab science platform exposed in this iteration.


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

Report from the CSP

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