Reports from the ProjectsNOVA (Argentina)ArVO (Armenia)AstroGrid (United Kingdom)ASVO (Australia)BRAVO (Brazil)China-VOCVO (Canada)ESA (Europe)Euro-VO (Europe) | ||||||||
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> > | The Astro-CC Pilot project started on 01 February 2025 (delayed from initial announcement). The project is planning to run events as a pilot of an Astronomy Open Science Centre in the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Astro-CC Pilot is one of the funded projects of the EC Horizon Europe OSCARS initiative ( which covers all areas of science. Astro-CC Pilot will be presented at the OSCARS Annual General meeting in Rome, 3-4 March 2025 ( European astronomy communities have been contacted so that they can provide input into the planning of the events: Technology forums, Data Provider forums, and Scientific Training events (VO schools). | |||||||
GAVO (Germany)JVO (Japan)Kazakhstan VONLVO (Netherlands)OV-FranceRVO (Russia)SA^3 (South Africa)SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)SVO (Spain)UkrVO (Ukraine)USVOA (United States) (Italy)
Report from the TCG
Report from the CSP- The Interop Meeting venue was booked as fundings were secured.- Looking for sponsors to pay for refreshments as the current sponsor for the venue cannot sponsor refreshments.