Difference: IvoaExecMeetingTM14 (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22005-04-10 - NicholasWalton


IVOA Exec Telecon TM14

April 13 2005 @ 15.00-16.00 GMT


Telecon dial in to be advised

Agenda (Draft 20050407)

  1. Roll Call
  2. Minutes of FM13
  1. Review of Actions
  1. Review of Actions
  1. Reports from VO projects (to be uploaded to web page)
  2. Progress on Technical Roadmap
  3. Reports from WGs ? not necessary for telecon?
  4. Status of Kyoto preparations
  5. Status of IAU Symposium Proposal
  6. IVOA Calendar
  7. AOB
  8. Summary of Actions

Reports from the Projects

(please upload you projects here (or email to Nic Walton)

-- NicholasWalton - 07 Apr 2005
-- NicholasWalton - 07 Apr 2005

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1113164616" name="actions-for-tm14-20050413.pdf" path="actions-for-tm14-20050413.pdf" size="4532" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 12005-04-07 - NicholasWalton


IVOA Exec Telecon TM14

April 13 2005 @ 15.00-16.00 GMT


Telecon dial in to be advised

Agenda (Draft 20050407)

  1. Roll Call
  2. Minutes of FM13
  3. Review of Actions
  4. Reports from VO projects (to be uploaded to web page)
  5. Progress on Technical Roadmap
  6. Reports from WGs ? not necessary for telecon?
  7. Status of Kyoto preparations
  8. Status of IAU Symposium Proposal
  9. IVOA Calendar
  10. AOB
  11. Summary of Actions

Reports from the Projects

(please upload you projects here (or email to Nic Walton)

-- NicholasWalton - 07 Apr 2005

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