IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM35)*Tues Mar 2 2010 @ 16.00 GMTLogisticsTelecon:Agenda
Reports from the ProjectsArVOAstroGridAustralia-VOBraVOChina-VOCVOEuro-VOThe first meeting of the (mostly) renewed Euro-VO Science Advisory Committee (SAC) took place on Dec. 14, 2009, at ESO. The SAC is composed of leading European researchers outside mainstream VO projects (see http://www.euro-vo.org/pub/fc/sac.html). SAC members were briefed on recent Euro-VO activities and provided scientific input to the project. The next SAC meeting will be at Imperial College in June. The second European “hands-on” VO School was held at CDS, Strasbourg, Jan. 25 - 28, 2010 as part of the activities of the Euro-VO AIDA project (see http://cds.u-strasbg.fr/aidahandson2010/). The aim of the school, targeted mostly at PhD students and young post-docs, was to expose European astronomers to the many available VO tools and services so that they could be used efficiently for research purposes. The school involved 39 students, out of the 79 who requested to participate, and 13 tutors and tool developers. Based on the input received from the participants during the hands-on and feedback sessions, and gathered from the feedback form, the school was a great success.France VOGAVOHVOJapan-VOKorean VONVOThe US VO project remains stalled as we await NSF funding. There has been some progress, however, in recent weeks, and it would seem that release of funds is imminent. Of course, we have had this impression a number of times in the past. In the interim we are proceeding, using NASA funds already in hand, to maintain our core services and run regular testing of aliveness and compliance of VO services. We are also going ahead and convening the VAO Science Council, the group that will advise us on science priorities. The Council will meet at NASA Goddard on March 26-27. We are preparing presentations describing possible development activities in seven areas: 1) a cross-matched "master catalog" and advance cross-matching tools for users, 2) support for rapid transients, 3) much more extensive linking between data and publications, 4) robust data discovery and data mining, 5) a extended set of VO-enabled tools, including visualization, 6) integration of theoretical simulations and simulated observations, and 7) development of a "seamless" astronomical research environment. The members of the Science Council are drawn from the US astronomical community and represent a variety of types of organizations and research interests. Several members have long-term connections to the VO, but most are from outside the VO project and we hope will bring a fresh perspective. Pepi Fabbiano, chair, SAODaniela Calzetti, U.Mass. Chris Carilli, NRAO Zeljko Ivezic, U. Wash. Eric Feigelson, Penn State Paul Eskridge, Minn.State Sarah Seager, MIT Alyssa Goodman, Harvard George Djorgovski, Caltech Marc Postman, STScI Barry Madore, Carnegie RVOSVO | |||||||||
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> > | Manpower: 10 FTEs. The SVO Thematic Network (people from Spanish institutes with interest in the VO) is composed of 112 members in 28 institutes. Standards: Work on access protocols and models for theoretical data is progressing. Information on this topic can be found at: http://svo.cab.inta-csic.es/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpWiki&file=index&pagename=Projects-Theory *VO archives - Technical support for the development of a VO archive for a robotic telescope (in collab. with the University of Barcelona) VO Science: - GTC/OSIRIS Spectroscopic Identification of a Faint L Subdwarf in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey. (Lodieu et al. 2010ApJ...708L.107L) - Scientific support to the discovery of hot subdwarfs using VO tools. Outreach: - The Virtual Observatory for the amateur astronomy. Pro-Am workshop. Cordoba, Nov 2009. José M. Alacid, Enrique Solano. - Aladin: Translation into Spanish (in the framework of EuroVO-AIDA) - Use cases: Translation into Spanish (in the framework of EuroVO-AIDA) | ||||||||
VObs.itVO-IndiaReports from WGs & IGs(follows order as at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/)Applications WGData Access Layer WGData Models WGGrid and Web Services Working GroupUnfortunately lack of dedicated resource, i.e. more than just when I have a few minutes spare, has meant that the planned activities for this recent period have been fairly curtailed. However, we have still managed to complete the final edit of Credential Delegation Protocol and start the TCG review period of Universal Worker Service (UWS). It is hoped that VOSI and WS-I will have their RFCs announced soon and we can then focus on VOSpace 2.0 development.Registry WGSemantics/UCD WGVOEventVOQL WGVOTable WGData Curation and Preservation IGThe DCP IG has basically been inactive for the past year, but DCP activities are now getting under way such that we can expect the IG to regroup. In the US, NSF's DataNet program has now funded two projects, DataOne and the Data Conservancy. The latter is lead by Johns Hopkins University and has a direct NVO/VAO connection.Theory IG<--