> > | LAMOST pilot sky survey data was public released with VO supports in last November. Designed and developed by the China-VO, the data access platform supports VOTable outputs and limited VO DAL interfaces. Aladin, WWT and other VO compliant tools are recommended to LAMOST scientific users for cross-matching and analyzing.
China-VO became a partner of BOOTES (Burst Observer and Optical Transient Exploring System) project. Bootes-4, the fourth robotic autonomous observatory in the telescope network, was installed at Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, southwest of China. The construction and operation of the robotic observatory will provide nice opportunities to learn and test time-domain astronomy related technologies.
China-VO and Astroinformatics 2011 was held successfully from Nov. 9 to 13, 2011, which was the 10th anniversary VO workshop started from 2001. More than 70 participants attended the workshop. Prof. George Djorgovski and Dr. Yan Xu were invited to give lectures at the event. |