Difference: IvoaGroupChairsPolicy (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32020-03-11 - GiuliaIafrate


Policy on IVOA Working Group/Interest Group Chairs and Vice Chairs



There is a large dispersion in the scope of tasks undertaken
There is a large dispersion in the scope of tasks undertaken by the IVOA Working Groups and Interest Groups. In some cases the scope is very broad, and/or the duration of the undertaking is very long. In other cases the work is more narrowly focused and may not require a great deal of effort or involve a long development time. Hence in some cases the workload of a WG/IG can be so large that it is advisable to share the responsibilities between a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Moreover, in some cases the development of a working group product may be sufficiently extended in time that a Chair or Vice-Chair might be appointed for more than one term in order to assure continuity for the project. In many other cases neither of these conditions will be met. In general it is felt that a clear definition of leadership of the WG/IG is desirable, hence the ambiguity introduced by the use of Co-Chairs is generally to be avoided unless special circumstances arise.
by the IVOA Working Groups and Interest Groups. In some cases the scope is very broad, and/or the duration of the undertaking is very long. In other cases the work is more narrowly focused and may not require a great deal of effort or involve a long development time. Hence in some cases the workload of a WG/IG can be so large that it is advisable to share the responsibilities between a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Moreover, in some cases the development of a working group product may be sufficiently extended in time that a Chair or Vice-Chair might be appointed for more than one term in order to assure continuity for the project. In many other cases neither of these conditions will be met. In general it is felt that a clear definition of leadership of the WG/IG is desirable, hence the ambiguity introduced by the use of Co-Chairs is generally to be avoided unless special circumstances arise.
Thus the policy on WG/IG Chairs and Vice-Chairs should retain
Thus the policy on WG/IG Chairs and Vice-Chairs should retain sufficient flexibility so that the maximum efficiency of the WG/IG may be retained. However, in order to avoid confusion or incorrect expectations on the part of all the WG/IG participants, the policy on WG/IG Chairs needs to be clearly defined.
sufficient flexibility so that the maximum efficiency of the WG/IG may be retained. However, in order to avoid confusion or incorrect expectations on the part of all the WG/IG participants, the policy on WG/IG Chairs needs to be clearly defined.


  • Nominal Term for all WG/IG Chairs - 3 years
  • Selection - by IVOA Exec in consultation with others, including the Technical Coordination Group.
  • Reappointment - fully open after one term. Reappointment of the same person shall be for one year only.
  • Nominal Term for all WG/IG Chairs - 3 years
  • Selection - by IVOA Exec in consultation with others, including the Technical Coordination Group.
  • Reappointment - fully open after one term. Reappointment of the same person shall be for one year only.


  • Nominal Term - 1 to 3 years
  • Vice-Chairs shall not automatically become the next succeeding Chair.
  • Selection - by the IVOA Exec on an "as needed" basis.
  • Reappointment - fully open after one term.
  • Nominal Term - 3 years
  • Vice-Chairs shall not automatically become the next succeeding Chair.
  • Selection - by the IVOA Exec on an "as needed" basis, in consultation with others, including the Technical Coordination Group.
  • Reappointment - fully open after one term. Reappointment of the same person shall be for one year only.


Revision 22012-06-26 - root


Policy on IVOA Working Group/Interest Group Chairs and Vice Chairs


There is a large dispersion in the scope of tasks undertaken by the IVOA Working Groups and Interest Groups. In some cases the scope is very broad, and/or the duration of the undertaking is very long. In other cases the work is more narrowly focused and may not require a great deal of effort or involve a long development time. Hence in some cases the workload of a WG/IG can be so large that it is advisable to share the responsibilities between a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Moreover, in some cases the development of a working group product may be sufficiently extended in time that a Chair or Vice-Chair might be appointed for more than one term in order to assure continuity for the project. In many other cases neither of these conditions will be met. In general it is felt that a clear definition of leadership of the WG/IG is desirable, hence the ambiguity introduced by the use of Co-Chairs is generally to be avoided unless special circumstances arise.

Thus the policy on WG/IG Chairs and Vice-Chairs should retain sufficient flexibility so that the maximum efficiency of the WG/IG may be retained. However, in order to avoid confusion or incorrect expectations on the part of all the WG/IG participants, the policy on WG/IG Chairs needs to be clearly defined.


  • Nominal Term for all WG/IG Chairs - 3 years
  • Selection - by IVOA Exec in consultation with others, including the Technical Coordination Group.
  • Reappointment - fully open after one term. Reappointment of the same person shall be for one year only.


  • Nominal Term - 1 to 3 years
  • Vice-Chairs shall not automatically become the next succeeding Chair.
  • Selection - by the IVOA Exec on an "as needed" basis.
  • Reappointment - fully open after one term.

Revision 12006-12-04 - BrunoRino


Policy on IVOA Working Group/Interest Group Chairs and Vice Chairs


There is a large dispersion in the scope of tasks undertaken by the IVOA Working Groups and Interest Groups. In some cases the scope is very broad, and/or the duration of the undertaking is very long. In other cases the work is more narrowly focused and may not require a great deal of effort or involve a long development time. Hence in some cases the workload of a WG/IG can be so large that it is advisable to share the responsibilities between a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Moreover, in some cases the development of a working group product may be sufficiently extended in time that a Chair or Vice-Chair might be appointed for more than one term in order to assure continuity for the project. In many other cases neither of these conditions will be met. In general it is felt that a clear definition of leadership of the WG/IG is desirable, hence the ambiguity introduced by the use of Co-Chairs is generally to be avoided unless special circumstances arise.

Thus the policy on WG/IG Chairs and Vice-Chairs should retain sufficient flexibility so that the maximum efficiency of the WG/IG may be retained. However, in order to avoid confusion or incorrect expectations on the part of all the WG/IG participants, the policy on WG/IG Chairs needs to be clearly defined.


  • Nominal Term for all WG/IG Chairs - 3 years
  • Selection - by IVOA Exec in consultation with others, including the Technical Coordination Group.
  • Reappointment - fully open after one term. Reappointment of the same person shall be for one year only.


  • Nominal Term - 1 to 3 years
  • Vice-Chairs shall not automatically become the next succeeding Chair.
  • Selection - by the IVOA Exec on an "as needed" basis.
  • Reappointment - fully open after one term.

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