Difference: IvoaKDDguide (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112011-03-19 - NickBall


IVOA KDD-IG: A user guide for Data Mining in Astronomy


Who's interested?


Purpose of this Guide

The purpose of this guide is to show how the techniques of data mining, a large well-known field with a wide array of applications, can be used within astronomy to improve the science that can be done with the available data. It is written with the typical astronomer in mind, i.e., one whose first priority is to get good science done.
The purpose of this guide is to show how the techniques of data mining, a large well-known field with a wide array of applications, can be used within astronomy to improve the science that is done with the available data. It is written with the typical astronomer in mind, i.e., one whose first priority is to get good science done.

Under construction

Currently, the guide is under construction, and will grow and increase in usefulness with time. Section 1 is largely complete. Active work is ongoing on sections 2-5, and 8.
Currently, sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 are largely written, in a form that from here is hopefully more about improvement that rewriting, but the plan is for the guide to grow in usefulness with time.
Contributions to the sections, especially 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9, are welcome.
Sections 6 and 9 are unwritten. Contributions to these are welcome. Material exists for section 5.

Table of contents



  • Nick Ball is an active participant in the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey at the Herzberg Institute for Astrophysics in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. His research interests include the galaxy luminosity function, galaxy, AGN, and quasar properties versus environment, photometric redshifts and classification, and data mining.
-- NickBall - 07 Jan 2011
  • Sabine McConnell (main author of sections 3 and 4) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computing and Information Systems at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

-- NickBall - 18 Mar 2011
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