Difference: IvoaKDDguideFuture (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32011-09-24 - NickBall


IVOA KDD-IG: A user guide for Data Mining in Astronomy

6: Present and future directions

The combination of an abundance of available data mining algorithms, advancing technology, large amounts of new astronomical data continuously opening up new regions of parameter space, and the consequent large number of newly addressable science questions, means that several interesting new directions for data mining in astronomy are opening up in the near-term future.

  • Cloud computing
Several reviews also discuss future directions, including the topics below in more detail, e.g., Ball & Brunner (2010), Borne (2009), or Pesenson et al. (2010), all linked in section 8 of the guide. This section aims to be fairly generic, so detailed lists of references are avoided.
  • Graphical Processing Units
  • Parallel and distributed data mining
  • Petascale and exascale computing
  • Real-time processing and the time domain
  • Semantics
  • The Virtual Observatory
  • Visualization of large, complex, and high-dimensional data

[To do]
The future is yet to be written. Volunteers are welcome!


Cloud computing

Meanwhile, see, e.g., the reviews Ball & Brunner (2010), Borne (2009), or Pesenson et al. (2010), linked in section 8.

Graphical Processing Units, and other Novel Hardware


Parallel and distributed data mining

Petascale and exascale computing

Real-time processing and the time domain


The Virtual Observatory

Visualization of large, complex, and high-dimensional data


-- NickBall - 19 Mar 2011


-- NickBall - 23 Sep 2011

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